Ok so I get this new job doing some pick up and delievery for and aircraft repair station, good people, nice job I get to drive to places I would never have seen let alone been to, now the only problem to the job is that the truck I drive which is a company truck and it's nice truck too, is that it only has a radio, no CD player, No usb port to plug into no cassette deck, no nothing just your standered radio, and at this point in time I do not have an FM transmitter for my I-pod, so I go to find something to listen to on the stupied thing and when you are driving more then a hour one way trust me that is hard to do, because no matter where you change the station to someone is always talking about one thing or an other, well today I was making a short trip to drop something off at UPS and the radio was on some crazy ass talk so, which I said what the hell let's here what these stupied guy's have to say. They where talking about a smoking band and how it was backed by the tribes because the tribes are a country all to themsevies and they can sell tobacco and have people smoke it on there land, this creating a monpoly on the smoking industery in that state. Look it is already sad that we can't smoke in bars anymore the one place we should be aloud to smoke. Hell you can't even smoke in a building anymore even if they gave you an area to smoke in the amount of place you can and can't smoke in now are just insane, Now I don't smoke so that is good for me I don't get any of that second hand crap, but at the same time come on they have got to give these people a place so go and stop taking away there rights/freedom isn't that what this country is all about freedom and here we are taking away there freedoms by restricting where they can or can't smoke, hell they can't even sell there product on T.V. anymore, but we get to anti-smoking ad's all the time come on can't they fight back and agaist all of this negitive ad campaiens agaist them, look they may be tell the truth which is good, but the other guy isn't even being given to try and sell his product let alone defend themself, now admittaly there really isn't any real defence for smoking it's bad for you no matter how you look at it, but hey let themself ther product and let the people decide if they want to buy it or not, it just like everything else that we sell. Hell acohole is bad for you and yet we still see ad's for that and on some T.V. shows it's even push in the fact of when ever to or more people get together they have to bring a bottle of wine and drink it all at one sitting, just to show you that it is ok to drink half a bottle of wine and then head home when drinking and driving kiss a shit load more people then almost anything else in the world they have people doing it on T.V. to say hey it's ok but then show anti smoking ad's where smoking doesn't kill people out right it takes time, but is banded in many area but drinking isn't, now we all know how proabition went over so making it illigale to drink is a bad idea, but we need to stop having ad's and T.V. show pushing the fact that it is ok so do, they say one thing and show us something else, You know at one point in my life I want to drink a butt load all the time, but for one reason or another mainly because i couldn't aford it, now it's more of that I am a dad and drink around kids is just wrong, so for a long time to come I can't drink and really not even in a party situation, so having it pushed on me in almost every show I watch on T.V. realy isn't a good thing. what is on T.V. is just a bunch of crap anyway and no mater what we try and do we are all addictedto one thing or another because everyone needs to be addicted to something weather it's good for you or not...
Raise your hands.
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