The price of it all...
You know the cost of things is what makes us wounder what it's all about, because even with the cost of living is going up and the cost for the few things we want trully are. money be put aside there are many things we pay for with many other things we don't even know or even understand so the question is just lost on me for where I was going with this. the price we are paying in freedom is just something we must learn to live with/for because yeah I may not be free and the price is always way to high, but in the end I think it is well worth it, it's just are we losing that freedom to keep it, the eyes and ear of big brother are everywhere and they sometimes do as they please, becuase they know they can and we would never know about for many year is ever because they hide everything they do behind closed doors the C.I.A. F.B.I. and Homeland security plus the N.S.A. and what ever other branch of the intellagence is out there that we might not know about it. This is the U.S. and believe it or not the person that knows the most about the country is the head of the department of History. The head of the department of history has the highest level of clearance in the the country they can look at anything and know almost anything and everything that the country has ever had done to it from the missing water gate tapes, all the photo's and films from the JFK killing. this is the person the one person that knows the most or can know the most about the history of the country is the most unknowen person in the world, or at least I this is one of the must unknowen people in the world that I can think of hell I didn't even know that we had a department of history untill I say a story where they talk to someone from department. it's strange what deparments we have in the country that we don't know about and the department of history is just one of them it's an intrest little department which I'm will to bet is not all that little and is in a building somewhere in the middle of D.C. that we wouldn't even know about, and guess what I'm will to bet we will never know where it is unless we really go looking for it because it's not in the white pages but then again I haven't look either. it's not that big of a deal to me but I think it's kind of funny the most knoweldgable person about the country we live is some one we don't even know and most likly has been doing the job for the past 50years or more..
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