Friday, March 12, 2021

Now and then what the have we become


What the hell is going on in today world, Shit has come down to a cancel this thing and that this offends you or that offends you so we are now going to cancel it and you can never see it again. You got to be kidding me this is a new way to destroy history and everything that is going on now a day's but are we forgetting about how we are. Why not just stop history and forget everything form the past. Throw are history books out and everything we have ever  learned and start as a blank slate. we have to create new countries new laws and new religions. now one believes in anything now. I guess that means everyone in jail gets out because they never did anything wrong we canceled that because the prison system offends me so much. Yeah this isn't going to work. I'm to much of and eye for and eye tooth for a tooth and we are all blind and toothless people walking around. Over the years I find more and more great say's and one of them is "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I'm going throw these fuckin' eggs." Denis Leary 1971.

I see a shit load of people throwing and tank load of stones today and all kings of shit is getting hit and or cancelled or what ever the hell you call it these day. I think it suck, but I guess the people are having a voice on what they finally want and are doing what ever they can to get it. one thing be this new cut of the Justice League movie that is coming out the people rose up and spoke there mind and we got a better looking sonic the hedge hog and a crazy 4 hour movie now they are doing what every they can to get what they want boy cot this or compline about that and it can all go away if you want it. You know the late Great Carrie Fisher said once "Revenge is like drinking Poison and waiting for the other person to die"  and Then Denis Leary followed that up with "But sometimes they die first. and take it from some who know: it feels fucking awesome!"  

it would appear that the assholes of the world are out and in full force and we are standing there holding and empty bottle of poison in our hand the question become who dies first. I mean come on look at everything that we are destroying and are trying to get our kids to forget/not even see, and damn skunk cartoon character, books by dr. Seuss things that are over 50 years old are now becoming offensive to who weren't even thought of at the time they first came out. are you kidding me. Have we learned nothing from history or have be destroyed so much history that we can't see what really happened and what the times bring us. It would appear we can only remember the things that offend people, but we forget what this country was founded on. White slave owner that wanted to be free, kept together by a guy who didn't really care if he abolished slavery or not, he wanted to keep the country together, but in the end he did just that. follow that with the way the Americans  took the land from the people that lived here before them. so we have forgotten all that and just want to destroy all that was and make everyone pay for it even once it gone because that how they are going to as Dr Denis Leary says "I don't nurse my grudges. I juice them with steroids and keep them in cage-fighting shape."  we are just now starting to see them in the fighting world and we all have drank the poison and we are now waiting for the other person to die, let's just hope the other person/thing Dies first


Sunday, February 28, 2021

Part 2 almost always better


So here is the thing with part two you have the origin done so now you can make a story out of everything else. Most of the time you don't have to create something but you do need to make a new villion which is part of the main story line the problem is you need to be careful not to add to many so you loose the story in the mess, but if you keep it to the main hero and add just one new bad guy or what could be called the bad guy you can have a good story if you add two new people either it be a 2 bad guys or two good guys or one of each you need to have time to tell their stories right before you get into the plot of things. it called the add a character, which is usually the down fall for later storied but in most case part 2 is works because your main is well established and you don't really have to do any more with them, So in most cased part two comes out good if not better then the first one. When you get to part 3 and part 4 that is when everything starts to go wrong. Now in a few cases part 2 can suck because it's what I call a bridge, you need it get to get to part three, because the writer could not wrap everything up by the end of the story. In most of these cases the part 2 sucks. I'll work with movies here because this is where it happens a lot, but it does happen in books to. For books you can look to the Hunger games. Book two is not a bad book but it's a bridge book that you need to read to get to book three, where book one ended and it was a full story you didn't need to go on if you didn't want to. Now let's got to the Movies and I'll talk to Back to the Future for the bridge film. Part one ended and you didn't really need to go forward, yes it was their for you to movie forward if you wanted to but really in the end it was a complete story, now part 2 of back to the future it ended in a way you need to see the third film to find out what happened in the end of the story, Yes I know parts 2 and 3 of back to the future were just going to be one movie but he had to much story to tell  and couldn't do it in just one movie, but for the most part the second movie was not good 

You know sitting here writing this crap about part 2 and shit like that makes me think I need to really get into what the hell is going on and really stop with what people might think about what I say and take it the wrong way I mean come on look at the post from last time that shit could be taken any way you want to. People have minds and they have the right to think and believe the way they want to. and no matter what the hell I say here you are going to see it in your own way and there is nothing that i can do about it so I need to get on with the real things in life that I see and bug the living crap out of me because it's what I see and you might agree or not agree, but hell if you can't see it I might be able to show you from my prospective and you can show me your. . I think it come from years of being myself and when I spook up about something Pissed a shit load of people off, or when I stood up for something that was for the people I worked with when I turned around to see if they were standing behind me there wasn't anyone there it was just me and I knew I was in a shit load of trouble. I really need to get back into that mind set when I write here I don't give a shit this is what the Hell I see and I'm tired of it. as the title of the book say "and how all of us need to stop being partisan little bitches" 

I don't know the world is going to hell in a hand basket and we are all just caring the dam thing there in slow motion. if it's not one thing it's another. Sometime I wonder if the actions I did in 86, 2000 and 2012 made this a better world, Now 86 yeah I think it was the right choose but the shit the humans have done between 86 and 2000 make we go did I do the right thing and then from 2012 to now shit man I am really things I might have done the wrong thing, now yeah I could have been replaced in 2012 with another person or 2 but hell it was a shit show and I did my job and I was not alone in that mess. 

I think it's time to get the shit show to become the shit show and hit the world we live in in the ass with what the hell I see and all the other crap. People are using history to destroy history. You do realize this country was found by rich salve owners  who didn't want to pay taxes wanting to be free right and had no idea what they hell they were doing  George Washington went 3 and 6 in the war fought ( times and only won 3 what the hell kind of record is that to become the First President of the newly formed United States.. 

Do me something for me Look at history take it with some salt, but don't use it to destroy history it is who we are for good or bad, if we loose who we are then there is nothing left and no history to look at, be smart and see thing and listen to the other side  they have a point that is not yours and is just as stupide as your because we  are all human for the most part 


Friday, February 12, 2021

Weak minded fools


I was going throw Facebook the other day and I came across this post that they were thinking about making a T.V. streaming show based on the movie Turner and Hooch and part of the hook to read the article which I did not do by the way was that if you watched this movie when you were a kid you could have been traumatized. My first reaction yeah one if you believe it was real and you are a wake minded fool, which most people born before 1995 aren't and really that is being nice in most cased because those kids are just turning 25 and I don't think they have that strong of a mind or will power as it is these days. The other thing that went throw my mind wow I feel really sorry for anyone that has seen the movie old Yeller SPOILER the kid has to take the dog out behind the shed and shot it. A kid for crying out loud. I bet that actor needed some serious counseling once he was done with that scene, oh wait most likely not because he like every other person that saw that movie wasn't a weak minded fool.  I have seen some crazy as shit in my life time but this crap is starting to get way the hell out of hand I have written about SHELL SHOCK in the  past and I most likely will write about it again in the future because it is one for the few things that is way the hell out of hand and everyone in the world has it for one reason or any other because we are all becoming weak minded fools, but let's not try and  go there right now but then isn't what what we are talking about here anyone who has seen either old yeller or Turner and Hooch all now have SHELL SHOCK and are traumatized  for the rest of their life because they saw a dog let me restate that a DOG get killed in a movie. Come one now. their are more traumatizing things that happen in movies that can affect people way more then a dog getting killed, I give you a perfect example for me.. In the movie The Fisher King Robin William is recalling how his wife got killed right in front of him.. That scene didn't do me any good what so ever as a matter of fact the people I was watching the movie with said that I more then freaked out as a matter of a fact freaking out was a under statement, but I got my mind back together (for the most part) and went on to finish the movie, because I was not a weak minded fool like so many people in todays world. 

Did you know: In a 1787 letter to William Stephens Smith, the son-in-law of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson once wrote... The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

 In the beginning of this country was something to behold even though the people putting it together had do Idea what the hell they were doing. Now I have just taken one line out of a letter and you will most likely read it completely out of context because they isn't any context to it so I would say go find the rest of the letter and read the bloody thing. Hell I had to try and even remember the line the tree of liberty just to find out the rest of the line and who the hell wrote it  these people wrote what they need to to make sure they came out with the point as blunt as they could as must people should. hell that's what I try and do hear hit you with the truth of things as I either see it or as it really is even if you head it another way or seen it. 

Here is something to think about.. I was listening to the musical Jesus Christ Superstar and was trying to put in with true time line. It's said that Easter is on the Sunday three days after he died, so we back that up to he died on a Friday and he was on the cross for three days before as the Bible say's "gave up the ghost"  so he was crucified on a Wednesday so that means he had to be have arrested on Sunday or Monday night, because he was back and forth from Pontius Pilate, to Herod and you know this wasn't a short walk, but I'm willing to say that it even took longer then that so This whole thing mostly took a good week and a half from arrest to crucifixion and no matter what move you see they all make it look like ti happened with in just a day or two at most so this is  just something to think about and know your facts before you run off on some crazy rant about something and yes I believe Pontius Pilate didn't want anything to do with it and he was forced in to the decision he man and had to live with it but all of these are straight up FACTS.. and for all who think 13 is a bad/evil number think on this real fast Jesus and his apostles of 12 equal 13. 13 men at a dinner table breaking bread and drinking wine..

The world and writings of old are full of fun little things like Perfect. There is nothing more then Perfect that is the best you can get it's PERFECT. So why does the Document say "to form a MORE perfect union." you can't get any better then perfect to how are you going to get more perfect, by the way we are no where near perfect at this moment in time, but that is for an other time.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

political correct why

 So your feelings are hurt by something I say or they way I said are you really that weak minded that you can be so hurt by words that you need to quit place to get over it. Now I have been through a shit load of stuff in my life from being hit by cars to hitting cars and meeting Sammy Hagar when I hit his Ferrari and went flying over the coroner of it's back end. To being shot and stabbed that I can't see works hurting anyone. AS I said last Sticks and Stones can break your bones but works can never hurt you, well I guess that has been throw right out the window oh wait we can't throw anything out the window these days because you might hurt it's feels so we asked it to leave throw the front door. Now a days it would appear that works can hurt a person why more then any thrown stick or rock the people today have gotten so weak minded that you have to be what is know as Politically correct and that shit has just gotten why out of hand and is just really getting to me. You can't call something or someone what he hell they are or what it truly is. and now those meanings are so wide and far it's hard to tell what the hell anyone is talking about let alone if you can figure out what the dam abbreviation is. Hell j had to Google what PTSD because I had no idea what the hell people were talking about, when I found out that it was Battle Fatigue or better yet SHELL SHOCK I was ok cool now I know what the hell we ae talking about and I can get a better grip on what the hell was wrong with the person. Damn it was sad that I had to go that far because I'm so old school on so many damn thing. Hell I miss the good old RECORD store(empire records or High Fidelity anyone) it was a great way to me girls and just to hang out with your friend. You know I will admit to be a geek and in some case a loser, I mean I miss the good old comic book store as well. what you have today is not a comic book store. you new releases up front and back issues hiding somewhere and you need to ask for , when I was a kid going to the comic book store you walked in and as far as the eye could see were box and boxes the whole store was nothing but comics none of this stupide card shit that was another store all together, none of this done as collectable crap that is all over the place, the store smelled like newspaper and if you got the right place a bit of mildew it was great. I went to this one corner comic book store the place was so small that it had boxes staked up to the ceiling in places but you could pull anyone down and look throw it with out a problem, and if you couldn't find what you where looking for you could as the store owner who sat behind his register and he would either say go look in that box over there or no he didn't have it in right now write down the title and issue number and he would find it, when it can in and he say you next time he would say hey I got that book you were looking for. No name to nothing he would just remember who you where even if you hadn't been in his store for a few months, but getting back to this crap of PTSD and aberrations, it's like people don't have the time to say words anymore or they are to long in the first place so why the hell did you change. Damn I mean yea I can see some being of us. Like F.U.B.A.R. and S.N.A.F.U. hey these are get and come in handy every now and then but damn it you are going to changes something a scary as SHELL SHOCK to PTSD which as no really punch to it you got give us a good reason. I mean Doc's are forever shorting thing to simple letters and words. and a lot of time regular people have no idea what the hell is going on this shit is way out of hand these day. People are not who they are because of what the system say's they are. Your not blind, your not deaf, you not even bold, for crying out loud.

 Ok back to old school and the here and now VS this crappy Digital age we are in now. I have like to write a check and go to the cable office and pay my cable bill. I like to go to the store and find the CD I'm looking for so I can walk out and play it in my car. ot Buy the DVD Bluray, what ever damn system disc we are on now, but you can't find it, and if you are going to tell me that oh you don't need to go to the store they got that digitally now I can say THE HELL THEY DO, you find me a digital copy for the soundtrack to  Legend from 1985 or one of the greatest movies ever made HISTORY OF THE WORLD Part one, pretty sure you can't because I have looked nothing, and don't give me this YOUTUBE crap you have any idea how bad the quality of some of that crap is it hurts my eyes to try and watch it. it's I want it here and now, but we buy on-line and have to wait three days before we get it. you know I ordered something on line a few weeks ago and when it showed up I was what is this. I had completely forgot I had ordered something for amazon. I would like to walk into a store and buy something and walk out with it. it's that I see it and I could use it now or I want to listen/watch it when I get home or in the car. I want to go talk to someone and know that I have paid my cable bill because if something so wrong I can say well I talked to this person and here is a copy of the damn check I wrote you guy's so I know I paid that bill and I paid it on time, but no I have to do everything on line or down load it to my phone or computer, hell I pay my cable bill throw the damn cable box because it's got and app on it for doing it. You Know that the Terminator and the Matrix are the same world just a few years apart because we black out the sun so skynet starts to us humans as batteries to run itself...

Ok so I went three no where with being politically correct by it sucks and everyone get's there feelings hurt with words more then they do with stick and stone so I think I'm just going to start throwing shit at people when they think I hurt their feeling with works and say well that looks like it hurt a shit load more then whatever it is you think I said to you you weak minded ass....

                        OF GODS AND GENERALS

Monday, February 1, 2021

it's been way to long


Ok so you know you need to blow of steam or just talk about what the hell is on your mind but you forget that you have a place that you set up to do just that. Get shit out of your head and not give a rats ass what other people think. Hell I'm starting to get to that age where I really don't give a shit what the hell I say and what people think in publics let alone on the internet. Yeah I know the internet is almost forever but shit if you are afraid to say what is on your mind because you are afraid to offended someone or that they are not going to be your friend anymore then you have a real problem. Hell I have a problem trying to be politicly correct. Just in the past year I have called a few people on some crazy as shit that I just don't get. Now me I don't give a shit on how you say something because well I was raised with an open mind and I can most of the time play the Devil's advent on most shit. Hell I don't care say what ever the hell you want. One of my favorite movies speech's is from the Movie American President...

"America isn’t easy. America is advanced citizenship. You’ve gotta want it bad, ’cause it’s gonna put up a fight. It’s gonna say, “You want free speech? Let’s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who’s standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.” You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag. The symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. 

Then you can stand up and sing about the land of the free."

Now Here is the one thing that I have been thinking ever since I heard about it and I know you can look at this the wrong way no matter how the hell I say it so here we go. In my life time the Black community fought to great ends to no longer be called black they wanted to be call Africa America's and by the end of the 80's in to the beginning of the 90's they finally got that. Great cool. I didn't give a damn  either way but it's what they wanted so they got it and it became politicly correct way to refer to black people. Now here we are almost 30 years later and they are no longer Africa America's because it doesn't fit them any more of that is not who they are. Really for 20 years you fight for it and then 30 years later it's not who you are. Ok we'll go back to calling you Black because that is what you now find politicly correct cool you got, now we just need to go back and change all the damn paper work. 

  Ok so now that shit is done next up is special  just That what the hell is politicly correct anymore these days and why the hell do we need to use it to make people feel say, are you kidding me. I have a hard time with it because you should say what you want to say the way you need to say it and not worry about hurting someone's feeling. everyone needs a safe place really you remember the rime Sticks and stones will brake your bone but words will never hurt me..I grow up on that and still think that way but shit these day people are like words will hurt me more then a stick and stone. Hell as a matter of fact it's stick and stones will break my bone they will heal but your words will hurt me forever. Are people becoming that weak minded that works will hurt you more then and stone being thrown at your damn head.. Ohh and that is another damn thing that is getting on me everyone is getting this stupide PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) or Shell shock what the fly (edit) really everyone in the whole world has this shit now I am hearing  someone who walks into a door is is getting this shit. oh come on it has gotten way way way out of f(edit) hand. If I went to see any type of counselor I would not only be diagnosed with Shell shock I would have to be put on all kinds of drug to solve the problems. be I find life just to be fine the way it is I know I'm Crazy and all the crazy as shit I did as a kids just made me stronger as I went along. I am who I am because I'm crazy as hell I don't give a rats ass what other people really think of me even though I should. Your opinion is just that and I sure as shit don't have to agree with you, just like you don't have to agree with the crazy ass shit that comes out of my head. Like I said I'm crazy as hell and I know it, so I can see everyone opinion and go well that's just stupide as hell but hey if that is what you believe go for it I'm not going to tell you are wrong. I'm just going to ask all kinds of questions so I have a better understanding of what it is you are thinking and why.

 So according to Facebook (which I got on to do nothing more then play Farmville) I tried/started pointless rants 11 years ago because I watch the movie Julie and Julia and after that first years it has just sat there doing nothing but gowning weeds, trusted me they are no roses here. In all that time I have seen a shit load of stuff and listed to some interesting things and I have even read a tank load of things. So i have a few new things that I could go over and when I first came across them Had said something. Like the picture on this post Dr. Denis Leary He wrote two books both funny as hell and I highly recommend (why we suck and why we don't suck) unless your are some weak minded fool that get's offended easy they your aren't going to last more then two bloody pages. It's comedy people learn to laugh at yourself because you know everyone else is so do it too. The other book at I have read is "The way I heard it" By Mike Rowe. little interesting stories  about people in history I hope he writes a second book one again something I recommend because it's fun and you might learning something. 

So let's try this again for the next year I'm going to try and make a post here at least once a week that just 54 stupide ass rants about something anything. Hell you might even get some of my really bad poems or parts of my books that will never be finished because I keep changing shit in them but remember this is for me and I don't give as rats ass what you think but if you want to write a comment or ask a question go for it. you may not get a reply, and remember I will be using more colorful words in the Future because I can that's it just because I can

And remember Carrie Fished Never meet James Earl Jones until they did the big bang theory together..

                            OF GODS AND GENERALS

Saturday, March 7, 2020

from inlet to panic

Ok so you knew sooner or later I was going to get on this virus thing  that is happening in the north west. Over the past few weeks we have been hearing about this Corona virus and that the first cases in the US were in Seattle and the first deaths from it were also in that area. Now in the beginning the Media and I will go with all the media was doing it part to inform the public about the virus and what it did and everything related to it, but the just keep it up and it has gone from giving intell to panic and the people are no longer listing to what the media has to say. people are either doing the opposite of what should be done or they are over reacting and are turning into doomsday peepers, stocking up and waiting for the end of the world. going back to the wrong way or to the people who are not listing to the media side of things one for the worst things you could do is start using that hand stanitiser stuff  which in truth put's you at more risk then not using it and then they tell you that the face mask doesn't really do anything for you either yet people are buying these thing left right and center and say that the info that is coming out from the CDC is false. of course these people just see misinformation coming from the government because they have no idea what to do or this is a government virus out to help control the people and get the who ever is the Pres re-elected . Now major events and sporting events are getting cancelled. People are starting to lose thousands of dollars and the media all of it are just now fueling this. the more stories they run now are changing from intell to panic, the people are starting to panic that we are all going to get this new virus and die with in weeks, we need to get the media to stop talking about it and move on to another subject like the recovery of Nashville, yeah it you hear that Nashville was hit by two major tornadoes at the time of this writing over 256 building are destroyed and 1,000 are damaged, the death toll is at 25 and it is expected to climb in the next coming weeks yet her we are going on and on about a virus that is a threat but by giving out anything beyond the intell that is already out they are creating a panic I saw a morning show clip with DR. Drew and he was going on how the Media needs to shut up they are turning things from a simple intell mission to a panic and that they really need to shut up and that is were I am at the media needs to stop talking about it from the procustions  they are talking to the things we should or shouldn't be doing it's really is starting to cause a panic and anyone with a simple cough into you are now going to die.. so I need to the media to just SHUT THE HELL UP on this matter until new safe intell comes out that includes me.


Sunday, February 23, 2020

Follow your own rules

you ever have one of those days where you are out and working with someone or even your boss and you are doing things by their rules and then you need something done by the rules they go no that is not how it's done or how I'm doing it. Don't you ever just want to go what are you saying, these are the rules and the way YOU said these things need to be done. I did hat today. I hate bagging on the scout's but it looks like that is what I have been doing of late because that is where a lot of things keep going wrong. Now I have said I have been working with the BSA Now Scout's BSA and I have friends that work the scout's and for the most part it's fun and I will say that it is a great program but it would appear of late that I keep running into that one bad apple or that one person that doesn't know what they are doing or really doing. Well today I had a young girl come to me and what me to sign a few things off for her, because she had done them and they where in the new scouting program already approved. I looked over the requirements and said that I couldn't do it and that she need to go to the scoutmaster to get things sign off. She said ok and went off to see that scoutmaster to have the few things signed off. A few minutes later I came across the girl and checked to see if she got the things signed off, she shook her head no and I went what and she told me that the scoutmaster didn't sign things off because she couldn't answer a few questions. I went what, I grabbed my phone and pulled up the scout book app. and looked at it and saw that most off the stuff she need signed off was in and was approved by the scoutmaster and the few things that they had gone over last night and this morning where in there so I took the scout handed her my phone and said here go show the scoutmaster that they are done and approved by her. The scout asked if I would go with her I said Sure and we headed over to where the scout master was and the girl showed the scoutmaster the app and the approval that was there a few that were pending that she was trying to get signed off. I scoutmaster looked at them but then wanted to bring it up on their phone and when they couldn't do that bring it up on their tablet, but her main excuse for no signing things off was because the scout couldn't answer a few question now months after the time it was a organically done. Now I have been either working with or a scout's on and off for over 40 years in that time I have been able o tie a bowline knot only 4 maybe 5 time, enough to times to pass the requirement for my advancements and for the merit badges I was trying to get at the time and I know the last time was by accident. I keep working it but no luck. Now I look at scout master and said now wait the scout is here just to get their trying to get their book up to date so that they can request an board of review for the next rank, you have always said that the scoutbook App/program is law and we just  need to sign and date when a scout asks us as long as it is approved in scoutbook and that the book was just a secondarily thing. (In my head I went that is what we do for your daughter other wise she shouldn't not be at the rank she is.) you need to play by the rules that you have set up and we are all following , the scout master went well let me check and that is when she tried to log into the program on their phone and when that didn't work they grabbed their tablet and still couldn't get a connection I guess the Intel that my phone was giving off wasn't good enough for them. they would have to go home and look at it. I was still mad because I was showing them the proof right they and that the scout still had things waiting which would have been fine to question the scout on even though the first point of the scout law is trustworthy like she had always said especially when it comes to her kid because they are on a time frame. No you need to play by the rules you have set up and we are all playing by. None of this do as I say and not as I do thing. The first point of the scout law is trustworthy so when a scout tells you they have done something or in this case asking to get your signature one something that is already done and approved you should trust them and just sign it off, because they have done it if not then that is on their congests not yours...
  In the end the scout didn't get things signed off because the scoutmaster wanted to look at things through their account at home and the scout has to wait till the next meeting before the scoutmaster will sign things off and she can schedule her board of review. I told that scout it shouldn't be a problem and to still schedule board of review, the worst case  she will have to cancel the board and that I would go in and apologize because I though it was done and ready to go, but there should be no problem because I have been working with this scout and know that they have done all the things they need to do to get the board of review for rank and I will fight for it if they don't get it..