Just thinking...
So you ever have one of those days of you have no Idea what the hell is going on because the week has been so bad let alone the year which started almost two years ago and you think you have hit bottom and you are starting you get your feet under you to stand up and then the bottom falls out from under your feet and you start to fall again. I think I have had one of those years and I just is not over yet, but you just got to keep fighting, thus they gave us the internet and video game so we can safely blow things up and I just wish I could play Video game that were fun I mean come on these one this day you run around for hours on end. Whatever happened to the great classics like Guantle over 150 levels of kill it before it kills you and make it to the exit. I never made it past level 12 myself but it was a fun game of run around a maze and kill everything in the way. No blood just great fun. A lot of times the updates to games suck and for some of us old farts I plain boring to play. Hell I sucked at Videos in the first place I don't need to really suck and have and 11 year old kick my ass because I got no idea where to even start in these new games, but then again I think the home video game system killed the arcade hell a lot of things killed the arcade. Like playing a buck for one game hell paying 50 cents for a game was nuts to me and still is one of the many reason I don't play game as some of these places like Bullwinkles and Hell the laze fun zone places. When I was in Florida there was a place you paid 5 bucks to get into and all the game where free as long as you could stay in there the catch no food or drinks allowed in so if you left to go get something you had to pay to get back in great idea but if you could stick it out for a few hour or even half the day you were set. Hell in a college town if you had a 24 hour arcade with a coffee shop and laundry matt joined together you might be able to make bank hell a coffee shop and a laundry mat next to each other in a college town where you have $4.00 coffee drinks Wifi and a $1.00 laundry mat in walking distance from a college dorm you might as well think about buying that second house. You know the one next to Bill Gates or better yet down the street from George Lucas. Now you might that something like that is a money loser because you are only charging a buck but you have to look at the big picture and the long return. First it's a college town and the kids don't have a lot of money so a buck for a wash and dry that's two bucks, the Coffee shop next door is 1.50 for a cup of coffee and 4 buck for a latte or whatever else you sell so now you are up to a 3.50 per visit and you got someone there for at least hour half two hours. Add on a Wifi system with a four max that you cycle every four hours (haven't work that one out just yet as to how that work in when someone come in and when the time is up) you could have someone spending money everyday for 9 months and more then cover your cost. Hell you even have the college student working for you to make the money they need to spend on the place. a good location in a college town with a low price point can make a tank load of money it's just getting started and having the right idea and I tell you right now a Buck laundry mat is one of them. and I know a few places to put it, so if you got the money let me know.
Something else to think about.
Ok so this is no telling how crazy I am. Think of this just for starters. When I was a kid I rode a bike everywhere I went hell I was down to a 5.5mile ride in 25 minutes I was going faster then cars at time. Hell one time i ended up on a freeway in Ca. and I was going 65 miles an hour. couldn't keep it up for long but I did it for over a mile tell I could get off the freeway. I hit more cars and have more tickets on a ten speed bike then I do driving a car. Hell for more then five years I hit every almost every make and model of car that was made to the general public. it was at the time great fun. Now I feel the great pains that go along with all that doesn't mean I wouldn't do it again. So some of my idea's might be a little out there and strange or even out of date but look at it this way they for that every reason they just might work. Hell one of the reason things cost so much these day so because we are a bunch of money grubbing morrons that want it all and want it all now. We don't want to work for it or take our time to get it. Me I like to work and talk to people about thing that we might have in common which is hard to say what. Right now I live in a small college town with a Military base/fort up the freeway from me. Don't have a lot in common with the military guy's most of them have been on active duty or are on active duty and talk about things they have done over sea or the hard ware they are playing with now not much there to go on. College students really you can't call them kids because they range from 18 to 50 these days not really a lot to go on unless you find one in your field of study and when are you going to come across a theater arts English Lit major. Sad to say that is what I got for a college education and when the bottom drop out of the job I was heading for it sucked big time and really lost my way for a long time landed on my ass for a little while and started to work again in the theater but thing just never got a good roll when I lost the one job I could have had. I always get that Your good at what you do but this guy has been here longer and as much as we really really want to have you doing the job we have to give to this guy because that is how the system works we are going to keep you on just as before and please hang in there we want you on our staff full time. Yeah well the bottom drops again or something looks better so you go after it and you lose one thing and then the other. Hell I guess that is the way things for a lot of people the bottom just keeps dropping out and you can't win or stand up without getting hit on the head. You think you got a great idea, but you just can't get it started because every time you think you have your feet under you something new takes the bottom out from under you. so Let's get have a Platypus for President or hell even the head of national security....
Remember the O.W.A.C.A. they are here to save us from L.O.V.E. M.U.F.F.I.N.