Friday, December 31, 2010

it happens

The stupied things....
Ok so where are you in the stupied factor of things this day in the world and you the person who has to stand by and watch as everyone drinks around you and makes a complete moron of themself or are you one of the morons in the world. but the the real questionis are you the moron in the car after making a completemoronof yourself? because that is the person i want to hang up by your toes and hit with a bat to see what is inside, because you might as well be a pinyata then in the driver seat of a car you you think that even after one drink you can drive the bloody thing, and you know what tonight is the one night that that is going to happen, we are goingto have a lot of really really really stupied people on the road, because they thought it was going to be funto have a few drinks at a party then drink about a allon of water and say hey i can drive home no problem. guess what you moron you can't that is why my favoret coffee shop is giving away free drinks to the D.D, tonight for 6pm to 11pmthe D.D. well beable to get a free cup of coffee to show that they care and really don't want to have stupied people on the road or at least cut down on the amount really really stupied people thatare on the road and you know I my have kids and don't drink much anymore so i try and not to even be on the road.
Let the drinking begin..
Ok so it's almost time for people to start to get stupied,but in some cases I know people have already started, it's said to say that some people started at noon, but i think five o'clock like the song says is the best time to start, and for this weekend we can drink on and on for the next 30hours as long as we don't fall a sleep, but this is the one thing that do do need with all the drinking we can do over the next day and ahalf. tonight we get to enjoy the end of the year, by drinking ourselvies stupied and then byond and tomorrow we can keep on going because there is a lot of college football games on and we need are beer and chips just to keep going on the great week of drinking, the after all the games are over we can keep going late into the night to either celebrate our winning what ever bowl game we were in or to well in our sorrow because we lost either way the the new year right around the corron and on the weekend we can drink ourself in to stupiedity and then keep going until we find ourself waking up naked in the middle of the road and butt naked and snow pilled high on your butt wounder where the snow came from, because you live in southeren cal. you know i have never really been a a party like that and i have been to a few intresting parties where people get massivly drink and are hanging on to a speaking talking into it well the radio plays the doors, but none where people have end up naked which is a bummer because i use to work in the theater and you would thing that some of the after parties you would end up with some naked people, but with this being the weekend for new years and the eve is friday you know you can drink your ass off, but remember don't be one of the really really really stupied people and get in the driver seat of a car. call a cab or get yourself a D.D. there are many programs that will help out tonight hell there is even one called
Tipsy Tow 1-800-222-4357 not only will they take up home, but they will tow your car home to so you don't have to wake up the next morning and wounder where you left the bloody thing, but of course I have worken up a few time and woundered where i was. hell one time i feel asleep in a freinds van and he drove the thing out a parked it on a hill side and crashed in the back woke up the next morning got out of the van and head for the house where the party was last night and guess what the house was not there but the city was. what an intresting to wake up, so tonight as you drink yourself stupied and beyond because you can remember there is nothing worth getting in to a car for that you need,, but then again remember yo also want to drink yourself stupied the next day because you can and there is a tank load of football on and beer and football go together like nothing else you can think let's go drink and becarefull out there.. and remember to post or e-mail me the naked women you come across during your adventers in drinking.
Raise your hands

Thursday, December 30, 2010


what the hell...
Ok so the theory of the life time is that so the world get's older things have a tentances to shift on your, so the spring become, winter, summer becomes spring, fall becomes summer and winter becomes fall, yeah like many other things it's a crack pot thinking but lookat the way the world has been going the fall have been a lot warmer and your spring has been a hell of a lot colder so thing are off just a bit thus the seasons are jumping just a touch to the right, which makes us all wounder what is really happening in the world. are we the people of the plant making these thing happen the changes in the seasons or is it a nature ocurance in which happen slowly over the years and thus cause what ever life on it to either adapt and live on or just die out and the world keeps moving forward regardless of what happens. Then again you wounder if the plant makes thing or moves forward just to have them for a little while like the dinos and now humans, because remember for ever long we are on the plant it will be here long after we are gone and one of the few things we will have left it which it asked for is plastic, one of the reason why we are here is because the plant wanted plastic and all the other creatures before us failed to make before us. most likly one of the reason it has kept us around so long is because we made it plastic and it just needs a few more hundered things made of plastic before it decussed to get read of us, but then again it has been give us a warn us for the past few thousands years remember pompa, or the great san fancisco quakes and a few other naturla disaster that have come out over the past million year or so that humans have been on the plant, but then again like everything else it all just takes a little bit of time and thus the shifting of the seasons which no one is really seeing it because like so many other things it is happening slowly over time, so we don't see it coming,it like putting a frog in a pan of water putting it on the stove and turn it on and slowly cooking the thing to death well at the sametime making a great frog soup. so think that is what the plant might be doing to us, slowly cooking us and the frezze us to keep us freash for the next thing is has in mind to see what became before it, that is presay we don't out smart the plant or blow it up in the second place, so let's just enjoy the time we have on the plant and explore it for as long as it desiceds to keep us here...
Raise your hands..

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

So fluffy

The stuff animal attack..
Ok so you got to a carnival and you play all of the mid-way games and you walk home with a tank load of stuff animals or you get nothing and lose a shit load of money in my case I lose all that money so I don't play the mid-way any more Then again I never really play it because I just never saw the pointof the mid-way I founded all the games rigged one way or another, today they are still rigged just in a way where you can win if you know how to do it just right and the best way to find out that is to be the person working the game that way you know how the rigging works and be he best way around it, Now any one who says they don't rigg the game on a mid-way is laying there ass off to you. it's just the way the games are rigged that there is a way to win it so they can say yeah you can do it you just got to do it right to win and you know if youwatch any show on a carival they tell you what they do to rigg the games from the ring toss to the bsll throw to the water bollon gun race. the rigging on these games is really easy and it makes the game all that much more complicated and the mid-way makes more money then the things are giving away for a prize. there is no other side to this really, you are cheating thr public by make the game winnable but at the sametime the game is not winnable because it's rigged to be won only one way. So go to the net and find out how to win at the game before you go to any midway to find out how to play and win at the games and practice at home..

Raise your hands

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

On and on we go..

It's still coming...
No matter what we try and do the end of the year is coming it's getting loser and closer and there is nothing we can do about it and with the end of the year comes all the fun with it. Cops are out like almost never before pulling people over for any reason they can find just to see if they have been drinking which is a good thing. I hate it when someone thinks they might even be able to drink and drive even only having one drink. This is why they came up with the idea of the D.D. which when you use to go to most bar could drink for free as long as the bar knew that he was the D.D and they usally marked there hand in some why so all the tenders knew how they were so they would not sell him anything hard. Now I don't think many bars do that now which is a real shame, hell if I ever got my three bussness up and running at I would let the D.D. drink for free, but then again when they went to the third place they would have to pay for the coffee. One of these days I might even look into trying to ge those bussness up of the drewing board, I do wounder how much capital it would take to make it happen I know it would be a pretty penny or three, but hell I think it would be a good idea and could make a bit of money expectaly around a college or universty kids always want off and a place to study.
Ok now back to the cops pulling people over and what a good pain in the butt it is. They are just trying to keep us safe and around the holidays people drinking and driving is a lot higher then you would think and new years which is coming is one of those big days expectaly with new years eve being on a friday and new years day on a saturday, it comes down to how much can you drink in two days and be safe, because not only to you have the big part on new years eve and not have to really worry about going to work the next day but you got new years day which is on saturday and a butt load of football games where you can drink and throw things at your T.V. all day when the prade is over, and still not worry about having to go to work the next day so its' two day in which you can spend completely intoxicaed and not worry about work and try and recover on sunday before having to try and start work on monday, boy I wish i could drink a butt load, but I'm a father so drinking is out, got to take care of the kids the next day and a hang over and kids do not mix no matter how you look at it. so for the next few days give the cops a break if they pull you over they are just trying to do there job and keep everyone alive for another year and if you think you can even have one drink and drive just remember a 17 year old girl drove her dads brand new 2million and yes I said 2million dollar car in to a light post and destoried it. I do mean there was almost nothing left off the car and the car had just over 12miles on it before she totlled it. boy I would hate to see the insurance calm on that one, by the way everyone walked away from the crash in good shape no one was kill until the dad got hold of the daughter.
The party is the thing you wake up from and try and remember what you did last night and they you looked it up on youtube and you feel really bad because now the whole world can see you dancing on the dinning room table with out a shirt and a happy face of wipe cream on your cheast in which you are asking someone else to come a like off yeas we all now have phones that take video and have a internet connection, but isn't that what makes it so fun to drink you can just lose yourself in it and be really embarised the next day when you wake up in a bed with a pair of feet next to you. Yes the fun of drinking So go have fun, but remember the cops our out there to keep you safe and if you do drink find a nice soft spot to crash where you are, and wake up with the feet. it much better then waking up in a cold room with a couple of really big hairy guy's looking a you very thankful for last night...
Raise your hands

Monday, December 27, 2010

Run for it

Into the open..
So in this past election there was a woman that was running and at one point she was accused of being a witch and she said I am not a witch I am you, but you know what the hell does it really matter if she was a witch or not. a person running for is based on how well they can do there job not what kind of relegion they are, because hell if we did that all of conguress should be thrown out, Hell a witch in congruss could just be what the hell we need right now, a few good spells to scare the shit out of people and we might beable to get a few things done, now I know having PAGANS out in the open really is something new to people I mean they have been hiding for more then Five hundered years give or take anattamt to come out into the open every now and then and then being burned at the stake or drowned, so you can see why they have been hiding or very low key for a while, hell they still get shit today when they come out into the open because of the opionion of what people has already formed about then when they hear the word Witch/wizard or PAGAN. they want to run and hind in fear or attack and get them away from them as far as poaable, Hell I know a few people that have even been fired for coming out into the open, which sucks in a at will state because you can be fired for any reason and all they really have to say it that your services are no longer needed, and that is it. The real reason is just hided behind it all so you can see why a PAGAN would not really want to come out into the open with such high predjust flotting around in the world today so getting an open witch into conguress would be a great thing for the PAGAN'S they just need a chance to set the record straight, with the change in the century they just need to be free to show who they are and how they can help the people of the world given the chance, thus they need to get someone in a high place very visable to show the people of the country and the world that PAGAN's are not to be something to be afaired of... so go find and make a new friend..
Raise your hands

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Morning after

What are we thing....
Ok so we all have the day off and now it's back to work trying to find out what the hell i'm trying to do here, as we all know it's come down to writing something out once a night, but coming up with something that get's you to think and we all know that hasn't really worked either, the main things that I have been thinking about getting into which I should get into I just have not been really feeling about doing it and want to kind of writing it out carefully because in some sence I want it to be done in the right frame of mind because most of the time I write this in my left frame of mind which is where I usally think, because I had the great fun of descussing the fact that some store can be open on Christmas day because not everyone in the country celebraties christmas and as much as they would enjoy the day off they are sometimes more then happy to work on the day as well. It is strange to see it that way, but it is the truth, and sometimes you jsut need something for dinner or part for a gift that you forgot to pick up, and you know what the most commonely forgot/lost thing is batteries, we all forget battieries for those gifts that need them. it's just one of the many little things we forget to buy any more these day and believe or not with the way customer service works they have stopped asking about the ad on's so they no longer ask if you need it, which is both ofcuse the good and the bad, becuase you for get the batt's and have to go back to the store either that day or wait another day and if you have kids and no batt's guess what they want them batt's ASAP so they can play with there new toys, so having and understanding why some stores are open on christmas day is not really a bad idea and remember not everyone in the country celebraties christmas and not everyone has someone to celebrat with so working is all they to do and are more then will to work any given holloday which includes christmas and they are more then happy to do it, plus yeah I like the idea of having a few store open on christmas day, just for those last mintue things we all need, plus it tell me/us that the country is still running. So don't be to hard on those bussness that are running on CHristmas day or any other holloday because really there are some people out there that just don't enjoy/celebrate every holloday like you and I might, for one reason or another...
Raise your hands

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day of peace

GO and ENJOY....
You know this is the one day of the year I can sat I don't give a shit about a thing and go and enjoy the day regardless of what you believe.
Merry Christmas...
Go and Enjoy the day with friends and family
Raise your hands

Friday, December 24, 2010

He's on the Move

you know for the next two days there isn't really going to be anything here to read because it's Christmas and we all have a lot to do, which includes finishing your wraping and woundering how things are going to unfold to morning. for most people it's going to be a day of joy because a jolly fat man who is already on the move, last I saw was that he was somewhere over Grytiken, where ever that is, but you know it's fun that NORAD follows him as he makes his journy around the world, now you know he doesn't have to stop at every home in the world but he does stop and a bunch of them over 117million just in the first couple of hours and the guy's at NORAD keep and eye on him from the very beginning starting at midnight and just run the whole night tell he returns home, the video they have of the guy is great to see and it's fun for the kids to watch when they get a chance and it keeps them know that there is a Santa Clause in the world out to make little boy's and girls happy for at least one time of year when we are at peace and there should be no fighting in the world. so go and make yourself a nice cup of coco with that little something extra, pull out the movies for watching well you finish your wrapping and remember to have fun it's what it's all about...
Raise your hands

Thursday, December 23, 2010

and we move on

Where do we go...
you know there is many things to do and every little time in which to do it in, now that is not just the end of the holladay season and the end of the year. Now what get's me is that here in a time that is to be a joyful time of year and to be about family and celebration we have things on T.V. that is all about tarror and horror. The history channles and travil channle run shows on World War II and the holocost and show death and distruction all month long, and your Pay channles like HBO and SHowtime start running thing like Underworld and Sweeny todd, and other horror movies that really should not be on right now, this is a joyful time of year and really do we need to be seeing Vamp's and werewolfs all over the T.V. eating people at this time of year, thus shows about vampire really not a good idea to begin with, but then again do we also need to see things on WWII the horror that is out there.
Questions of the Nation...
Are we all crazy and look for thing that are not there. are we all looking at one thing and see an other. Do we lookat almost everything as a conspery from what could be the courner stone of the white house to the death of Lewis and on the the Assansstion of JFK to the fact that booth the man how shot Lincon was not killed, in the barn he was later found in.look there are many stories and a butt load of eveidence that can be put to many thing and people can look at it inmany diffrent lights but in the end it comes down to two things what you believe and if you where not really there and didn't see it with your own eyesor there is somekind of video eveidence t=you don't have anything and anything canbe made up to bring your point of view into the open, and that is where many thing can go wrong with thing that are many years old, records can be faked and some are even destoried and rewriten in many diffrent ways. I always say that when all is done it is the winners that write the history and thus a tank load of consperties thearoys start pop up, not the farther back you go the hard it is , because the documantion is all in hand writen thing there is no real evendicne that show anything thus we take pictures and x-rays of everything to try and keep history straight and still we can see that even that stuff can be changed and altered and even taken and hiden away.look at all the missing pieces of history that we can't fine and the many strange theories that are out there. hell you can start your own if you really want to, Now know this is false and I just made it up right now, But Washington one of our founders of our country had a tomb built in the capital for himself, but really he had no intent to be baried in it because he really wanted it to be used as a show place for the later dead bodies of the president... now we know this is flase because like I said I just made it up and and i mean as i was writing it it can to light, but i bet if i went to look I could find something that could support it hell his idea could have been to have all the later President sent on top of him when they died to they could be all contected to him. you know there is many diffrent things you could have come up and show there evenidence for almost anything in the world.
So you know go make soemthing something up and put it out in the world and see what you get out of it..
Raise your hands

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

yeah right

Test of the Human..
Ok know there are many thing in the world that we have to go through and fight against some of the things we go through can drive us nuts and other things can just make us move forward and then some of the things makes us nuts soo we can move forward, you know so times there are things in the world that we just need to face, and you know we may think we are alone but then again if you just look over our shoulder at the right point you will find that your are being watch/helped along at times like this. Now I know I'm crazy and I have had people ask me straight out and I go say I am and they stop and think about it because that was not the answer they wanted to hear from me but I have no problem admitting it, Now why I bring this up is that I turned on this movie called Commandments where a guy after losing his wife and having a torrnado destory his house and then getting hit by lighting, desicdes to break all ten Commandments until he gets an answers from the big man up above. in some sences it a funny movie and in some sences it's a sad movie, because the guy feels that he is bing targeted and isn't being given any answers to the questions so he takes he goes after the commandments sent down to man many many years ago, but you know this is what makes us nuts not having the answer to many a question no matter where we look we can never find the answer we want because you know there just isn't one. and that is the woeste part of the whole thing there just isn't answer to the great question we all want to know, but you know then again do we really want to know the answer to the question, Yeah I may be crazy, but the fun thing about being me and being crazy is that I know it so it makes me just a little bit more sane then I should be, and when I see things in a much more diffrent light. thus i can write some really boarding ass stuff for people to try and read.

Trying to relax...
peppermint, and new study which of course cost millions of dollors on the smell of peppermint is found to calm people down. In a high stress enverment you are to smell peppermint to relax yourself, hey that is great because the smell of peppermint is really nice to most people and I am happy to see this information because i do like the smell of pepperment,but how much did this little study really cost and how long did it take to make this conclustion and the bigger point to the question how much did this whole thing cost and not just in the price of the candy but also the price of man power to catch the reaseach and thento go through it all,we all know this was most likly so college resreach project, and most subject where volintiers and not paid but the the people doing the study had to be paid and then they did have to pay for the candy so what was the total cost of the project in the end and how much Peppermint must we smell to calm ouselives in the end when we hear the final number..

Raise your hands

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

things just get bad

Day's roll over...
Ok so you know when the night ends badly and you think that hey thank god the day is over end everything will be ok in th morning, and then when you get up in the morning and you still have that nagging feeling from yeasterday and your morning just contuies from last night and thing are just getting wores you know you just need to stop get a good cup of coffee and and try and call it a day, well guess what they country needs a good cup of coffee and try and call it a day because you know we are just in a state of wake up to a bad morning after a bad night and we have been in this state for a long time know, we might be headingtop the coffee store but it sure as hell is taking a long time and as much as I am glad we are getting out of the war we got ourselvies needless in to things might get a little more worest because we have all of these millity peopel comming home to try and take job we don't havein thefirst place, but like i said the first time it's great to see these people back and home alive and well, just in some case can't we send them somewhere else in the world where we need to beef up our millity presents, but for the most part I'm happy to hear we are getting are people out of major harms ways and just back into harms way, so yeah the nightmare does contiue for a lot of us the question is just how long is it going to keep going and how do we find away out of this new hole that we keep digging,and then filling only to dig ourselvies only deeper into, but isn't that we do to ourselvies...
Raise your hands

Monday, December 20, 2010

NCC 1701B...
Ok so there is enough going on in the world that we have to doing are daily bussness without knowing what is really going in the world because that is what we all look forward to because we want to know nothing well the world pass us by, and you know there are so many things happening that we don't know anything at all... HUh ok what the hell am I talking about, because even I don't know what the hell is running through my half asleep brain and having to listen to the radio for more then an hour and a half today and there was almost nothing on shit i can't remember a damn song that was played on the radio but i do remember that one station was giving way new boot with stuff in them like and I pad and a x-box 360, now how the hell they got these things into the boot I would like to know because I don't think they all really fit inside a pair of boots myself unless they are really really big boot and that you need to be called 25 to win these boots, and then another station when they did play a song or two was a really old one from like the 50's and late forty's so this you can see that driving was not an easy thing for me this afternoon you got to remember your FM transmitter when you got for a long trip up to bowing or in to auburn and so many other places that are so far away from where you start off, not I can't stand the radio and we all know that there is way to much talking in the damn thing we never really hear music any more and that is the said part because so of the stupied awards that are given out are because of radio play, and you know i never hear these songs on the radio, but then again I don't listen to the the radio ,but then again there is never anything on it to listen to so what do you do make sure you have your FM transmitter so you can tune what ever crap they are talking about because really it all just a bunch of shit much like it always is..
Raise your hands

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Are your ready..

The end is near
Ok so everyone is worried about the coming for the chrismas which is at the end of the week, but what about the end of the year do you have any idea how many parties and huge events need to be finished in plaining and then built plus a lot of bussness need to put together there end of the year statments for the goverment and taxes report because after chrismas you got new years then you got tax season, coming which to me is a tank load of stress in everyone, most bussness are tring to push out as much stuff as they can and make as much money as they can before the end of the year. so are we really ready for all of this that is about to really start I mean look at all the sales are about right now, now remember most things are quaritly reports and taxs are due 4 times a year to them, Now I know little about what the bussness taxs are about so the question are the bussness ready for the end of the year. I know a lot of people are ready for it to change over because they just want to get past this time of year, for one reason or another. most of the year people just go forward. This time of year is just way to depressing for them.
Looking back...
Now the next bunch of crap we have to deal with is the what was the best and the worest of 2010 and really we got to put up with this shit for the need couple of months if not longer. I mean come on do we really care who the best dress of 2010 was really should be give a damn about the celebs of 2010 or ever I mean yeah be need to remember those we lost and the big events of the past year but really do we need think about who was the sexiest and who was the best dress, hell do we have to even look about at the Pres and first lady pushing there fresh produce and granden stuff on us which in some case they still are, which really look if I want to eat healthly I will but please don't force your ideas on me about eating healthy untill you have done something about all the hungery people/kids in the country. I do so hate those how forget the there are hungry people in the country and then push hey eat health, because the hungery mass will eat what ever they can get there hands on and sometimes they will and have eat some every disguesting and moldy things in the world hell they might have even had roasted rat cat or dog, which in some country really is a good meal so let's stop talking about eating health untill we get everyone feed shall we, ok now let's still look back and the 2010 but then again why I don't like to look back at the last year or at the every least what was the best and worest done but celebs because I really don't give a damn about the in the first place. lets just look forward....
Raise your hands

Saturday, December 18, 2010

live life

The price of it all...
You know the cost of things is what makes us wounder what it's all about, because even with the cost of living is going up and the cost for the few things we want trully are. money be put aside there are many things we pay for with many other things we don't even know or even understand so the question is just lost on me for where I was going with this. the price we are paying in freedom is just something we must learn to live with/for because yeah I may not be free and the price is always way to high, but in the end I think it is well worth it, it's just are we losing that freedom to keep it, the eyes and ear of big brother are everywhere and they sometimes do as they please, becuase they know they can and we would never know about for many year is ever because they hide everything they do behind closed doors the C.I.A. F.B.I. and Homeland security plus the N.S.A. and what ever other branch of the intellagence is out there that we might not know about it. This is the U.S. and believe it or not the person that knows the most about the country is the head of the department of History. The head of the department of history has the highest level of clearance in the the country they can look at anything and know almost anything and everything that the country has ever had done to it from the missing water gate tapes, all the photo's and films from the JFK killing. this is the person the one person that knows the most or can know the most about the history of the country is the most unknowen person in the world, or at least I this is one of the must unknowen people in the world that I can think of hell I didn't even know that we had a department of history untill I say a story where they talk to someone from department. it's strange what deparments we have in the country that we don't know about and the department of history is just one of them it's an intrest little department which I'm will to bet is not all that little and is in a building somewhere in the middle of D.C. that we wouldn't even know about, and guess what I'm will to bet we will never know where it is unless we really go looking for it because it's not in the white pages but then again I haven't look either. it's not that big of a deal to me but I think it's kind of funny the most knoweldgable person about the country we live is some one we don't even know and most likly has been doing the job for the past 50years or more..
Raise your hands

Friday, December 17, 2010

time and Taxs

where is the money...
Ok so everywhere you turn there is budget's and tax cut's are coming out, and no one is happy and for the first time in years we are really starting to here about it, and you know what it's a little good to hear, I mean yeah I don't really want to listen to the state or the the congruss say hey we don't have enough money for this or that because the real question is what the hell happened to the budget from last year, year i know we have to get one for every year but there should be a back fall of what we had last year worked so let's use that, but then again we did run over a few million dollors here and there, but well guess what don't do that this year you have and idea or budget so spend that money and when you run out guess what your don't and the sad part come well this now has to wait tell next year to be finished because you ran out of money this year and then why the hell did you run out of money we gave you enough to do the job what the hell happened to all of it. that is the point of any given budget here is the money you are a lotted and you can't go over it, to me budgets have always been full of shit because they always over spend on it anyway, no one can say thats it there isn't any more, your done you want to finish it you need to go out and ask people on the street for the money to finish the project because we gave you enough to do it and you spent it poorly, and I see that happening all the time, the goverment any goverment spends money poorly with out thinking about the bottom line in the end they would feel better about going into the red then think about how to spend money. one of the things I always see is that they are paying out people they have on contrect, but are not getting the product they are paying for so they need to stop paying them untill they get the product we gave them the money we said we would now give us are product you had a time line and deadline and you have missed that deadline now either you give us are product or give us the money back, that is it, there is not any more to say you need to give us our product and when we get it we will finish paying you out, untill then you need to work in the red because we are going to spend the money else where untill we get what we asked for. we can't get more plain then that, and if you go over budget then that is one your head not ours we are going to pay for your budget overages because we agreed on a price and we are paying you that amount, so give us what we paid for and give it to us on time like we asked all the overages is your falt and you need to pay for it we are not going to give you any more money the contract was for a price now pay us and next time we will go and find someone else to do it for us who can get it done on time and with in the price we were told they could do it for. This is what it is all about getting the job done and doing it on time and you get paid for it and that is the down fall of all budgets they don't collect there products and pay all the overages that the company and the goverment agreed on which is the suck part because who really get screwed in the end the people of the land, so head down to the state building and tell your congruss person what the hell is going on with these stupied budget and tell them to have a reguler accounted to look at it to see where they might beable to make a few cut because the people that are making them now don't have a frigen clue of what the hell they are doing, because they are cutting the wrong thing from begining to end, hell let me look at it i'll show you how to make some good cut's and look at them and go what the hell is this and what the hell is that, so then just need to get some one else to look at there books because i bet you there is things the govement dosn't see, and not just the projects that are being paid out and we are not getting any products in return or finished, everything needs to be on time and out the door by 5pm so they plane will not fly.

Raise your hands...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Talk radio

Let them talk....
Ok so I get this new job doing some pick up and delievery for and aircraft repair station, good people, nice job I get to drive to places I would never have seen let alone been to, now the only problem to the job is that the truck I drive which is a company truck and it's nice truck too, is that it only has a radio, no CD player, No usb port to plug into no cassette deck, no nothing just your standered radio, and at this point in time I do not have an FM transmitter for my I-pod, so I go to find something to listen to on the stupied thing and when you are driving more then a hour one way trust me that is hard to do, because no matter where you change the station to someone is always talking about one thing or an other, well today I was making a short trip to drop something off at UPS and the radio was on some crazy ass talk so, which I said what the hell let's here what these stupied guy's have to say. They where talking about a smoking band and how it was backed by the tribes because the tribes are a country all to themsevies and they can sell tobacco and have people smoke it on there land, this creating a monpoly on the smoking industery in that state. Look it is already sad that we can't smoke in bars anymore the one place we should be aloud to smoke. Hell you can't even smoke in a building anymore even if they gave you an area to smoke in the amount of place you can and can't smoke in now are just insane, Now I don't smoke so that is good for me I don't get any of that second hand crap, but at the same time come on they have got to give these people a place so go and stop taking away there rights/freedom isn't that what this country is all about freedom and here we are taking away there freedoms by restricting where they can or can't smoke, hell they can't even sell there product on T.V. anymore, but we get to anti-smoking ad's all the time come on can't they fight back and agaist all of this negitive ad campaiens agaist them, look they may be tell the truth which is good, but the other guy isn't even being given to try and sell his product let alone defend themself, now admittaly there really isn't any real defence for smoking it's bad for you no matter how you look at it, but hey let themself ther product and let the people decide if they want to buy it or not, it just like everything else that we sell. Hell acohole is bad for you and yet we still see ad's for that and on some T.V. shows it's even push in the fact of when ever to or more people get together they have to bring a bottle of wine and drink it all at one sitting, just to show you that it is ok to drink half a bottle of wine and then head home when drinking and driving kiss a shit load more people then almost anything else in the world they have people doing it on T.V. to say hey it's ok but then show anti smoking ad's where smoking doesn't kill people out right it takes time, but is banded in many area but drinking isn't, now we all know how proabition went over so making it illigale to drink is a bad idea, but we need to stop having ad's and T.V. show pushing the fact that it is ok so do, they say one thing and show us something else, You know at one point in my life I want to drink a butt load all the time, but for one reason or another mainly because i couldn't aford it, now it's more of that I am a dad and drink around kids is just wrong, so for a long time to come I can't drink and really not even in a party situation, so having it pushed on me in almost every show I watch on T.V. realy isn't a good thing. what is on T.V. is just a bunch of crap anyway and no mater what we try and do we are all addictedto one thing or another because everyone needs to be addicted to something weather it's good for you or not...
Raise your hands.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


the middle of the week..
So the week started out fine for one guy, but then when he was walking down the street next to a building doing some revestions he had a refrigurater fall on him from the fouth floor, so his week end a little to soo a long with his life, yes He did not live throw this sad and tragic accident, but the people in which I heard this news report from were very mornful at this report, but at the same time where well when it's your time to go it's your time to go, much like the person that was crushed by the huge peice of ice that fell from a plane. you know tragic things like this happen all the time, just sad accedents that takes peoples lives all the time, just little trips and falls weird things that just happen out of nowhere and we never really hear about the strange things that happen to people all the time that ends with there death. It's just a matter of hittng someone in the right place or in most cases being in the wrong place at the said to say the right time but that is really the funny part to it to the sittuation just how many ways and strange ways people end up dead so just think about any great and strange ways to kill someone and think that it might really have or could happen to some poor sad soul out in the world. you think it and it happens.
Raise your hands

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


They are history..
So they got this new show on T.V. show called Mysteries at the Museum, where they go and look at some of the stranges and intrseting Museum that are out there from the phone to a train and even the postal museum, they all hide and have fun and woundrous things out there. The postal Museum holds the mail rapping for the Hope Dimone it then has a history next to it of how all those who came in contect with it died, then in a train museum here in Washington there are two light holders which are not on display of the only remind parts to a train that was covered in a avalance/snow storm of more then three days. it is intreating to see what they can come up with. there is a lot of things in Museums that we never see the true museums is not the stuff you see on dispaly, but what is not on display. what you see in any given Museum is abut 20 ro 10 percent of the museum collection, so you can see why they are always changing and add new displays as much as possable, it would be intresing to try and build a huge and I do mean huge Museum where you could display everything thing, I mean you go to this place and you have to rent an electric car to get around, you have a map of where to go there are floors on floors of thing, now for the most part this would be a little on the boarning part but just think of all the things that could be on display that people would want to come and see. think of all the things that might be able to see the light of air if you could build and keep on building a huge museum you would need over two miles by three miles and more then 4 stores tall for all kinds of things hell the front yard could hold the space shuttle Enterprise.
Raise your hands..

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dude again

This world...
You know we all life in this thing we call a world but you know we can't all live together because there people out there who always want to do harm to and other, because they feel they need to and there are other that are just to intresting for most people to understand, this is what makes the world, but we have things to look forward to but these are things that we don't really care about. Like a royal wedding, or how to get a butt load off a big screen t.v. and many other things. Hell just yeasterday I went on about the stupied beatles finally getting there music on I-tunes and people making a bigger deal out of it then it should be. Look it's just the beatles come on there are much bigger bands and better music to try and get out on to I-tune that is not there, but then again I just go who care it's just more music that you casn buy on I-tunes but it is nice to get fresh old stuff sometimes, but then again I was never one for the music from the sixties or earily seventies. I like to always say I'm was a music people of the 80's and earily 90's, just before all this rap crap came in thus, rock n' Roll is now in you country music which is intresting because people would always run from country music, hell even Rap artiest are try to get into the country music act, they just want to take over everything so it's nothing but there music out there and trust me when it first came out I was kind of into it but then it when into some crazy as spin and now it sucks beyond sucking. I enjoyed the orginal rap arties like Run DMC and the fatboys, ice T and LL Cool J but now, I can't stand any of it so I have no Idea if it's got a point to it like it did back then, but then again the stuff back then was a bit of a story, but a lot of fun, now there well what ever you got and these new arties look to be nothing, but a bunch punck as kids who don't want to really work for a living, but then again I well and can say that about any given singer they want to do as little work as possable for a butt load of money, now I know when they are on tour they have a little more of a job, but then again you they just have to stand on a stage sing for an hour and a half, but that is just what I see on the out side of things, but then thats what I see when they do those behind the sence thing is the arties just screwing around until they have to go on stage and start what every they do, so hope around some just walk back and forth on stage and others just stnad there and sing so this what we get out of music these day punk as kids trying to sing and put on a poor as show, hell even some of the older act's do the same thing, but you know that is what is all about doing as little are possable to entertain people and make as much money as possable..
Raise your hands...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

These guy's again

Give us money..

Run and don't give your money to these guys they don't need it just because they where stupied to sell there music to Jackson who is everyday so leave his ass alone the guy is dead, any way to get back to these stupied guy's they don't need the money more to lease to the point they are trying to pay for the money they had to shell out in the second place to buy there music back from jackson (who is dead) because they where stupied enough to sell to the guy in the first place, look I have never been a fan of the beatles and i most likly never will be, yeah they have a few good songs but for the most part they where one of the first boy bands the made anything of themselvies and like most boy bands ended up selfdestructing and today two of them are dead one doesn't really do much but travil on his fan as a beatle and the last one is trying to make a new life by himself, but he still wants to make money off his old dead friend so they are promoting th crap out of there library being avalible on I-tunes for the first time, Guess what i don't care these guys might have been good in there time, but by todays and hell even 20years ago standers they would not have made it out of the pup they wher playing in, hell they didn't look that great back in the sixties and trust me in todays world they would be passed over like no one bussness. and as for being able to play,back then things where just really starting so I guess they where ok, but then again look at the bands that came out of the sixty and I will say a lot of them sucked and a few had a little potenchal, but the beatles where not one of them, I think they where little starts to a really big machien so yeah given them create where it is do because they where are of a british invastion, and showed the U.S. how what music could be, but you got to remember they where building off of other greats like Elvis who is the one and only King, but let's not really go in the debate of the beatles VS the King Elvis, because it's just way to old I'm on the side of Elvis because with out him the Beatles would have nothing to build on, but then Elvis need something to build on as well who he really worked off of I really don't know but in this case the beatles they where building off of the great king himself. Now with Jackson dead and half of the beatles being dead they are trying to make as much money as they can for the two remining two guys and I think for the jackson kids because I believe they still hold a few rights to some of the music, but you know in the end it all comes down to money and how wants it more, but then again I think it's a little strange that all of this is happening after Jackson death, so he personaly doesn't get anything from it.

In the end people are making way to much out of the beatles they had there lime light which really was just a flash on the stage because as boy bands went they died out as they always do now they are just trying to make something out of nothing with music that is more then 40years old and trying to introduce it to the next generation which is fine but then again is it really worth it because they really weren't that good to begin with in the first play so let's let this past by and forget all about it and find something a lot better to listen to these guys..

Raise your hands...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Shop Late

Evening shopping..
Ok so Ifound when you shop late at night you can find a lot of things eazily, now some of the things that you might be looking for are completly gone, but rain checks are always a good thing for those that are missing and you can come back at a later date, but I find it quite nice there are not a lot of people in the store and it's quite, if you need help you can most of the time find someone, but then you can be standing there looking like a lost sheep and no one will help you too so it can be a bite of a pain, in my case most of the time I know what I am looking for and get in and out in a matter of mintues, but then again I can take my time and not feel rushed when it comes to shopping by myself late at night, I always recommend it if you can do it a round the holldays there is a matter of quite to it which make things all that much eazier on someone, when it comes to shopping and you know this is what we look for, now I have had a few problems in the past with customer service being rude or being called rude as you have read before, but I do understand that they are trying to do there jobs and go home it has been a long day for them too, but they still have a right to help you when it comes to finding something that is not out on the shelf that you are looking for.

Now there is an other problem with shopping late at night to around this time of year and that is you will miss the new 6hours sales that they have going, but some places run an evening six hour sale in which you can shop late in the peace and quite and find all that you have been looking for, you just have to look for them because most people see the one or two day sales and don't look for the new evening 6hours sales which really isn't anything new there have been evening sales for more years then I can remember and these are the ones I enjoy becuase it's fun to watch people look for things in the toy aisle because that is uselly when what most evening sales are about the toys for kids, and really that is what this time of year is all about the kids, so take the time get a baby sitter and go late night shopping you'll find it fun and peaceful..

Raise your hands

Friday, December 10, 2010

Geting close

The final words..
Ok so there is very little time left in the year so next to the pressure of having to shop for those gifts you need and all the ad's on T.V. and radio telling you which is the best price and wherre to go now there startingto run all the ad's for the end of the year crap that is going on and more and more od it will always pop up and in some case they will combine the two so you get the end of the year stuff with the chrismas stuff so you get hit twice and think you are getting the better deal becuase they say they are combine the end of the year and holiday sales together, but in fact you are only getting one sale price for something they do every year at diffrent times they just need something to call it weather it be the end of the year sale the easter sale or the 4th of july, it all just a crazy ass ploy to get you in to there stores or on there lot to try and sell you something that you really don't need or because like many other things in the world they made to many and now they need to try and sell them off, yeah i know there isn't any good way to know how much of something you need to make for a any given year, but sometimes I think a short fall would be better then way to many. yet then again that would drive up the price on any given thing when they fall short and if there are to many the price drops like a stone and we can buy it cheap at the end of the year run of the product not really the end of year year, thus you get diffrent sales through out the year and when they say the end of the year clearance it usally means shit they have had for over a year and the store just wants to get something for it even if it's just breaking even on most thing,because you will not believe the mark up on something, now the mark up on something like a t.v. is a lot less then a mark up on something like a pair of headphone, with a t.v. you are looking at a 15 to maybe 30 precent but when it comes to something like a pair of headphone you get a 40 to 70 precent make up and when you look at a headphone jack or spliter you are looking at a 60 to 110 precent mark up it's just insane as to what the mark up is as the products get smaller and that is just electronics, wait to see what theyu do with cloths some of that stuff isjust nut'son the mark up other things are well with in range of what you think. it does all come down to what it takes to make the stuff and what it is you are buying. Like so many other things you got to pay for everything that went into a given product and that includes the labor from the person who built the part to the person who put it together and to the person who packed it and the person who shipped it and so on and so on all they way down to the person who cashes you out at the register, thus you can find a few things cheaper on-line because you lose a bit of the labor of th e person putting it out on the shelf and those in the store who try and sell it to you and the person at the register who takes your cash just remember that not all the end of the year prices are not always the best some times you got to find when the end of the run is and that is when you get the best price... so go look for the end of the run sales because that is when the real sale will start to show...
Raise your hands

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The age of man

You got it...
We are the people in this world and we are finding new ways to make things in it stranger and harder on oursevies and you know for the most part there is little to nothing we can do to slow it down. Look we make things and do things that are to help us make life better, but you know these are the things that are messing us up, we need to slow down to a crawl, all this high tech crap that we use everyday is what is just killing us, we got people stealing other people's I.D and more, I mean there are some lazy people out there and some people who jus want more out of life and then what they have made for themself and they see the best way to get it is to take it anyway they want and with computer they can find new and more intresting ways of doing it so if we can find a place to go where everything is a butt slower it would be great place to visit and relax, yes a good disreted island somewhere in the world that looks and feel and looks like gillenigs Island no phone not computer no nothing, everything is done by fire and wood, there is no electricty and so when something happens you have to be run somewhere and power is only for the emergeny equpment which is there to keep people healthy and alive tell they can get to a good medical care unit, other wise you give everrything up once your foot hits the sand of the beach. This is the place I would like to see and go to hell I would mostly enjoy working/living there sometimes I get tired of all this tech stuff that I need to run my day, but that is us just killing oursevies this days like we have been doing for more years then we can think of, we just try and make live easry but in the end the things we make are those that are going to kill us and believe it or not most of us have no control over the things that are being made, because we are to busy using the older things and trying to live life , we are not inventors, but we all come up with that million dollor idea that we can never get made...
Raise your hands

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In the Beginning..

Here we go again
You know there is a lot of things happening right now because we are comming down to the end of the year, the holiday season is in full swing people are starting to go mad and I'm starting to run out of hair on my head because I'm going so mad from all of stress that is happening, and not just the shopping, but everything has incressed ten times you can fell it in everything you do and everywhere you go, because it just out there and around the country you can just see it if you can't feel it. the number of people that are out in the world doing shopping and traviling around, the incress in movement is just nut's and it all has to do with the time of year there is just so many people moving about that it is even affecting the temputer outside just because there are is so much movment happening and that incress of cars moving makes for more emetions and polution and then you put on the fact that the movement of people themselvies incres the temputer is another thing so you got a lot of stuff when put together that is heating up the world and it is usally around this time of year that this happens and guess what it also incress the stress level of a lot of people because they have to get around all the extra people that are out in the world now or that are out more because it is the holidays, but we will all live throught it like we always do just some of us will have a little less hair then some because we get a little to streed out about things and wew are not use to what is happening right now...
Raise your hands

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Come with me

This is the world..

So there is nothing like the world we live in and there is not enough of it to go around sometimes and at other times there is to much right now it's hard to say because there is so much we should be doing with it and so much to explore with, yet at the sametime we need to adventure out of here and in to space as well as down below into the oceans to see new things and find what is out there. We need and want new things to see and make new lands for people to live and enjoy there is nothing like heading down into the oceans can create wounders, beyond what we have ever seen and domes of clear plastic under the right pressure could show us wounders byond anything we have very seen and you never know what could come swimming by. like a really big squid that people have been looking for and know that is out there..

Into the space...
Now as much as I like heading down into the ocean to explore new places and find what is out there and in some case house new people, I think it would be a great idea to get the human race out into the stars. Look we have not been out into space in more then 20years and for anyone who says but yes we have that space shuttle has been taking us there for a long time, I say no we have just been going into orbet not space, to head into space we need to head towards ths moon and then from there to either mars and the out edges of solor system or to venus and into towards the sun, Now I know we are in any shape to head towards the sun and the inner plantes but we want to know what is out there so let's look inwards, and find out what is in there, now I have a horrable theory which you can see, that Venus was earth and mars will be earth one day, We just from one plant to the next and destory all tech and start all over again which like they did in the new seirs of battlestar. The human race just slowly restarts itself you say that the pyramids where built by aliens i say the first humans built them when they arrived on the plant when we left venus millions upon millions of years ago, just think about what we are doing to the earth now and then look at what shape Venus is in and you can see where we are heading thus we jump plant and start all over again and I'm willing to bet someone else will think of it and in a few million years we will find our way to Mars and start all over again...
Raise your hands

Monday, December 6, 2010

what to do..

The world goes around and around......
you know money makes the world go around and around but this year the U.S. is going too be short somewhere in the Naberhood of 110billion dollors for a while, because of a misprint of the new 100dollor bill which cost some where around 120million dollors to print in the first place, so they have locked them up and it's going to take more then a year to sort throught the bills using a machain which is much better then the 20 to 30 years that it could have taken to get the bills sorted out by hand. well at least we don't have to pay someone to sort the bills out by hand but then again that would have give a few people a couple of jobs for the afew year well they sorted throught the bill so maybe we should go with the hand sorting, I mean come on we have a few computers do it and the jobs is done with in a year and we only need to hire say five people to feed the machain for eight hours and then a few on the other side to cut the goods bills out by hand,of couses the is always the option of just shreading the whole lot remaking th paper and reprinting the bills which could take a but load less time, but you know I kind of like the idea of sorting the bills by hand get a about 50 people in a large room with lighted tables and a really big magnifing glass and just let them go for it, hell you just got 50 people off unemplyment and working again, then you have the five or six people running the pallet jacks in and out of the room so there is another few people working again and then you have the superviser for everything and now you need to add in a little more securty for all the new people, but you know if you make it a 24hour thing then you have you have 3 shifts of 50 people which make a good 150 people back to work, plus everybody that you need per shift which in the end you could get more then 200 people back to work because they mess up a butt load of bills and we need to clean it up, so hey we go work to do here and we can do it by hand so let's get it going and for 20 to 30 years of work you'll have people jumping at the bit to do it, and you know it would be good for a college student an evening or graveyard job is usally what they are looking for and think of all the other benifent that are going to help the counity that is around fort worth between new house needing to be built and the supermarkets getting a influcs of money and the new jobs that it could cause there so this mistake if done by hand could bust the hell out of a counity just like that if they went with the hand sorting meothed, but no they are going to use a computer and do it in a year or so which will do almost nothing for the ecconey so go figure, yeah we need to fix the problem and the long road is one that could really be the better way, hell would could use with a smaller cash flow for a while I mean it is only 110billion dollors we can cut back just a little and put that on a credit system, no big deal there I mean we are taking about the U.S. goverment they would never screw us over they are here for the people and to help the people. right?????
Raise your hands

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Say what??

The Book of winners...
Ok so I was getting some of the chrismas stuff out and down, when I came across the book of facts and intresting knoweldge that is justlain fun, the book in which you are asked to keep trying no matter it takes always try but be save, the Guinness book of world records. Now the said part is that I only have the 2007 and 2009, so I have no idea what happened in the last year and what is comming in the 2011 year, the thing is you can already get the book for 2011, which I was hoping to do this year but i just forgot to buy it on the day after sales when it was like 10bucks. you know there is nothing like Guinness book I mean it's got itself in it as the most comminely stolen book from a library which is funny in itself, yet great to know. The book has all kinds of things in it from space to human feets to strange animals and other great things that people do. and they want you to contact them if you have an idea for something and they want as much information as possable, then you have to follow the rule and guildelines that they have and need you to follow for saftey, then you have prove it to them by either taking photo's and video and collect two written indepentent witness statements then mail it all in to GWR and finally you just wait for the adjudicator to look over things this could take a few months and then if your attempt was success full you'll get a certificate to celebrate with,but you know there are some records that can never be broken because they where the first and in some cases the only thing that gets done so there you go is it right to be in the book no not really, just because it can't be broken so why put them out there and some are so strange and they may never beable to be broken but in this case be in the book which is good to see, so it's a fine line of what to put in and what to take out, but you know the book itself has changed over the years now its a 300page thing intested of the more then a thousand pages I remember when I was in high school. with few picture in it now it it's full of color and fun to look at but i do miss the big heavy book sometimes it was fun to look at and intresting to play with either way, I just wish to see some of the older records that they don't point in the newer book, but it's what we got today which is just as fun and i bet if you went looking you could find the big old alminac thing that is out there for you to read and hit people with it..
Raise your hands

Saturday, December 4, 2010

State VS State

Ok so today is the day of many big games and or the cross state fighting, when most states cut themselives in half and half of it is one color and the other have is an other color and everyone one in the middle is a mixed bunch and fights in the street are most common. you know this is a great weekend because it does show a frendly compition between people and friend becomes enemies and you get to throw fun free insults at one another it's get fun and that is all it is great funno real meanings are need and we can all just have fun. Today is a day we can all just pick on one another and make a bet with you other have for almost anything that you can imagen if they are on the other side of the table of you, not so true in my house but you know that is the way things go, but you know my best friends and wife are across the table from me and well it make for a intresting day sometimes he doesn't really follow football that close, but she does and I get to tont her every now and then and ask for my apple cup, because that is what we where playing for this afternoon, but in all they years we have been going on about the football game we have never had and apple couple to hand back a forth between each other I think it is something we should start. I mean I have know the young woman for just a little over ten years now and we have been on the wrong side of the state football game the whole timeand you know it's all in fun, and I take as good as I give when it comes to this and trust me I have fun with it regardless of what side I end up on, but that is the fun of it to have bragging right for the next year or so, thus you need to have something to hand back and forth between the two fighting sides, but you know my house is weird, for the after noon it's Purple and gold for the Huskey's and then Later in the evening it's Red and Gold for U.S.C. Regardless of what kind season they are having one of the best teams out there, much like the Huskey's they are one of the best teams out there and everyone else can just suck really big rotten eggs and remember U.S.C. marching Band played with one of the greatest bands in the world Fleetwood Mac, so you know thing are good in southeren Cal when something like that happens...
Just remember it's all fun and games do don't go destory someone house or your city if your team loses, it's just a damn game and there will be one next year. Just take your hit's a take them with a tank load of salt because you know if have given as much as you are getting and right now I get to dish it out because I won this afternoon, and I'll find out later if I get to just keep on given on the other side of the other table, but we shall see. So go give it out if you won tonight and if you lost, well take your hit's this time there is always next year..
Raise your hands

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mad Tree's

It's what we do...
This is the time of year when we all start to go nuts because of one thing or another and some of us just want to kill our tree's we bring into the house for that time of year regardles of what we celebrate this time of year. It might all be fun and game, but to get to that point that one day where most of us are at peace and is a day of just fun and games for all, you know I would like to think that for one day the whole world would be a peace, but you know it's not, because there are many kinds of crazy in the world and for some of them a day of peace is the right time to attack because no one is listening or watching and that is when you want to act. I believe it was George Washington who even attacked on Chrismas day himself it's what we do because it should be a day of peace and happiness,and we can take adventage of that and that is what we do take advantace in any case and time we can just look at we do for after thanksgiving days sales and clearance the sales clerk if you look sometimes have a great amount of fear in there eye's on these days because they don't want that big rush that is going to happen and don't want to see kill by some crazy ass person who wanted a deal on something and couldn't get it people are just getting nutter and nutter these past few year and you know we got a few crazy people with there fingures on a button to start the end of the world and really destory a day of peace that we should get once a year.
Raise your hands

Thursday, December 2, 2010

TSA Thinking...

Search me....

so the headline news story for tonight. A wheel bound woman in nothing but black lingerie, went through airport securty TSA to make a point and then was searched not one but twice.. Hey well if I was TSA and saw a woman in nothing but a black thong and Bra in a wheel chair you know I would want to know what was going on and get a better look at the woman. now in this case the woman was 52 but hell looking at the picture I would want to have a chat with the woman myself, She looked good, they held the woman for more then an hour for questioning and she missed her flight for phoenix. Now for some of us if we want so see what this lady looks like you can get the issuse of playboy for 1997, it's a great thing and you can see video of it on the net, but the TSA does say the woman refussed to go through any metal detector and any pat down, so yeah they had a right to hold her up even if she was in all most nothing with a dog on her lap and in a wheel chair. now they also say that they found trace amounts of nitrates which are used in making booms and with a wheel chair you can hide a boom almost anywhere on it even in the set or the pipes which make up the chair and if you are refusing a pat down or a search they can hold you up from getting on the plane. look as much as TSA can be a pain in the butt, they are trying to save people and keep us all save as possable. These people are just trying to do there job and sometimes it's the people are a pain in the butt not them. Like this lady who refused a pat down even thought she was in nothing, she knew what she was getting into from the beginning and to me a person in a wheelchair wear nothing but a black thong and bra would send up a red flag to me, because it's not normal thing to become though a TSA check point. hell I would have my camera and video camera going as much as possable to catch the whole thing and to add to my collection of picture from stange thing around the would and to try and sell off to any given newspaper and t.v. station that would want to buy the footage and post it myself. Got to make news for myself if i can. it would be fun..

Raise your Hands

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What they do

The Movie Stars...
Ok so I was looking though the head lines on the computer there was nothing really out there beyound the normal crap about this thing or that and you know the one thing that cought my eye because it had to do with the movies, because by now you should know that I just like and watch way to many movies so when I see something I got to go really why, Now this one is on Johnny Depp and the fact that he was not the first choose for the roll or Jack Sparrow, but the hint is in the name, what if Hugh Jackman was Jack Sparrow, it would have made a very diffrent movie, but you know the second and third movies really had nothing to do with first one and you could live without the other two films really and if Hugh Jackman was Sparrow I'm not sure they woulod have done the other two film, I mean he is a good actor and I really do like him, I think it's kind of fun that the man stand more then 6feet and he got choose to play a roll where the guy is 5foot 4inch tall. it just kind of funny and now to think of what it would have been like if Jackman would have been Sparrow
You get this a lot this now adays of what if this person was the star of the movie because he was the first choose not the person who really did the movie, Look at the third Jones film Slater was talked about as the first choose for young Jones, but was pasted up because for one reason or another, and and believe it or not Bogart was not the first choose to do Casablanca, but they went with him so second and third choose's are nothing new for film it has been going on for year and in most cases work out prety good and like Depp being choosen for Sparrow it worked out. and it just a matter sometimes if the actor wasn't to do it as well, because it is a good rumore that Sean Conery was going to play Professor X in the X-men films, but he was going to retire and didn't want to comite to a three film deal at that point so he did the League instead, not sure if it was a good move or not, but it is what he wanted to do because he felt he that way, and you know even in his old age Conery still looks good and should always be the Sexiest man alive regardless of who they pick.
Raise your Hands