Monday, February 17, 2020

How we Fall

over the years I looked at one thing that started the next or pushed something less to happen many years later. In my life time two things have happened in the comic book world that I can remember that have made both history and the news really world news and that is the death of two of the greatest super hero's of all time. Now the first one I really didn't care about but I found interesting because I just wasn't a 
 DC comic fan and not really a big superman fan didn't care what really happen to him. Having never really read any of the comics I worked on the stupid side of things that he was unstoppable and there wasn't much that could be him down so why read the books because it was full of unending drama of life with a bad guy thrown in to either try and kill him or take over the world and superman would win out in the end, no big deal there. I wanted action and a bit of mystery with so drama to it so I was stuck in the would of Marvel with the X-men and G.I. Joe always wanted to know what snake eyes looked like under that mask myself. So when I hear on the news that they had planed on killing off Superman I was surprised to  hear this because DC just lunched a new superman book and here they were going to kill of their main character so it raised my interested, and it was one the evening news, I didn't buy the books back then but I still found it interesting that a comic book character main the evening news, because he was going to die, but that to me just away to get a raise in book sales and put and end to the whole he can't be stopped thing. Here was to me the unstoppable superman being stopped., OK whatever.

  Now for the one I didn't know about until I was walking around in a used book store and say the trade book, and a shook to me The DEATH of CAPTAIN america. when I say this I had been out of comic book collecting for just over 10 years so I was shocked because this the symbol of america and we had been at war for sometime so to kill off this great symbol was crazy but I jumped in and ran over to my local comic book story and found the books both single and trade books and got them and with a little help from E-bay I found and bought the fallen son story line both sets of cover, but for years comic books have been killing and return characters, but this was CAP, a man who was out of time and had lost a few over the years and yeah he was a man but he is the symbol of America and  you just don't kill off the symbol of your country, you show they to be human and that they could lose a fight but you just don't kill them off this to me was wrong, yet I guess in the end we all Fall and this was something that just needed to be done is something that must happen even to the greatest of all and to me CAP is one of if not the greatest super hero. win lose or draw there was no one better then CAPTAIN AMERICA so when I say that they had killed him off I had to see how it was done, and it was done in the classic way and I was pleased with it. 

Personal Note....
Before I start this story I would like to say that part of it is a true story and I have changed names and a bit of placement, plus I have changed a few of the detail so it looks like it happened somewhere, but the main part of the story is true and I'm using it in the second of the three books I have been writing for more then twenty years so might help with the way it starts and ends...
Opening the door and stepping out mac found himself in a small park. He spun around and found that cottage had disappeared. It was replaced by a stone wall with water slowly running down it. Looking around the area it was covered in large tress and brush. It was a nice clear day the sky was a bright blue and the sun was shining high in the sky. A small Lightly traveled  path was just off to his left and it end at a small shallow pond and it appeared that he was standing in it. The water was warm and came up to his knees. Taking a deep breath to relax himself he breathed in the clean sweet air. It smelled as if it had just rained the night before. Carefully he Started to make his way out of the pond towards the Path. As he Came up on to the shore a woman's voice called out to him "Come on Mac" There was a light laughing "Catch me." He looked around the tree cover park "Come on" and he saw a figure run from one to the another.
"alright" He said lightly coughing and ran into the tree's chasing the woman. She moved from tree to tree stopping behind each one to see where he was. Mac ran lightly after to make sure the game was a little more fun. He ducked behind one tree well she ran ran the next one and stopped to look back.
When she looked back for him she saw nothing but empty forest "Mac?" she called out. To her it would looked as if he had just disappeared "Mac where are you?" She called out and she started to walk back towards the pond where he had disappeared.
Well she worked her way back Mac made is was around the side of her and moved forward. She was calling his name as she walked. Mac watched her move forward with a growing concern on her face and in her voice as she called out his name each time. once she had pasted where he was Mac slowly came out of his hiding place and quickly creeping up behind her. When she was at the point of where she had last seen him she stopped and started to look around "Nice and easy..." He said to himself quietly. "She is starting to listen, just like you has shown her" When he got into about ten feet of her Mac throw all his stealth to the wind and moving out into the open ran straight for her. His feet rustled in the dead leaf's on the ground and the twigs that laid along them broke under his feet. The young woman turned when she heard the noise. She saw him running straight at her.
There was that split second look of surprised and fear on her face, when she saw him coming. "WOW!!" she cried out. She shrugged her shoulders and started to run off to her left. With out even a real thought he changed his detection and start to chase after her.
With in a couple of minutes he had her with in arms reach. Mac Stretched out and grabbed her by the shoulder "Gotcha you little mincs." He brought his other hand up and grabbed her by the waste. Slowly he started to pulled her back towards himself. As he pulled her back she stumbled and they both fell to the soft leaved covered ground. The two of them rolled for a little bit before coming to a stop. When they did stop the young woman was laying on top of him and the two started to laugh.
She turned over to face him and said in a nice sweet voice "Your getting better old man" and she gave him a quick kiss on the lips before getting up and running off "Come on."
Mac Laid there for a minute and watched as she ran off into the distance "Oh your going to kill me one of these days." He looked up at the sky through the tree above him "Thank you." He said to the sky and then turned over got up and started to run after her "Wait up would you."
This time He caught up to her with nor problems. Mac came out of the forest and found her standing on a lightly travailed path. It must have been the one that lead back to the small pond where this had all started. Mac came to a stop breathing heavily. He rapped his arms around her thin waist and smiled "Can we walk back." and he rested his head on her shoulder still trying to catch his breath "I can't take a;; this running around after two hours of tournament." He stood up and looked at the beautiful woman in his arms.
He long red hair flowed back behind her stopping just above the middle of her back. Her eyes where a brilliant blue as they looked up to him. and her voice was so soft and sweet when she spoke. Sje rapped her arms around mine and said "You are getting old, but I don't care. She turned herself around and pulled in close to him. The two of them stood there in the middle of the path in a warm caring embrace, as a cool wind came up around the two of them. She stepped back to breaking the embrace and looked up to him "You know we are going to have to say something sooner or later.."
"I know.." Mac smiled at her "But for now..." She noted her head. "Come on let's head back." She hugged him again. When she stepped back this time they both turned and started to walk down the path. The two of them walked hand in hand down the dirt path as the tress started to thin a bit and they reached the paths end.
Everything opened up to a small park. A few park bench where under some tress and the garbage cans where hidden by some brush to blend in better. There was not a lot of people in the park at this time of day;. The two of them came slowly walking out of the forest. As they past by a group of tall bushed they started to russell. There was a loud sound like a gun shot then without anymore warning a man dressed in dirty jeans, T-shirt and jacket came running thought the bushes. In his left hand was a 38 revolver and as he ran pass them he turned and fired..
The two of them dropped to the ground looking for cover. Once Mac was down on the ground he turned to look at the woman at his side. She was staring back at him with blank eyes. Her mouth was partly open and a trickle of blood was coming out. In the center of her forehead was a sold red stop where one of the bullets had hit her. Mac gently placed a hand up on her face "Revenge for one's deeds in this world my dear.' He turned to look away from her. He spotted the man running off into another second of the forest. Quickly and in one swift move he pushed himself up onto his feet and started to run after the man..
In a Howling voice that explored through out the park and forest he yelled "You shall not escape me." and with all the straight he could muster mac charged after him. With in second he had passed anyone else changes after him and had him with in arms reach. Jumping forward he tackled the man from behind and the two of them went tumbling to the ground. Mac rolled with the tumble and came up on to him feet. The gunman looked up at him and started to raise and aim the gun still in his hand. With fasted reflects then he knew mac had quickly kicked the gun out of the attackers hand and gestured  for him to stand up.
"Come my friend. Stand and face me." Mac bellowed  "It is time for revenge."
Slowly and with great caution the attacker started to stand up. Mac set himself into light fighting stance and wave the guy forwarded. The Attacker stood the facing him puzzled. He throw a slow and much useless punch at him. Mac easily blocked it "Come one." and waved him on "Come and get me. I have nothing to loose." Mac bellowed. The attacker aware of the others coming up the path behind them throw a series of punch's witch mac blocked and took a single hit to the chest from. He stepped back with the hit and smiled and evil smile at the attacker. The attacker stepped back in wonderment, he was shocked and looked scared that mac had block all the punch's only taking on hit and smiling about it.
He didn't know him but he know that at this moment in time he was in big trouble and was about to loose this fight and was hopping the people coming up behind them would get there soon. Mac haled back and throw his first punch. The attacker blocked right. Mac thrown, but completely missed the left upper cut that hit him in the chest. The upper cut had picked him up off the ground a few inch. When her can down to the ground he doubled over. Mac Kicked hard to the left knee and the attacker fell to the ground. Mac stepped up to him grabbed his head with both hands and with one quick and simple turn of his hand he snapped the attackers neck and tossed the body down a small hill that lead to a creek. Mac stood there and watched as the body rolled down the hill . When it came to a stop the head hit a rock and rested there. Mac looked up to the sky throw the trees and yelled raised his hands. Then in one great still moment of peace he fell in a hep to the ground..
"AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!" he yelled as mac sat straight up on the sofa. The blank that covered him fell away He was back in the cottage dripping with sweat. His breathing was heavy and hard. Staring at the covered painting hang over the fire place he said "well that was new. Something isn't right."
Ok so that just a piece...
Like I said it's just a little something that I have been working on for a few years hope you saw what was going to happen and enjoyed

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