Ok so there is very little time left in the year so next to the pressure of having to shop for those gifts you need and all the ad's on T.V. and radio telling you which is the best price and wherre to go now there startingto run all the ad's for the end of the year crap that is going on and more and more od it will always pop up and in some case they will combine the two so you get the end of the year stuff with the chrismas stuff so you get hit twice and think you are getting the better deal becuase they say they are combine the end of the year and holiday sales together, but in fact you are only getting one sale price for something they do every year at diffrent times they just need something to call it weather it be the end of the year sale the easter sale or the 4th of july, it all just a crazy ass ploy to get you in to there stores or on there lot to try and sell you something that you really don't need or because like many other things in the world they made to many and now they need to try and sell them off, yeah i know there isn't any good way to know how much of something you need to make for a any given year, but sometimes I think a short fall would be better then way to many. yet then again that would drive up the price on any given thing when they fall short and if there are to many the price drops like a stone and we can buy it cheap at the end of the year run of the product not really the end of year year, thus you get diffrent sales through out the year and when they say the end of the year clearance it usally means shit they have had for over a year and the store just wants to get something for it even if it's just breaking even on most thing,because you will not believe the mark up on something, now the mark up on something like a t.v. is a lot less then a mark up on something like a pair of headphone, with a t.v. you are looking at a 15 to maybe 30 precent but when it comes to something like a pair of headphone you get a 40 to 70 precent make up and when you look at a headphone jack or spliter you are looking at a 60 to 110 precent mark up it's just insane as to what the mark up is as the products get smaller and that is just electronics, wait to see what theyu do with cloths some of that stuff isjust nut'son the mark up other things are well with in range of what you think. it does all come down to what it takes to make the stuff and what it is you are buying. Like so many other things you got to pay for everything that went into a given product and that includes the labor from the person who built the part to the person who put it together and to the person who packed it and the person who shipped it and so on and so on all they way down to the person who cashes you out at the register, thus you can find a few things cheaper on-line because you lose a bit of the labor of th e person putting it out on the shelf and those in the store who try and sell it to you and the person at the register who takes your cash just remember that not all the end of the year prices are not always the best some times you got to find when the end of the run is and that is when you get the best price... so go look for the end of the run sales because that is when the real sale will start to show...
Raise your hands
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