You got it...
We are the people in this world and we are finding new ways to make things in it stranger and harder on oursevies and you know for the most part there is little to nothing we can do to slow it down. Look we make things and do things that are to help us make life better, but you know these are the things that are messing us up, we need to slow down to a crawl, all this high tech crap that we use everyday is what is just killing us, we got people stealing other people's I.D and more, I mean there are some lazy people out there and some people who jus want more out of life and then what they have made for themself and they see the best way to get it is to take it anyway they want and with computer they can find new and more intresting ways of doing it so if we can find a place to go where everything is a butt slower it would be great place to visit and relax, yes a good disreted island somewhere in the world that looks and feel and looks like gillenigs Island no phone not computer no nothing, everything is done by fire and wood, there is no electricty and so when something happens you have to be run somewhere and power is only for the emergeny equpment which is there to keep people healthy and alive tell they can get to a good medical care unit, other wise you give everrything up once your foot hits the sand of the beach. This is the place I would like to see and go to hell I would mostly enjoy working/living there sometimes I get tired of all this tech stuff that I need to run my day, but that is us just killing oursevies this days like we have been doing for more years then we can think of, we just try and make live easry but in the end the things we make are those that are going to kill us and believe it or not most of us have no control over the things that are being made, because we are to busy using the older things and trying to live life , we are not inventors, but we all come up with that million dollor idea that we can never get made...
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