Sunday, February 23, 2020

Follow your own rules

you ever have one of those days where you are out and working with someone or even your boss and you are doing things by their rules and then you need something done by the rules they go no that is not how it's done or how I'm doing it. Don't you ever just want to go what are you saying, these are the rules and the way YOU said these things need to be done. I did hat today. I hate bagging on the scout's but it looks like that is what I have been doing of late because that is where a lot of things keep going wrong. Now I have said I have been working with the BSA Now Scout's BSA and I have friends that work the scout's and for the most part it's fun and I will say that it is a great program but it would appear of late that I keep running into that one bad apple or that one person that doesn't know what they are doing or really doing. Well today I had a young girl come to me and what me to sign a few things off for her, because she had done them and they where in the new scouting program already approved. I looked over the requirements and said that I couldn't do it and that she need to go to the scoutmaster to get things sign off. She said ok and went off to see that scoutmaster to have the few things signed off. A few minutes later I came across the girl and checked to see if she got the things signed off, she shook her head no and I went what and she told me that the scoutmaster didn't sign things off because she couldn't answer a few questions. I went what, I grabbed my phone and pulled up the scout book app. and looked at it and saw that most off the stuff she need signed off was in and was approved by the scoutmaster and the few things that they had gone over last night and this morning where in there so I took the scout handed her my phone and said here go show the scoutmaster that they are done and approved by her. The scout asked if I would go with her I said Sure and we headed over to where the scout master was and the girl showed the scoutmaster the app and the approval that was there a few that were pending that she was trying to get signed off. I scoutmaster looked at them but then wanted to bring it up on their phone and when they couldn't do that bring it up on their tablet, but her main excuse for no signing things off was because the scout couldn't answer a few question now months after the time it was a organically done. Now I have been either working with or a scout's on and off for over 40 years in that time I have been able o tie a bowline knot only 4 maybe 5 time, enough to times to pass the requirement for my advancements and for the merit badges I was trying to get at the time and I know the last time was by accident. I keep working it but no luck. Now I look at scout master and said now wait the scout is here just to get their trying to get their book up to date so that they can request an board of review for the next rank, you have always said that the scoutbook App/program is law and we just  need to sign and date when a scout asks us as long as it is approved in scoutbook and that the book was just a secondarily thing. (In my head I went that is what we do for your daughter other wise she shouldn't not be at the rank she is.) you need to play by the rules that you have set up and we are all following , the scout master went well let me check and that is when she tried to log into the program on their phone and when that didn't work they grabbed their tablet and still couldn't get a connection I guess the Intel that my phone was giving off wasn't good enough for them. they would have to go home and look at it. I was still mad because I was showing them the proof right they and that the scout still had things waiting which would have been fine to question the scout on even though the first point of the scout law is trustworthy like she had always said especially when it comes to her kid because they are on a time frame. No you need to play by the rules you have set up and we are all playing by. None of this do as I say and not as I do thing. The first point of the scout law is trustworthy so when a scout tells you they have done something or in this case asking to get your signature one something that is already done and approved you should trust them and just sign it off, because they have done it if not then that is on their congests not yours...
  In the end the scout didn't get things signed off because the scoutmaster wanted to look at things through their account at home and the scout has to wait till the next meeting before the scoutmaster will sign things off and she can schedule her board of review. I told that scout it shouldn't be a problem and to still schedule board of review, the worst case  she will have to cancel the board and that I would go in and apologize because I though it was done and ready to go, but there should be no problem because I have been working with this scout and know that they have done all the things they need to do to get the board of review for rank and I will fight for it if they don't get it..


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