Friday, May 17, 2013

When the bottom drops out

Just thinking...
 So you ever have one of those days of you have no Idea what the hell is going on because the week has been so bad let alone the year which started almost two years ago and you think you have hit bottom and you are starting you get your feet under you to stand up and then the bottom falls out from under your feet and you start to fall again. I think I have had one of those years and I just is not over yet, but you just got to keep fighting, thus they gave us the internet and video game so we can safely blow things up and I just wish I could play Video game that were fun I mean come on these one this day you run around for hours on end. Whatever happened to the great classics like Guantle over 150 levels of kill it before it kills you and make it to the exit. I never made it past level 12 myself but it was a fun game of run around a maze and kill everything in the way. No blood just great fun. A lot of times the updates to games suck and for some of us old farts I plain boring to play.  Hell I sucked at Videos in the first place I don't need to really suck and have and 11 year old kick my ass because I got no idea where to even start in these new games, but then again I think the home video game system killed the arcade hell a lot of things killed the arcade. Like playing a buck for one game hell paying 50 cents for a game was nuts to me and still is one of the many reason I don't play game as some of these places like Bullwinkles and Hell the laze fun zone places. When I was in Florida there was a place you paid 5 bucks to get into and all the game where free as long as you could stay in there the catch no food or drinks allowed in so if you left to go get something you had to pay to get back in great idea but if you could stick it out for a few hour or even half the day you were set. Hell in a college town if you had a 24 hour arcade with a coffee shop and laundry matt joined together you might be able to make bank hell a coffee shop and a laundry mat next to each other in a college town where you have $4.00 coffee drinks Wifi and a $1.00 laundry mat in walking distance from a college dorm you might as well think about buying that second house. You know the one next to Bill Gates or better yet down the street from George Lucas. Now you might that something like that is a money loser because you are only charging a buck but you have to look at the big picture and the long return. First it's a college town and the kids don't have a lot of money so a buck for a wash and dry that's two bucks, the Coffee shop next door is 1.50 for a cup of coffee and 4 buck for a latte or whatever else you sell so now you are up to a 3.50 per visit and you got someone there for at least hour half two hours. Add on a Wifi system with a four max that you cycle every four hours (haven't work that one out just yet as to how that work in when someone come in and when the time is up) you could have someone spending money everyday for 9 months and more then cover your cost. Hell you even have the college student working for you to make the money they need to spend on the place. a good location in a college town with a low price point can make a tank load of money it's just getting started and having the right idea and I tell you right now a Buck laundry mat is one of them. and I know a few places to put it, so if you got the money let me know.

Something else to think about.
 Ok so this is no telling how crazy I am. Think of this just for starters. When I was a kid I rode a bike everywhere I went hell I was down to a 5.5mile ride in 25 minutes I was going faster then cars at time. Hell one time i ended up on a freeway in Ca. and I was going 65 miles an hour. couldn't keep it up for long but I did it for over a mile tell I could get off the freeway. I hit more cars and have more  tickets on a ten speed bike then I do driving a car. Hell for more then five years I hit every almost every make and model of car that was made to the general public. it was at the time great fun. Now I feel the great pains that go along with all that doesn't mean I wouldn't do it again.  So some of my idea's might be a little out there and strange or even out of date but look at it this way they for that every reason they just might work. Hell one of the reason things cost so much these day so because we are a bunch of money grubbing morrons that want it all and want it all now. We don't want to work for it or take our time to get it. Me I like to work and talk to people about thing that we might have in common which is hard to say what. Right now I live in a small college town with a Military base/fort up the freeway from me. Don't have a lot in common with the military guy's most of them have been on active duty or are on active duty and talk about things they have done over sea or the hard ware they are playing with now not much there to go on. College students really you can't call them kids because they range from 18 to 50 these days not really a lot to go on unless you find one in your field of study and when are you going to come across a theater arts English Lit major. Sad to say that is what I got for a college education and when the bottom drop out of the job I was heading for it sucked big time and really lost my way for a long time landed on my ass for a little while and started to work again in the theater but thing just never got a good roll when I lost the one job I could have had. I always get that Your good at what you do but this guy has been here longer and as much as we really really want to have you doing the job we have to give to this guy because that is how the system works we are going to keep you on just as before and please hang in there we want you on our staff full time. Yeah well the bottom drops again or something looks better so you go after it and you lose one thing and then the other. Hell I guess that is the way things for a lot of people the bottom just keeps dropping out and you can't win or stand up without getting hit on the head. You think you got a great idea, but you just can't get it started because every time you think you have your feet under you something new takes the bottom out from under you. so Let's get have a Platypus for President or hell even the head of national security.... 

Remember the O.W.A.C.A. they are here to save us from L.O.V.E.  M.U.F.F.I.N.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Color blind and Listen to me

The Color I see...

 The other day I was just running around a was talking a a few people and was thinking nothing about what I was saying as it was just part of the conversation I was having at the time. Nothing really deep and nothing world change just talking to a person and getting to know them and I made a comment about something and the person I was talking to got one of those expression of I can't believe you just said that.. You know I was raised in what I called being color and sex blind . I see people as people and nothing more. I have never carried about there color nor have I ever cared about there sex. hell I don't even care if the are straight. People are people and there is no reason to think any other way about it and the said part is that we have to edit ourselves all the time because we don't want to make them mad at us. Bloody hell I'm a white boy from Canada been in the U.S. for more years then I can count and got the nick name of being a Snow back in high school because I had some friend that where Mexico and joked about them being wetbacks. I never say them anything more then people and don't really care where they are from and today it would appear that you have to be more and more on guard about what you say because if you go the wrong way with any given comment your up shits creek and I just really aren't we trying to get away from all this crap in the first place. I mean a Black guy can call a white boy a honky or any other given name out there but the minute the white guy turns around and hits the black guy with something he is now a races. Bloody hell what is going on here. I know after all the years of the crap the white dudes did to the black dudes it's not right but in the end it's been over 150 years get the hell over it and I know the shit from the 60's and 70's are still out there and all that crap but what the hell are we telling the next group of kids that are coming in to the world. we want to be together but we have to be apart because we can't call each other names or at the least if someone not of your race call's you name they are a races. come on far play is far play a snow back is a snow back and a wet back is a wet back but we are all people and I don't don't give a shit. can you do that job great get it done. can you live next to me without burning down your house or mine great hell can i come over and get a cup of milk and flour so I can make some cookies for the kids. They want to sell lemonade this weekend. It really gets to me that we are trying to get the people to of country/world to come together and yet when you have someone who is color/sex blind as I am say what is one there mind regardless of who is around them it can be kind of scary it just pisses me off to no end. Hell I'm raising my son the same way to be color/sex blind. people are people and if you got something to say then I sure all hell hope you say it in what ever way you need to. Bloody hell I wish everyone would say what the hell is on there mind because you can see that some people just have something to say but because they are in mixed company they are holding there tongs and I hate that shit..

    You got to say what is on your mind sometime and that is what I wanted to do here when I first started out and I did what I didn't want to do I got way to worried  about what someone would really thing about what I said and then it would come back and bite in in the ass and you know today/tonight is just one of those day's that I would just like to say I just don't give a damn. People are people and I'm getting to old to give a crap. I mean yeah I will only go so far sometimes and in some case's I'll take it just a bite farther because it it what I'm thinking. I really don't give a shit what race color creed of even if your human as long as your a good person/thing who gives a shit. everyone should be allowed to be them self. Now take a few minutes to get to know the people around you before you jump out with the fact that your a Pagan and you have saved the world a few time and fought a couple of demons and stuff like that but shit you need to be yourself and work your way up to that. I mean they might go OK he's crazy but at least they know who you are and you can be yourself. It's not like it's something you do every other day just twice a year and on those special occasions when someone is being stupid or it's just the right lineament of stars. you know who the universe it like to screw with us ever now and then. Open a door that no one has even thought about in over 1,500 years behind a water fall. Hey it's all good and sealed but you never know.

 List to me damn it...
 Ever have one of those days where no one will listen to you they just got yo say what is on there mind, which is fine it's what I want but they will no list to you one bit. Everything and I do mean everything they say is all there is. They can't hear anything that is coming out of your mouth. They keep going on and on about the problem and want you to come up with the answer and your just listening and try to say been working on it for a a while now don't have the answer yet do you have any ideas because I'm all out of ideas and they just keep going on and on about the problem and they have only been dealing with it a few month and you have has a year or more and can't find an answer and they don't want to hear that they want an answer that you do not have because you have tried many thing or to get the right balance an it has not worked out and would like any new idea's that they might have, but they repeat the problem ask well what are you going to do about this it's your problem and I have just come on board and I don't want to deal with it any more because it's was here before I got here and I shouldn't have to deal with it. You need to fix this and tell me the answer now, you go to try and explain that this is now answer at this time we are still working on it. It has been a running problem and we would like new ideas do you have any and you can see that the person hasn't heard an thing you have said and anything you say isn't going to get in. Don't you just want to grab this person by the shoulders and shake the living crap out of them and say Listen to me, you are not hearing word one that I am saying and the really sad part of it is that this is the second person that hasn't heard a thing you have said on the same subject in the last hour. You just want to wounder if you are even speaking English or what ever langue you should be. Here in the US you should be talking in English it's what we speak unless your in your own home then you can talk what ever the hell you want I don't care but if you are talking to me you better be speaking English other wise I just want to slap the shit out of you.

We are still here 
Last year ended and we all lived through it, but did you know that there are teams running around the world making sure that all the gate to worlds are closed and that we did make it though the 12/21/2012 mess alive hell did you know that there was more then just that one day they had to deal with. That was the big one yes but there was a mess to deal with on 12/12/2012 and small problems of 12/20/2012..Chichen Itza being the focus point of it all. and then the lines running up in the the U.S. to the four point and out from there to a but load of places all around the world and there where a butt load of people all over the place making sure that we lived though it to see another day. A few of them are now going why did we do this and a shit load are going we are not done just yet there is a couple more things to worry about and deal with this year before we all can go back to a nice normal quite life and in the next few day there are going to be another group back at Chichen Itza to make sue that the spring equinox goes off without a problem. well if we are here on 03/23/2013 well then you know they all did there job and life is good for a while longer or at the every least tell we get to the summer solstice and more crazy shit could happen, but that should be just the normal mayhem that is out there none of the really big stuff, but then again you never know what is out there and who is watching over us and why. Life is funny that way we find help in the weirdest place even if we don't know it's happening or don't want to believe it's happening. You just got to let everyone live the way they want to and see what they want respect each other for who they are and listen to what they have to say because that person just might walk away going and I saved the human race why. I mean with people like Chris Rock in you really got to think why they do it sometime., but they do and no one ever know and it's not like they are trying to hide but shit people just don't want to believe in a lot of this stuff they will make fun of it they'll watch or read what someone putt's out there in fiction but when reality come to play they don't want anything to do with it and would not like to have it around them in any shape or form we are are not scary we are just keeping you a live from the things that go bump in the night we are the things that bump back and blow it up if need be. it can be fun at times and other times it's just a big pain in the ass when you get put aside a crazy person because you want to tell people because of me your safe and alive today, but that is just the way things go. Drop a really big rock on my head from outer space OK but cut a hole in space and time to see creatures coming in and want to eat me because I look like a good meal not so much. I don't believe even if they see it happen right in front of them. Doesn't happen much but you know when it dose you'll never hear about it because it's crazy talk...

When the legend become fact print the Legend 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Diggy world sucking

So I'm a lot old fashion I like to be able to walk into a record/CD/Tape store and get what I'm looking for right ther on what is now called hard copy, but for the most part I can't do that. I have to order it on-line wait another 3 to 5 day because of shipping or pay a buttt load more for a something I wanted that day. A Record store or as it's know now really and eletroinic store, because they don't carry music on hard copy anymore let alone a movie on DVD or Blu-ray.. and yeas I have seen music gone from record to 8 track to tape to cd and to digital and a mater of fact I have I tune and I do use it. I like the MD player when it first came out but Sony did a great job of killing it so the I-pod took off. Any way Yes I have I tune and I have a huge file as a matter of fact I have everything on external drive a 500 for pictures a 1T for music and some movies and shows, Which is almost full and a 2T which is now looking all the new stuff all in all the file has to be over 1.2T in data which sucks when I either get a new computer or my computer crash's take over a week to put it back together and that's doing ti the fast way. Now with the diggy world the CD marked has disappeared from the store in just the last 10 years I have watch as one of the largest CD departments in a store's change gone from 5 rows at leys' just say 24 to 32 feet long down to 2 rows about 12 feet long so more then half of the music is gone and you have to order anything you want on-line their web site and wait 3 to 5 day instead of having it in your hands unless you want the diggy copy off of I-tune or amazon or any of those web sites. Now for the most part that Ok and find I mean I get a lot of music that way but when it comes to wanting something spechil and in my hand that day for get it. Take the up coming Les Miserable soundtrack, up till now all you have been able to get are the highlights and you sure as hell couldn't find it in stores, now the whole show will becoming on two disc as I knew it would it was just a matter of when. Much like Phantom. for a while all you could get was the highlights for the movie until just before the movie was released on DVD then you could get the full show. then you find out that Gerard Butler the guy who plays King Leonidas sing/plays the phantom so now you have to picture that in your head but if you reall want to laugh try and picture Stoic the vast singing Phantom, kind of funny. Now back to the diggy world and it taking out the CD market in store, because you can't find shit in stores any more you have to go one line for everythign which suck because sometime you think oh I would like to see that and run out to get it at the store and they don't have it because ther DVD section is now a small 36 foot wall that holds everything that they have but they can get you a new 70" TV that hooks up to the internet so you can orded the Movie you came in for just remember you have to pay shipping and handling as well as tax for those states that have tax's like us. I am getting tired of not being able to find what I want in store these days you got order everything on line and I have never been a big fan of ordering things on-line unless I really have to. Hell I'll go to a store and have the sales clerk order something for me and they'll have it shipped to my house, but that is so I can talk to someone and let them know that a product is out there. Hell I have come across so many stupied people that work in either and eletronics store or other customer service area that it isn't funny. Helll I was in a store the other day looking for the DARK KNIGHT RETURNS part 1 and the clerk went dark knight raise is over here I said no dark knight returns part 1 it an animated film complete blank I said never mind. Was in the same store a few weeks later and asked another sales clerk if they had it and they had to think but it looked like they new what I was talking about and said No they don't get thing in like that but you can order it on their web site I think. I went shit ok..and then with out thinking a few days later this tell you how much I was wanted the bloody thing I asked the asst department manager if they had it and then Said " wait  never mind I just realized where I was" and walked out. later that day I went up to a used book store and bought a copy for half of what it was selling on the net.. in a lot of ways Shawn Fanning the guy who created Napster really screwed the the CD and in some case the DVD industry and everyone else in the world who like to have hard copies in you hands that day. Now I see the flip side to it well at midnight you can down load it from were ever you get your music and burn it to a CD ot transfer it to what ever you list to it on or both and be set to go, but I still think there is something to going out to a store looking for what you want talking to someone and paying for it all in  person and you have a hard copy in your hands that isn't just a blank white or red or blue or pink or black or purple cd laying in a case some where. you have what the artiest wanted you to have at what could be and in most cases that same price if you add in the cost of burning the music to CD you add anywhere from 10 to 25 cents to you bill if you go out and by it yeah you use gas in you car which could be more but you get the interaction you have a hard copy that you can now rip into your I-tunes and if you lose everything you have the music on CD to play in your car which you did on your way home from the store after what you hope is a good interaction with another human instead of the cold non interaction for the net...

But what the helll do I know I old and crazy

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Over a year and I wish I could drink heavly

Ok so over a year and I haven't said a dang thing bout anything but lit me say this in most case the things I have wanted to say would piss a bunch of people off and really I don't want to do that at the time, Now really i don't care because you know sometime you just got to put out your opinion don't give a damn about what anyone else think even if they are your friends. your not trying to piss them off and you not even trying to counter what they are saying. Your just pissed off about something that you disagree with even if they agree with you you need to put your point of view out there. in the past year there has been all kind of things that have pissed me off and I haven't said works one about it. or I have gone off an a rant when I got in my car or was by myself somewhere and a lot of the time it's been more damn just do you job or when it was something about money does anyone know what these people make to do you know what your or they are bitching about. it's sad that for the most part I'm really like shut the hell up and do your job because you have one unlike a butt load of people in the country that don't have a job. I don't just tired of hearing let's stop work and picket because of this or that damn do your job or quit and let someone else have it but then again i guess having a job for some people is just not enough regardless of what it is.

 Now that is done let's keep going on the shit that has pissed me off like everything in the world that we do have control over to a degree like you know the goverment we the people elect the people that make the laws of the country, no we don't a group of people we elect turn around and vote for the people that we want to be in the goverment, and sometimes that make the mistake and sence we don't agreee with it your pissed and blame it on the goverment that everything is screwed up for this or that. look we screw everything up and the people we put in office that we really don't put into office are the ones that we blame for everything because it's what they do. well guess what walk don't to there office and talk to them in person that is what it is all about make an appointment and do something about it  yell at the people that you think are screwing you and rest of the world up stop talking about it and do something. I'm get tired of hearing oh the goverment did this or did that and you don't do anything about it from just making a phone calll to making an appointment to talk to who ever you need to. you a the people of the country and you have the right to talk to the law makes includuing the pres.. himself just call the damn office and you can make appointment it may take a few months but you will be able to get anpointment to talk to them and get it off you chest now in some case when it comes to the pres... you'll get passed off to some lacky how willl just put you off and off or nodd there head preteneding to listen to you but helll at least you had your say but you know when your done with that apppointment you make another and you keep coming back as long as you can. Hell camp out in front of the office if you need to and you can because you don't have a job you need to get your point across. keep bugging ths shit out of the goverment in person to fix anything don't mail sure as hell don't e-mail go in person and call again and again to make your point because nothing else works like you there or over the phone but in person is the way to do it if you can get there and for a lot of people that is the real peoblem I can't get there because either I can't get the time off from work or I don't have a job and I can't get there dio yel;l at the people I need to but I must say call and call again lleave a message and the same one everydasy if you must tell you get your point across, I say bug the shit out of the people you think are screwing you over and over. you may never get anywhere but shit it can be fun...

  Now back to the wage thing just because, so here I am driving down the road and I listing to the radio yes be shocked I was listing to the radio and I here the host say they make crap for money, and later on facebook I see a picture of the host in a huge bath tub in a 5 bedroom home where they have a dinning room a hug kitchen a study and family room and everything else we all want in a house. You know I would really like to know how much these people make because I sure a helll don't have a house like that and would like one and not make enough money I mean come one you got a nice house and three cars that have been make in the pass two years and you still don't make enough money. Hell think about the rest of the people that work 12 to 12 and don't have have the shit you got you dumm ass. Shit like this piss me off all the damn time because you spent to much on shit you don't need we have to here about it or you over spend and don't spend you money right and save some in the end shut the hell up and cut the hell back on things.

Time to go fine something to drink everything is just pissing me off