Saturday, August 10, 2019

Let it go

You ever have someone say to you, you just have to let it go after you have been wronged and you just do something that makes you feel better so you can just let that one thing go and move one, but everyone thinks what you did to make yourself fell better about the situation and the fact that even though you were either in the right or the fact the that people doing the wrong thing are just getting away with is so you have to take the hit and not say anything when saying something or exposing the truth is what makes you feel better. Sometimes I think when you try to let things go that way you want them to is something you should  do and have be able to defend yourself at all times, Everyone is different and they have a very different way of dealing with things. in some case I believe the kids of today are very soft and need a good hard slap up side the head. the skin on people these day are so thin if you put it up to the light you would see through it with no problem. Over the past couple of months I have looked at and listed to both or Dennis Leary's Books WHY WE SUCK and WHY WE DON'T SUCK. They are funny as hell I would highly recommend them to anyone as long as A) you have an open mind, B) you can laugh at yourself and C) you are no easily offended. He brings up some interesting points on many subject, as a matter  fact the second book opens with a warning and how they now have readers that look for maternal that would be offensive to people and that three of them are now in therapy. To me that is signs of a great comedy routine. to me this shows he needed to let a few things go and the best way for him to do it was tell a few stories and talk about the things that he need to say. I like the way he let things go by telling the the truth to the public  what was on his mind and how he felt. Now this might not have been the real reason for the books but they are damn funny and you need to have a good seance of humor to read/listen to them. In my left I have been told that I just need to either drop it or to let it go, so what do I do, I go out and I talk to a few people about what is bothering me and in a few days I'm done and I have let it go. I cannot just let someone do something to either me and my family and let them get away with it completely but not saying something or talking about it to a few people. The right to speak your mind and say what you want to say it your right. They only thing that I will remind someone is you have the right to say what is on your mind as loud as you want, but remember that the other person has the right to say what they want even if it the complete opposite of what you are saying and or believe.
  Over they years I have seen that when you go to court you no longer put your hand on the bible and sear to tell they whole truth so help you god. That I believe is for many a reason, the prime one being not everyone believe in the bible, there is the Torah, Buddies and the Magi as well, there are many religions in the U.S. people started to refuse to put there hand on the bible and swearer to a god they didn't believe in so that started to change it, Hell there is even an episode of Quantum leap  where a person refuse to say anything in court because they where going to put there and on the bible and they just couldn't do that. This also show more of the separation of State and Church as it was meant to be.
   Everyone on the plant is different in more ways the one and how they feel better about them self and how they deal with things in away so they can let it go is up to them they should never be told that ways the wrong way to do it. Isn't the point for them to get things out of there head and forget about it when they have been wronged so they can move on with life. Everyone need thicker sick these days in my option, hell even people over the age of 40 need to get thicker skin every once and a while. I let things roll off my back all l the time, I take hits and  if someone asks me if I am insane or crazy for doing something I look them right in the eye and go yes yes I am. In the past couple of years I have had people look at me and go did you really say that and my response is yes what is your point. People today are way to serious for me. No one has a good seance of humor. I my have a flat/dry seance of humor and I can see the funny in a lot of things both good and bad. Hell l have had days where everything has gone wrong all day or nothing has gone right on a project i have been working on to the point that it's no longer madding  or I'm upset about it I just find it down right funny and I start to laugh because there is nothing left to do the situation has just gotten to that point. It's totally ridicules. That is when you just got to say something and you'll be able to let it go and get on with life. 
 You know they everyone says if you see something say something, but no one wants to hear it. I saw something and I said something yet I was in the wrong for doing so, because it was none of my business and I should just let it go. So I told they story to a few friend and it was gone. today more then ever we say say one thing but mean the complete opposite. You always hear stand up for yourself and be who you want to be, just as long as it's what everyone else wants you to be/do. the world has a closed mine and there is no real opening it. Yes today things are more and more exposed do to social media and everything, but somewhere in all of it we have lost are why and have become more divided then ever before.
  Tolerance and accept the person next to you is just another person, people are people and we need to accept them for who they are. this has been a line we hear everyday and I hate to say it but is also a complete load of crap. DON'T get me wrong this is something I believe very much and I look at a person for who they are and what they show to me. Not all first imprecation are the true person in front of you, hell sometime what you see when you first meet someone is completely different then the real person they are, but in today's world you have to be what is socially exceptionable, that is very much trying to be changed on a level that is had to believe and the push back is somewhat crazy these days. It is getting better but it's there is still of oh hell no or really do I have to hear about this on a daily bases. There rights of one person should be the rights of the next person no matter who they are. There should be no special laws for one group or another. To me this creates a divide among people. You know many many years ago I hear about a court case where the defendant was  being charged with assault and battery with intent to kill and they where also going to be charged with it being a hate crime, and half the community was up in arms because the person who was being charged was Black.  What are hate crimes only for the white guy.  You know that isn't true just look at the gang wars of the 80's and early 90's that was all about the color of your skin and the color of your shirt, but we are to just let it all go. Remember when it comes to a physical fight the person who wins is really going to be the loser when the police show up, because your the one still standing. You should have just let it go once the other person through the first punch.
  In every case I'll say words are word fight back with them yell scream all you want but do not get physical because there is no reason to. If someone insult's you take it as if they are complementing you and return fire they should be able to take an insult right back. Give as you get but if you can't take it don't give it out. People are who they are going to be from a bully to the person behind you who just wants to pass it forward. just remember you words are words and when you someone wrongs you or you know you are right but you are wronged, do what every you have to get over it and move on even if it's writing a blog that no one reads or talking to your local bartender or Barista, because you know we all drink that 6 dollar cup of coffee at least once a week

Let's just leave it there for now

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Asked to leave by E-mail Really

It has been a few years seance I have written any rants on anything and a friend of mine sent me this e-mail just that other day and I thought it was beyond messed up. One because it was all done over e-mail and No Phone calls or any type of voice contact was even considered. Two the scoutmaster didn't even know it was going on.

  OK so this is might be a hard to read as you have to start from the bottom and work your way back to the top I have removed all the Name and the Troop number just because. I have no real problem with leaving everything in but for the sake of scouting I have removed them.

In the past I have written a rant on scouting and at the time I might have thought that way because I was rather mad about that situation. I have for the most part Thought the BSA/scouting was good for Boys and now Girls. They learn some very valid skills both for indoor and outdoor. I believe it to be a good program, until you hear and see things like this, But that is not on the Scouting it is more on the troop and the people running the Troop like the Charter org rep and committee chair in this case. as you read through it you'll see that the Charter org rep never reply's to anything not even his own misconduct.

end of E-mail
------ Original message --------

Date: 8/2/19 2:07 PM (GMT-08:00)

Subject: Re: Troop moving forward

Sounds good.
Committee Chair

On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 2:01 PM,
You would need to get in contact with them about the school paper work
-------- Original message --------

Date: 8/2/19 1:53 PM (GMT-08:00)

Subject: Re: Troop moving forward

Not a problem!   Once I get them we can meet up.  When we do bring scout 2's book and I will sign off anything else I need to for the eagle palm.  Also I thought the advancement chair said something about scout 2 needing a signature for school about the community service for watching the pancake equipment last year. 

committee chair

On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 1:48 PM,
Astronomy and a gold Palm were the other two things that he needed
 Thank you 
-------- Original message --------

Date: 8/2/19 1:39 PM (GMT-08:00)

Subject: Re: Troop moving forward

 Indian lore  Pioneering, art, game design merit badges correct. Wait there was another one he finished what one is that.  And a Palm.  I will have all that ready when we meet up.

Committee chair

On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 11:53 AM,
Before the court as this will be the last thing we do with the troop, so I would like to do it ASAP
-------- Original message --------

Date: 8/2/19 11:43 AM (GMT-08:00)

Subject: Re: Troop  moving forward

Scout 2 will get his awards for sure.  Don't worry about that.  Would you like them before the Court of honor?  If so that's fine as soon as I get the blue cards from the Advancement chair.  I can buy them.  Just let me know what you want to do.

Committee Chair

On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 8:10 AM,
You know really in the end I don't care I meant to talk to you about leaving at summer camp.  I am primarily giving you grief because it's been three weeks. In situations like this it should be addressed almost immediately for anybody and anything. as I said the situation with The Charter Org rep was never resolved satisfactory for myself or other people in the troop, he is the reason why we have lost at least 2 boys in the past. He was to come to the troop and apologize for his actions and foul language on the day that we had to move out of the hut which he never did. The Charter org Rep being the charter org rep has always been a problem. The Charter org rep never wanted me as scoutmaster and I feel has been working against me and the continuing life of the troop for more than a year and a half.
 I have no troop gear of any kind and we can set up a time to meet to give you the key to the shed. all I request are the awards due to my son and then my whole family will depart. 
-------- Original message --------

Date: 8/2/19 12:58 AM (GMT-08:00)
Subject: Re: Troop moving forward

Charter Org Rep did exactly what I asked him to do Scoutmaster and that was to step away and if he need to get the troop to do something to let me know and I would make it happen.  With that being said his problem was with you not a scout.  I still handled it like I should have.  But Im not going to play the blame game with anybody.  If you don't want to excuse yourself from the troop to the boys thats fine too.  In a few days I will do it myself.  I told the charter org rep that I would let you know about asking you to step down so there wouldn't a big problem about it because we are all adults.  I have other things I'm dealing with so lets please not make this any harder then it is.  This is never what I want to do in scouting.

Committee Chair

On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 8:07 PM, 
So I'm still at a lost as to why this is coming up 3 weeks later and the troop is still waiting on The Charter Org rep's misconduct and YP violations in front of the boys to be resolved in a satisfactory way
-------- Original message --------
Date: 8/1/19 7:58 PM (GMT-08:00)

Subject: Re: Troop  moving forward

Not with our troop no.  It comes down to a YP violation and The charter org rep has final say.  We are giving you a chance to excuse yourself in the eyes of the scouts.  That is your say, on how you would like to word it.

Committee chair

On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 7:50 PM,
So I get no voice and get to put up no defense
-------- Original message --------

Date: 8/1/19 7:47 PM (GMT-08:00)
Subject: Re: Troop moving forward

We were discussing how to handle the situation that came up from camp.  That's why you weren't involved. 
Committee Chair

On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 7:30 PM,
Who was talking about it today because I was not part of any discussion regarding the troop and as scoutmaster I would think anything regarding the troop and it's life moving forward I would have a say
------ Original message --------Date: 8/1/19 7:24 PM (GMT-08:00)

Subject: Re: Troop moving forward

We were talking about what we wanted to do.  And that was decided today.

Committee chair

On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 7:14 PM,
Why was this not brought up earlier.
-------- Original message --------

Date: 8/1/19 5:14 PM (GMT-08:00)

Subject: Troop  moving forward

On the last day of summer camp it was brought to my attention from another scout leader that you threatened to take a scouts' leadership role away from if he didn't participate in the camp wide game, I forget the name of the games.  Also yelling at them.  Later I found out from Scout 1 that the scout was scout 2.  Scout 1 told me that Scout 2 reported to him that you told him that if he doesn't participate in the games that you will take his den cheif ropes away.  I know this was very hard for scout 2 to tell Scout 1 this since you are his father.  With That being said after talking to Shad and council for a very long time we have came to the final decision to thank you for your service and to let you know that you need to step down effective immediately.   If you would like to save face to the troop that is fine but please do so asap.  I know you are working with a scout 3 troop as well and that could be the reason you have to leave.  The scouts don't have to know what went on behind the scenes.  Please let me know when you can turn in any troop gear you might have and the key to the storage unit.  

Committee chair
Start here and read up 

I think we can just leave it there and go with really what are you kidding me