No matter what we try and do the end of the year is coming it's getting loser and closer and there is nothing we can do about it and with the end of the year comes all the fun with it. Cops are out like almost never before pulling people over for any reason they can find just to see if they have been drinking which is a good thing. I hate it when someone thinks they might even be able to drink and drive even only having one drink. This is why they came up with the idea of the D.D. which when you use to go to most bar could drink for free as long as the bar knew that he was the D.D and they usally marked there hand in some why so all the tenders knew how they were so they would not sell him anything hard. Now I don't think many bars do that now which is a real shame, hell if I ever got my three bussness up and running at I would let the D.D. drink for free, but then again when they went to the third place they would have to pay for the coffee. One of these days I might even look into trying to ge those bussness up of the drewing board, I do wounder how much capital it would take to make it happen I know it would be a pretty penny or three, but hell I think it would be a good idea and could make a bit of money expectaly around a college or universty kids always want off and a place to study.
Ok now back to the cops pulling people over and what a good pain in the butt it is. They are just trying to keep us safe and around the holidays people drinking and driving is a lot higher then you would think and new years which is coming is one of those big days expectaly with new years eve being on a friday and new years day on a saturday, it comes down to how much can you drink in two days and be safe, because not only to you have the big part on new years eve and not have to really worry about going to work the next day but you got new years day which is on saturday and a butt load of football games where you can drink and throw things at your T.V. all day when the prade is over, and still not worry about having to go to work the next day so its' two day in which you can spend completely intoxicaed and not worry about work and try and recover on sunday before having to try and start work on monday, boy I wish i could drink a butt load, but I'm a father so drinking is out, got to take care of the kids the next day and a hang over and kids do not mix no matter how you look at it. so for the next few days give the cops a break if they pull you over they are just trying to do there job and keep everyone alive for another year and if you think you can even have one drink and drive just remember a 17 year old girl drove her dads brand new 2million and yes I said 2million dollar car in to a light post and destoried it. I do mean there was almost nothing left off the car and the car had just over 12miles on it before she totlled it. boy I would hate to see the insurance calm on that one, by the way everyone walked away from the crash in good shape no one was kill until the dad got hold of the daughter.
The party is the thing you wake up from and try and remember what you did last night and they you looked it up on youtube and you feel really bad because now the whole world can see you dancing on the dinning room table with out a shirt and a happy face of wipe cream on your cheast in which you are asking someone else to come a like off yeas we all now have phones that take video and have a internet connection, but isn't that what makes it so fun to drink you can just lose yourself in it and be really embarised the next day when you wake up in a bed with a pair of feet next to you. Yes the fun of drinking So go have fun, but remember the cops our out there to keep you safe and if you do drink find a nice soft spot to crash where you are, and wake up with the feet. it much better then waking up in a cold room with a couple of really big hairy guy's looking a you very thankful for last night...
Raise your hands
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