Friday, February 12, 2021

Weak minded fools


I was going throw Facebook the other day and I came across this post that they were thinking about making a T.V. streaming show based on the movie Turner and Hooch and part of the hook to read the article which I did not do by the way was that if you watched this movie when you were a kid you could have been traumatized. My first reaction yeah one if you believe it was real and you are a wake minded fool, which most people born before 1995 aren't and really that is being nice in most cased because those kids are just turning 25 and I don't think they have that strong of a mind or will power as it is these days. The other thing that went throw my mind wow I feel really sorry for anyone that has seen the movie old Yeller SPOILER the kid has to take the dog out behind the shed and shot it. A kid for crying out loud. I bet that actor needed some serious counseling once he was done with that scene, oh wait most likely not because he like every other person that saw that movie wasn't a weak minded fool.  I have seen some crazy as shit in my life time but this crap is starting to get way the hell out of hand I have written about SHELL SHOCK in the  past and I most likely will write about it again in the future because it is one for the few things that is way the hell out of hand and everyone in the world has it for one reason or any other because we are all becoming weak minded fools, but let's not try and  go there right now but then isn't what what we are talking about here anyone who has seen either old yeller or Turner and Hooch all now have SHELL SHOCK and are traumatized  for the rest of their life because they saw a dog let me restate that a DOG get killed in a movie. Come one now. their are more traumatizing things that happen in movies that can affect people way more then a dog getting killed, I give you a perfect example for me.. In the movie The Fisher King Robin William is recalling how his wife got killed right in front of him.. That scene didn't do me any good what so ever as a matter of fact the people I was watching the movie with said that I more then freaked out as a matter of a fact freaking out was a under statement, but I got my mind back together (for the most part) and went on to finish the movie, because I was not a weak minded fool like so many people in todays world. 

Did you know: In a 1787 letter to William Stephens Smith, the son-in-law of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson once wrote... The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

 In the beginning of this country was something to behold even though the people putting it together had do Idea what the hell they were doing. Now I have just taken one line out of a letter and you will most likely read it completely out of context because they isn't any context to it so I would say go find the rest of the letter and read the bloody thing. Hell I had to try and even remember the line the tree of liberty just to find out the rest of the line and who the hell wrote it  these people wrote what they need to to make sure they came out with the point as blunt as they could as must people should. hell that's what I try and do hear hit you with the truth of things as I either see it or as it really is even if you head it another way or seen it. 

Here is something to think about.. I was listening to the musical Jesus Christ Superstar and was trying to put in with true time line. It's said that Easter is on the Sunday three days after he died, so we back that up to he died on a Friday and he was on the cross for three days before as the Bible say's "gave up the ghost"  so he was crucified on a Wednesday so that means he had to be have arrested on Sunday or Monday night, because he was back and forth from Pontius Pilate, to Herod and you know this wasn't a short walk, but I'm willing to say that it even took longer then that so This whole thing mostly took a good week and a half from arrest to crucifixion and no matter what move you see they all make it look like ti happened with in just a day or two at most so this is  just something to think about and know your facts before you run off on some crazy rant about something and yes I believe Pontius Pilate didn't want anything to do with it and he was forced in to the decision he man and had to live with it but all of these are straight up FACTS.. and for all who think 13 is a bad/evil number think on this real fast Jesus and his apostles of 12 equal 13. 13 men at a dinner table breaking bread and drinking wine..

The world and writings of old are full of fun little things like Perfect. There is nothing more then Perfect that is the best you can get it's PERFECT. So why does the Document say "to form a MORE perfect union." you can't get any better then perfect to how are you going to get more perfect, by the way we are no where near perfect at this moment in time, but that is for an other time.


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