Wednesday, February 3, 2021

political correct why

 So your feelings are hurt by something I say or they way I said are you really that weak minded that you can be so hurt by words that you need to quit place to get over it. Now I have been through a shit load of stuff in my life from being hit by cars to hitting cars and meeting Sammy Hagar when I hit his Ferrari and went flying over the coroner of it's back end. To being shot and stabbed that I can't see works hurting anyone. AS I said last Sticks and Stones can break your bones but works can never hurt you, well I guess that has been throw right out the window oh wait we can't throw anything out the window these days because you might hurt it's feels so we asked it to leave throw the front door. Now a days it would appear that works can hurt a person why more then any thrown stick or rock the people today have gotten so weak minded that you have to be what is know as Politically correct and that shit has just gotten why out of hand and is just really getting to me. You can't call something or someone what he hell they are or what it truly is. and now those meanings are so wide and far it's hard to tell what the hell anyone is talking about let alone if you can figure out what the dam abbreviation is. Hell j had to Google what PTSD because I had no idea what the hell people were talking about, when I found out that it was Battle Fatigue or better yet SHELL SHOCK I was ok cool now I know what the hell we ae talking about and I can get a better grip on what the hell was wrong with the person. Damn it was sad that I had to go that far because I'm so old school on so many damn thing. Hell I miss the good old RECORD store(empire records or High Fidelity anyone) it was a great way to me girls and just to hang out with your friend. You know I will admit to be a geek and in some case a loser, I mean I miss the good old comic book store as well. what you have today is not a comic book store. you new releases up front and back issues hiding somewhere and you need to ask for , when I was a kid going to the comic book store you walked in and as far as the eye could see were box and boxes the whole store was nothing but comics none of this stupide card shit that was another store all together, none of this done as collectable crap that is all over the place, the store smelled like newspaper and if you got the right place a bit of mildew it was great. I went to this one corner comic book store the place was so small that it had boxes staked up to the ceiling in places but you could pull anyone down and look throw it with out a problem, and if you couldn't find what you where looking for you could as the store owner who sat behind his register and he would either say go look in that box over there or no he didn't have it in right now write down the title and issue number and he would find it, when it can in and he say you next time he would say hey I got that book you were looking for. No name to nothing he would just remember who you where even if you hadn't been in his store for a few months, but getting back to this crap of PTSD and aberrations, it's like people don't have the time to say words anymore or they are to long in the first place so why the hell did you change. Damn I mean yea I can see some being of us. Like F.U.B.A.R. and S.N.A.F.U. hey these are get and come in handy every now and then but damn it you are going to changes something a scary as SHELL SHOCK to PTSD which as no really punch to it you got give us a good reason. I mean Doc's are forever shorting thing to simple letters and words. and a lot of time regular people have no idea what the hell is going on this shit is way out of hand these day. People are not who they are because of what the system say's they are. Your not blind, your not deaf, you not even bold, for crying out loud.

 Ok back to old school and the here and now VS this crappy Digital age we are in now. I have like to write a check and go to the cable office and pay my cable bill. I like to go to the store and find the CD I'm looking for so I can walk out and play it in my car. ot Buy the DVD Bluray, what ever damn system disc we are on now, but you can't find it, and if you are going to tell me that oh you don't need to go to the store they got that digitally now I can say THE HELL THEY DO, you find me a digital copy for the soundtrack to  Legend from 1985 or one of the greatest movies ever made HISTORY OF THE WORLD Part one, pretty sure you can't because I have looked nothing, and don't give me this YOUTUBE crap you have any idea how bad the quality of some of that crap is it hurts my eyes to try and watch it. it's I want it here and now, but we buy on-line and have to wait three days before we get it. you know I ordered something on line a few weeks ago and when it showed up I was what is this. I had completely forgot I had ordered something for amazon. I would like to walk into a store and buy something and walk out with it. it's that I see it and I could use it now or I want to listen/watch it when I get home or in the car. I want to go talk to someone and know that I have paid my cable bill because if something so wrong I can say well I talked to this person and here is a copy of the damn check I wrote you guy's so I know I paid that bill and I paid it on time, but no I have to do everything on line or down load it to my phone or computer, hell I pay my cable bill throw the damn cable box because it's got and app on it for doing it. You Know that the Terminator and the Matrix are the same world just a few years apart because we black out the sun so skynet starts to us humans as batteries to run itself...

Ok so I went three no where with being politically correct by it sucks and everyone get's there feelings hurt with words more then they do with stick and stone so I think I'm just going to start throwing shit at people when they think I hurt their feeling with works and say well that looks like it hurt a shit load more then whatever it is you think I said to you you weak minded ass....

                        OF GODS AND GENERALS

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