Run and don't give your money to these guys they don't need it just because they where stupied to sell there music to Jackson who is everyday so leave his ass alone the guy is dead, any way to get back to these stupied guy's they don't need the money more to lease to the point they are trying to pay for the money they had to shell out in the second place to buy there music back from jackson (who is dead) because they where stupied enough to sell to the guy in the first place, look I have never been a fan of the beatles and i most likly never will be, yeah they have a few good songs but for the most part they where one of the first boy bands the made anything of themselvies and like most boy bands ended up selfdestructing and today two of them are dead one doesn't really do much but travil on his fan as a beatle and the last one is trying to make a new life by himself, but he still wants to make money off his old dead friend so they are promoting th crap out of there library being avalible on I-tunes for the first time, Guess what i don't care these guys might have been good in there time, but by todays and hell even 20years ago standers they would not have made it out of the pup they wher playing in, hell they didn't look that great back in the sixties and trust me in todays world they would be passed over like no one bussness. and as for being able to play,back then things where just really starting so I guess they where ok, but then again look at the bands that came out of the sixty and I will say a lot of them sucked and a few had a little potenchal, but the beatles where not one of them, I think they where little starts to a really big machien so yeah given them create where it is do because they where are of a british invastion, and showed the U.S. how what music could be, but you got to remember they where building off of other greats like Elvis who is the one and only King, but let's not really go in the debate of the beatles VS the King Elvis, because it's just way to old I'm on the side of Elvis because with out him the Beatles would have nothing to build on, but then Elvis need something to build on as well who he really worked off of I really don't know but in this case the beatles they where building off of the great king himself. Now with Jackson dead and half of the beatles being dead they are trying to make as much money as they can for the two remining two guys and I think for the jackson kids because I believe they still hold a few rights to some of the music, but you know in the end it all comes down to money and how wants it more, but then again I think it's a little strange that all of this is happening after Jackson death, so he personaly doesn't get anything from it.
In the end people are making way to much out of the beatles they had there lime light which really was just a flash on the stage because as boy bands went they died out as they always do now they are just trying to make something out of nothing with music that is more then 40years old and trying to introduce it to the next generation which is fine but then again is it really worth it because they really weren't that good to begin with in the first play so let's let this past by and forget all about it and find something a lot better to listen to these guys..
Raise your hands...
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