So there is nothing like the world we live in and there is not enough of it to go around sometimes and at other times there is to much right now it's hard to say because there is so much we should be doing with it and so much to explore with, yet at the sametime we need to adventure out of here and in to space as well as down below into the oceans to see new things and find what is out there. We need and want new things to see and make new lands for people to live and enjoy there is nothing like heading down into the oceans can create wounders, beyond what we have ever seen and domes of clear plastic under the right pressure could show us wounders byond anything we have very seen and you never know what could come swimming by. like a really big squid that people have been looking for and know that is out there..

Into the space...
Now as much as I like heading down into the ocean to explore new places and find what is out there and in some case house new people, I think it would be a great idea to get the human race out into the stars. Look we have not been out into space in more then 20years and for anyone who says but yes we have that space shuttle has been taking us there for a long time, I say no we have just been going into orbet not space, to head into space we need to head towards ths moon and then from there to either mars and the out edges of solor system or to venus and into towards the sun, Now I know we are in any shape to head towards the sun and the inner plantes but we want to know what is out there so let's look inwards, and find out what is in there, now I have a horrable theory which you can see, that Venus was earth and mars will be earth one day, We just from one plant to the next and destory all tech and start all over again which like they did in the new seirs of battlestar. The human race just slowly restarts itself you say that the pyramids where built by aliens i say the first humans built them when they arrived on the plant when we left venus millions upon millions of years ago, just think about what we are doing to the earth now and then look at what shape Venus is in and you can see where we are heading thus we jump plant and start all over again and I'm willing to bet someone else will think of it and in a few million years we will find our way to Mars and start all over again...
Raise your hands
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