Ok so Ifound when you shop late at night you can find a lot of things eazily, now some of the things that you might be looking for are completly gone, but rain checks are always a good thing for those that are missing and you can come back at a later date, but I find it quite nice there are not a lot of people in the store and it's quite, if you need help you can most of the time find someone, but then you can be standing there looking like a lost sheep and no one will help you too so it can be a bite of a pain, in my case most of the time I know what I am looking for and get in and out in a matter of mintues, but then again I can take my time and not feel rushed when it comes to shopping by myself late at night, I always recommend it if you can do it a round the holldays there is a matter of quite to it which make things all that much eazier on someone, when it comes to shopping and you know this is what we look for, now I have had a few problems in the past with customer service being rude or being called rude as you have read before, but I do understand that they are trying to do there jobs and go home it has been a long day for them too, but they still have a right to help you when it comes to finding something that is not out on the shelf that you are looking for.
Now there is an other problem with shopping late at night to around this time of year and that is you will miss the new 6hours sales that they have going, but some places run an evening six hour sale in which you can shop late in the peace and quite and find all that you have been looking for, you just have to look for them because most people see the one or two day sales and don't look for the new evening 6hours sales which really isn't anything new there have been evening sales for more years then I can remember and these are the ones I enjoy becuase it's fun to watch people look for things in the toy aisle because that is uselly when what most evening sales are about the toys for kids, and really that is what this time of year is all about the kids, so take the time get a baby sitter and go late night shopping you'll find it fun and peaceful..
Raise your hands
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