Monday, December 20, 2010

NCC 1701B...
Ok so there is enough going on in the world that we have to doing are daily bussness without knowing what is really going in the world because that is what we all look forward to because we want to know nothing well the world pass us by, and you know there are so many things happening that we don't know anything at all... HUh ok what the hell am I talking about, because even I don't know what the hell is running through my half asleep brain and having to listen to the radio for more then an hour and a half today and there was almost nothing on shit i can't remember a damn song that was played on the radio but i do remember that one station was giving way new boot with stuff in them like and I pad and a x-box 360, now how the hell they got these things into the boot I would like to know because I don't think they all really fit inside a pair of boots myself unless they are really really big boot and that you need to be called 25 to win these boots, and then another station when they did play a song or two was a really old one from like the 50's and late forty's so this you can see that driving was not an easy thing for me this afternoon you got to remember your FM transmitter when you got for a long trip up to bowing or in to auburn and so many other places that are so far away from where you start off, not I can't stand the radio and we all know that there is way to much talking in the damn thing we never really hear music any more and that is the said part because so of the stupied awards that are given out are because of radio play, and you know i never hear these songs on the radio, but then again I don't listen to the the radio ,but then again there is never anything on it to listen to so what do you do make sure you have your FM transmitter so you can tune what ever crap they are talking about because really it all just a bunch of shit much like it always is..
Raise your hands

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