Ok so the theory of the life time is that so the world get's older things have a tentances to shift on your, so the spring become, winter, summer becomes spring, fall becomes summer and winter becomes fall, yeah like many other things it's a crack pot thinking but lookat the way the world has been going the fall have been a lot warmer and your spring has been a hell of a lot colder so thing are off just a bit thus the seasons are jumping just a touch to the right, which makes us all wounder what is really happening in the world. are we the people of the plant making these thing happen the changes in the seasons or is it a nature ocurance in which happen slowly over the years and thus cause what ever life on it to either adapt and live on or just die out and the world keeps moving forward regardless of what happens. Then again you wounder if the plant makes thing or moves forward just to have them for a little while like the dinos and now humans, because remember for ever long we are on the plant it will be here long after we are gone and one of the few things we will have left it which it asked for is plastic, one of the reason why we are here is because the plant wanted plastic and all the other creatures before us failed to make before us. most likly one of the reason it has kept us around so long is because we made it plastic and it just needs a few more hundered things made of plastic before it decussed to get read of us, but then again it has been give us a warn us for the past few thousands years remember pompa, or the great san fancisco quakes and a few other naturla disaster that have come out over the past million year or so that humans have been on the plant, but then again like everything else it all just takes a little bit of time and thus the shifting of the seasons which no one is really seeing it because like so many other things it is happening slowly over time, so we don't see it coming,it like putting a frog in a pan of water putting it on the stove and turn it on and slowly cooking the thing to death well at the sametime making a great frog soup. so think that is what the plant might be doing to us, slowly cooking us and the frezze us to keep us freash for the next thing is has in mind to see what became before it, that is presay we don't out smart the plant or blow it up in the second place, so let's just enjoy the time we have on the plant and explore it for as long as it desiceds to keep us here...
Raise your hands..
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