Sunday, February 28, 2021

Part 2 almost always better


So here is the thing with part two you have the origin done so now you can make a story out of everything else. Most of the time you don't have to create something but you do need to make a new villion which is part of the main story line the problem is you need to be careful not to add to many so you loose the story in the mess, but if you keep it to the main hero and add just one new bad guy or what could be called the bad guy you can have a good story if you add two new people either it be a 2 bad guys or two good guys or one of each you need to have time to tell their stories right before you get into the plot of things. it called the add a character, which is usually the down fall for later storied but in most case part 2 is works because your main is well established and you don't really have to do any more with them, So in most cased part two comes out good if not better then the first one. When you get to part 3 and part 4 that is when everything starts to go wrong. Now in a few cases part 2 can suck because it's what I call a bridge, you need it get to get to part three, because the writer could not wrap everything up by the end of the story. In most of these cases the part 2 sucks. I'll work with movies here because this is where it happens a lot, but it does happen in books to. For books you can look to the Hunger games. Book two is not a bad book but it's a bridge book that you need to read to get to book three, where book one ended and it was a full story you didn't need to go on if you didn't want to. Now let's got to the Movies and I'll talk to Back to the Future for the bridge film. Part one ended and you didn't really need to go forward, yes it was their for you to movie forward if you wanted to but really in the end it was a complete story, now part 2 of back to the future it ended in a way you need to see the third film to find out what happened in the end of the story, Yes I know parts 2 and 3 of back to the future were just going to be one movie but he had to much story to tell  and couldn't do it in just one movie, but for the most part the second movie was not good 

You know sitting here writing this crap about part 2 and shit like that makes me think I need to really get into what the hell is going on and really stop with what people might think about what I say and take it the wrong way I mean come on look at the post from last time that shit could be taken any way you want to. People have minds and they have the right to think and believe the way they want to. and no matter what the hell I say here you are going to see it in your own way and there is nothing that i can do about it so I need to get on with the real things in life that I see and bug the living crap out of me because it's what I see and you might agree or not agree, but hell if you can't see it I might be able to show you from my prospective and you can show me your. . I think it come from years of being myself and when I spook up about something Pissed a shit load of people off, or when I stood up for something that was for the people I worked with when I turned around to see if they were standing behind me there wasn't anyone there it was just me and I knew I was in a shit load of trouble. I really need to get back into that mind set when I write here I don't give a shit this is what the Hell I see and I'm tired of it. as the title of the book say "and how all of us need to stop being partisan little bitches" 

I don't know the world is going to hell in a hand basket and we are all just caring the dam thing there in slow motion. if it's not one thing it's another. Sometime I wonder if the actions I did in 86, 2000 and 2012 made this a better world, Now 86 yeah I think it was the right choose but the shit the humans have done between 86 and 2000 make we go did I do the right thing and then from 2012 to now shit man I am really things I might have done the wrong thing, now yeah I could have been replaced in 2012 with another person or 2 but hell it was a shit show and I did my job and I was not alone in that mess. 

I think it's time to get the shit show to become the shit show and hit the world we live in in the ass with what the hell I see and all the other crap. People are using history to destroy history. You do realize this country was found by rich salve owners  who didn't want to pay taxes wanting to be free right and had no idea what they hell they were doing  George Washington went 3 and 6 in the war fought ( times and only won 3 what the hell kind of record is that to become the First President of the newly formed United States.. 

Do me something for me Look at history take it with some salt, but don't use it to destroy history it is who we are for good or bad, if we loose who we are then there is nothing left and no history to look at, be smart and see thing and listen to the other side  they have a point that is not yours and is just as stupide as your because we  are all human for the most part 


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