Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Why remakes are sucking

Why are they doing this..
Ok so I just finished sitting through the remake of Clash of the Titins and boy did that suck. Look I have never really been one for making a remake, because the orginal is what we got and in most cases the best. I mean yeah some movies need to be remade and remade better. this one was not one of them. It had none of the orginal things that made the movies great this one was a bunch of crap and shity combat. I mean the fights where not any good. the only thing this movie had in it was some and I do mean some good effect. Nothing to go jumping out of your seat for. Hell I'm glad I took my time and rented it from Netflix, because it sure as shit isn't worth my buck from one of the redbox things you see in stores. which I do think are good ideas, but come one this is like the fifth remake that I have seen that has sucked. I mean the Remake of Gone in 60seconds sucked because they changed the second part of the story. He was never afaird of the car he just had to steal the thing like three times and the second to last time he was in a 46mintue car chase through L.A. it is total cool to see L.A. back then. there are a few things I didn't mind about the remaek of gone in 60seconds but for the most part it was a bad film. Next up we have get the remake of one of the classics Sabrina, Not really bad but you know now it wasn't that great either. I mean you can't really update Bogart. I mean come on it's Bogart and not Even Ford can compate to time, the closets I think you are going to get to Bogart is Conney.
Now one of the woest movie of all time and a really crappy remake Yes I have to say it is Cassablaca, and for all of those who don't know this remake or ever think it has been remade look at the final scenes in the Brab Wire and you will see that it is a remake of the great Film Cassablaca. Trying to replace Bogart with Anderson what the hell where they thinking. Now this movie sucked on a whole new level and not just as a remake witch thank god they never let loose too the public. Now I might have know it or even put it together if I had just watched Cassablaca a few days eariler but this movie has it own problem and not just the acting.
Do we really need to make all these remakes I mean come on you are destoring the orginal when you do so and for those of us how like the orginal no matter how B-movie/badly made they where you are just making a really shitty film and I got to say I have been seeing a lot of shitty movies of late. Hell I mean there is so much crap out there that why go to the theater unless you are taking your kids because those movies are not remakes and are a ton load better. I got to say these remakes are high budget mess that have none of the real story to it. Not even the orginal out line. i mean I saw some of the things that where in the orginal titins film but hell if they where no where near the myths or the orginal film. They shifted so much crap around it was getting hard to watch it was so full of crap. it just was a shitty remake and we got to stop them from doing this to us. They keep messing things up again and again. Oh but we can make it better well not this time and not a few other times you messed it up we need to stop them before they get to something really great like Gone with the wind, or the Wizard of OZ. they already took out It's a mad mad mad mad world with Rat Race, destoryed Cassablaca with Barb Wire, Fleaten Clash of the Titins with it's self, changed Death Race 2000 with Death Race, Warp Sabrina with again itself, and messed up Friday the 13th with itself.
Now friday the 13th the remake I don't want to say was bad but they just cramed three films into one and gave you 13 pair of breast to look at. Let's hear it for the return of breast to Horror films, but we all know it isn't going to last long. with a few twist to the script I don't think Friday the 13th had to be a remake it could have been like part 3.1 or something it was for the most part pretty good it was one of the few remakes I have seen of late that has not sucked big time. I just don't like the fact there are two version of the film the orginal which you say in the theater and then the Killer cut. Come on give us a break on version of any given film is always nice and don't be afaired of the NC-17 rating, use it bring it back to life think of all the fun things you could do with gore and sex that people what to see in the film Now if you think you are going to get and X-rating then ok cut it back to NC-17 and make everyone happy with two versions of the film
But you know we have to get away from all these remakes I know new story lines are hard to come by, but shit if your going to remake a film find one that was crappy to begin with and make a bunch of inprovment don't take one that was really good and turn it in to this peice of crap like what I saw tonight. Now I might not have thought this movie was such crap it I wasn't running parts of the orginal in my head well I was watching it, because those where the scence I wanted to see them inprove on and either they where not there or they messed them up really really bad. Now I know it's never a good Idea to run a book or the orginal Movie in your head well watching the remake, but come on I didn't think they could mess this one up that much well I guess I was wrong. and it's not the first time and I'm sure it will not be the last that they will mess up a good movie like titins. Just why are they making remakes that suck so bad of late. They pump so much money into something and it's just horable I don't think I'll go to the theater to see a remake ever. There is no point in it it's just going to suck save your money and get it on netflix when you can don't rush to see remakes they are crappy and your are just throwing your money away.
Most people have a full measure of life
and most people just watch it slowly drip away
but if you can some it all up
at one time
in one Place
You can accompish something

Monday, August 30, 2010

monday right..

Where was the weekend...
this is where the week begins right the stuff that we don't what to start to it is rght. You I have been looking at that for a the last few days and it's just wont stop and my head is really starting to tak a pounding. so is it monday or are stilling doing things from last week. I guess I'll have to look at the calander again to know where we really are, but there is no telling what is going on these days.
Oh I hearded that the emmy's where last night so you and look forwarded to me saying something on this stupied rewards. I mean the cable shows like true blood and spartuces blood and sand have almost taken over and you know I got something to say about that but not tonight I have a headake that is killing me so just writing this on a bright screen is killer it's just another one of those disappointing nights where I can't get anything on my mine out because it hurts to think. so look forward to that rant on the emmys and hey you had a long night last night so you get a short and disappointing night tonight because i just can find anything besides Celeb crap and i just hate talking about that crap because it's just not worth it i mean these part people that are just messing up there lives like everyone else in the world.
Most people have a full measure of live

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sundays Story

Ok so this one is a big spolier and I hope you brought your reading glass because as I was writing it out it just kept growing and growing untill I had to stop in the end I think it was about 6pages long, yet there is much more to this story and as i was writing it out for you to read tonight I was boy do these people need theropy, but it's always good to talk and in ther case yell things out most of the night. So sit back put on your reading glass and start reading.

Book two: Into the Castle

Warrior was chained to the south wall with Blaze next to him. She looked to be in good shape. I hadn’t seen her in over a year, but she didn’t look much different besides the fact she was chained to a wall inside of a castle she had once know and for the most part called home. This very sitting room was where she and Warrior once stood looking at paintings was now very different. It was now empty there was nothing in it. No paintings, no furniture not even carpet. The windows where blacked out the only light in the room was coming from some unknown source in the ceiling. The light knocked out any and all shadows. There wasn’t a single shadow being cased in the room, thus there was no place for anyone to hide.

I stood in the center of this once beautiful room almost in shook at what it now looked like. As I was standing there looking at how barn the room was I wasn’t really surprised. I turned around to look at the room. As I did so I gave no mind to Warrior and Blaze hanging on the wall, Ass I turned past the front doors they slammed closed and locked. I knotted my head. I was expecting as much. With Opal and Anakin watching the front door and Warrior chained to the wall this was now down to me and who ever brought us here, I finished my spin to look around the room and stopped to face the fire place. Sitting on the mantel of the fireplace was something covered under a large white sheet. I placed my hands behind my back and stood facing the fire place waiting.

The room started to cool as I stood there and waited for what ever was to come next. The fireplace moved towards me and then to the left. A darken hallway was reviled. A secret passage way that even I didn’t know about. A person could just be seen walking towards me out of the long dark tunnel; you could just make out a long white cloak that covered them from head to foot moving towards me. The hood was up so you couldn’t make out what the person under the hood even looked liked. I stood tall and straight as the person came walking into and around the room.

The white cloaked figure came out of the passage way look at me then turned and walked towards Warrior. The figure stopped and stared at Warrior as he hung on the wall. He was hanging there with his head down. His long hair had fallen forwards into his face. All of his weapons where gone as was his cloak. Warrior looked up as the cloaked figure stopped in front of him. His eyes showed how tired and beaten he was, but he was not about to given in. He simply said in a strong tone of voice. “My name is Warrior!” and he set his head Back down and waited.

Blaze looked up and saw the cloaked figure walking over to her. Blazes green eyes focused on the white cloak the person was wearing. She knotted how closed it resembled the white one I had once wore and Warrior black one. When the cloaked figure stopped in front of her she spook in a tired and wiry voice “I am Blaze Tyler.” Blaze had been a prisoner here for a good month, but she had not seen her true captor. She had only seen the creators that brought her food and drink. She looked to be in good health and in really good shape “Why am I here?” She asked. The cloaked figure just turned and walked away from her.

As the white cloaked figure passed by the double doors that lead into the room they knotted there head and the doors filled in and became part of the wall. The room was now completely in closed. There was no long any visible exit to the room. I breathed out a heavy sigh as the white cloaked figure finished walking around the empty room. The figure came around and stood in front of me but back by the fireplace which had gone back into place. They walked up to me looked me up and down. I brought my hands out from behind me and folded them in front of myself. Once I had done this we got out first look at what was under the cloak. A slender white human hand came out from under the cloak. It reached forwards and grabbed hold of my left arm. They seemed to be interested in looking over the Brace Computer. Which still was not working?

The White cloaked figure examined the Brace computer carefully. The spun my arm checking all the in puts and the keypad. They typed a few things on the keypad itself and finally flipped open the Omani at the top. The Omani seen to be the only thing working, which was unusual for the thing anyway because it never really worked, right anyway. The time light was green which meant that everything was alright in the time stream. The white cloaked figure closed the lid on the Omani and left my left arm go. I let my arm fall back to place and put my right hand over top of it and I lowered my head. For all the years I lived with this curse that I had given myself this was the first time I even felt a bit of shame. I then stood tall and straight “I refuse to feel shame in what I have become.”

A second hand came out from under the white cloak and both hands grabbed hold of the hood and throw it back “Then you are a FOOL!!” and angry woman’s voice said As the hood fell back the long red hair was now free to fan out behind her head as the brilliant blue eyes stared coldly at me. This was a sight I was hopping never to see in my life time. Anger from this woman and now it would appear that is all she had for me. The woman stepped to my side and started to walk around the empty room again. I watched her as me moved with such elegance and grace as she always did. She stopped in front of Blaze “Interesting and she is the one your ledgons speak of.” She turned back to me “Interesting in deed and this one.” She pointed a figures and turned back to look at Warrior “Who is he?” She turned back to me. ‘Your son” she said sarcastically

With an even and strong tone in my voice I said “No he is not my son.” Warrior and Blaze raised there heads to look at me. Warrior had a look of shook on his face “He is our son my dear!!”

“WHAT!?!?” Both Warrior and Blaze yelled

The woman laughed out loud “this creature.” She pointed back at Warrior “Is not my son.” She started to walk towards me “there is no way in the world you and I could have had a child.’ She came charging at me “So you can not tell me that this creature here hanging on my wall is my son.” I smiled expecting as much from her. She came to a stop a few feet in front of me “You are not god.”

“No I am not, but that man hanging on the wall.” I pointed at Warrior moving for the first time “Is your son and if you wish for me to prove it I cannot only you can.”
“You are insane.” She spun around and headed towards Blaze “And what of her.” She pointed to Blaze “Is she my daughter or is she some helpless girl caught up in your adventures.”

“Helpless No I won’t say that. She just doesn’t know what she can do. She is much like you where.” And for the first time since I entered the room I moved from the spot in which I was standing. I walked carefully and evenly towards Blaze and Warrior where the woman in the white cloak was standing “And with a little luck she’ll never find out what she can do and lead a normal life.” I paused both in speech and walking, Knowing that her life would never be the same after this adventure. After This adventure nothing was ever going to be the same for her “But I think that might not be possible now. I counted walking “Not after this and everything she has seen.” I came to a stop behind the woman in the white cloak “You my dear have to decide what is going to happen now.” I paused and looked up to Blaze and Warrior hanging on the wall “Is our, son going to become like me, or is he going to have a chance at a normal life?”

The woman in the white cloak spun around and pointed back at Warrior “That is not our son.” She said in and angry tone ‘We never had any children and none of your creatures have anything to do with me.”

“True…” I said and turned away from her. Putting my fingerer up to my lower lip to think “None of MY creations or creatures have anything to do with you.” I turned back to face her “Avenger, The Twins, I.E., Talon and Isabel.’ I waved my hand as to wipe them all away ‘They have nothing to do with you. Even the Warrior Maidens have nothing to do with you, but Warrior.’ I pointed to him as I started to walk back “Does.” I raised the authority in my voice “He is our son. He was created from you and me.” I slapped myself on the chest ‘My seed and your egg made him.” Warrior looked up in surprise. All of this was new to him “He is our son my dear. He always’ has been and always will be no matter what!” I looked up at him as he stared at the woman in white, his mother. A mother he has never known and a person who he thought to be dead “Look at him if you don’t believe me.” I turned my tone of voice soft and sincere “Look at his eyes. They are yours. His human face has your features. His human skin is your coloring.’ I bent down to look at her square in the face “He is your son.”

The woman in the white cloak hauled back and punched me in the face “he is not my son.” She yelled as I went flying across the room. I landed on my side with a thud “I want nothing to with you” She started to walk towards me “that lioness creature is not my son and you are no longer my husband.” There was and electric charge in the air. I rolled on my back and looked up at the woman in the white cloak. She was walking towards me with her hands out in front of her. In between her hands a ball of energy was starting to form “It is time for you to die.” And she twisted he hands one over top of the other and then hauled back and throw the energy ball at me.

I rolled feet over head and stood up just as the energy ball struck the stone floor. The floor broke into peaces and hot rock went flying everywhere. I shielded my face from the flying rock “well it would appear you have learned everything you asked me to give up.” I let my arm down to see that the woman in the white cloak had started to generate a second energy ball “Lucky for me not everything runs off the Brace.” I raised my right hand high in the air “J.B. power.” I yelled

The woman in the white cloak throw the second energy ball towards me as I brought my right arm down placing my left warping my left hand around my wriest. My right hand started to glow white. I pulled back and a lighting bolt came flying out. The lighting blot colleted with the energy ball and they both exploded in a shower of sparks. I smiled to myself happy that some things still worked. Once the shower of sparks had cleared and the brilliant flash of light had faded I could see the woman in the white cloak standing with her left arm across her face to protect it. She let her arm down and looked at me with pure hate in her eyes ‘You gave mm your word that you would retire from all that you once where.” She yelled

I smiled and started to snap my fingers. With each snap a little electrical charge went off “And I did.” I said “But something’s are part of science that even I can’t stop,” I slowly walked towards her still snapping my fingers “You see life is never what it appears to be. This is not nature and I will give you that.” And I waved the ability away as if it meant nothing to me “I still hold this ability and Warrior here.” I pointed to his “Is our…” I started to walk past her and said in to her ear “SON!” I stopped in front of him. A look of shook on his face for years he thought that he had no real mother and now here she was. The note he received was signed by his mother and here she was “I never told him because I knew it would change his prospective on life. As I’m sure it now has.” I turned back around to face the woman in the white cloak “He would want to know what happened. What had mad me?” I pounded my chest “Why I decided to live this curse.” I raised my left arm and showed her the Brace computer “Why I never went back and stopped it all from happening in the first place.”

“And why didn’t you prevent it from happening?” Blaze voice cut in. She looked up at me and then to the woman in the white cloak “Why did you not prevent the death of your own wife if you had the power?” She asked again in a relatively strong voice. The woman in the white cloak stared straight at me wondering the same thing. Why with all the power I had why did I not go back and save her? I could have prevented all of this from happening if I had just stopped us from returning here or stop the guy before he could fire off the killing shot. Warrior looked over to Blaze as soon as she spook. If Blaze had any of the abilities I had said she might have, now when she was tired and upset would be the time they might manifest themselves.

I smiled “Very simple. The only way to stop the great tragedy in my life is with the power that I receive from it and in preventing it from happening I create a paradox.” I spun around to look at Blaze ‘and I will not allow a paradox to be made, Nor will I every intervene in the time line of my own life. Why do you think I let my other have die?” I turned back to the woman in the white cloak ”Because for me to go on in life he had to die and in the long run it brought is to this moment, Because if he was around things would have turned out different.’ I flexed my right hand and closed it in to a tight fist. Almost at once it started to glow white with energy.
“You seem my dear Blaze.” The woman in the white cloak picked up “Mr. McK here can not intervene in his own life without creating a paradox, in which case he would destroy everything. The nature order of the universe.” She looked from Blaze to Warrior and finally back to me. “You can play with other people’s lives and futures, but you can’t play god with yourself can you.” She raised her right hand and started to generate a small energy ball “Yes my dear sweet Mac here has lost everything in his life.” She looked up at Warrior “Including his son it would appear.” She walked pasted and still looking up at Warrior, the energy ball still generating in her hand “So you did this to your own son huh?”

“Our son…” I said whit my back to her “Our son and yes I did!”

“Why?!?!” Blaze asked. It appeared that her straight was starting to come back and with it the ability I was a faired she was going to gain.

Warrior looked over to Blaze and saw that she was gaining straight. Everything I had done to prevent what was about to start had failed “It’s very simple.” He said “as his only son and when I was human I reminded him to much of her>” Warrior knotted his head to the woman in the white cloak “So to easy his own pain and to forget the past he hide my face, He was willing to turn his own son into this creature which I am now. I’m Stuck like this” Warrior looked up at me “Forever.’

“Not forever.” I said and turned around to face him “There is away for you to become human.” Everyone in the room turned to look at me “But I can neither say how nor do it. Remember you choose this fate as I choose mine.” I looked down at the woman in the white cloak. “But it can be done.” I Paused “I’m sure Blaze would like to have her boyfriend back and you my dear would like to see what our son truly looks like.”

The woman in the white cloak spun around and throw the energy ball in her had “That is not my son.” She yelled. I brought up my right hand and let loose with another lighting bolt. The two collated and exploded in another shower of sparks, as the sparks settled and the smoked cleared the woman in the white cloak came charging at me. I side stepped to my left and she throw out her right hand racking it across my face with her nails as she went by. One of her nails cut a small gash in my cheek where as the others just left nothing more then red marks on my face. I reached up to feel my check bleeding as the woman in the white cloak stopped and turned back to face me. “I want nothing to do with you.” She howled at me “I brought you here to make you pay for all that you have done.” She raised he hands again “I brought your son here to watch you finally die. Everyone that has ever been in your life is going to pay for what you did.”

“But you have been doing that for years. You are the one sending hordes of creatures and people after me.” I pointed at her “You have been trying to destroy me and my life for years and what has it gotten you.” I paused to let her think for just a minute of what she had accomplished in all the years she has been trying to kill me “Nothing.” I said at last “You have accomplished nothing at all. You finally had to inform me you where alive.” I started to move towards her “To get me to come here. Even then I didn’t believe it.”

“Yes. But you still came” She Said “I got you here and now I’m going to kill you.” I stopped moving towards her as she unclipped her cloak and let it fall to the ground.

“I wondered where that had gotten off too. Warrior said. I knotted my head in agreement.

As the woman’s cloak fell away the hilt of a sword was exposed. The silver ball and red leather handle showed perfectly over her left shoulder. I had a bad feeling that once I had gotten the note that my wife was alive and that seen the sword was missing they would be in the same place. I smiled “so tell me my dear do I get a chance to defend myself to are you just going to shot me with the blades.”

The woman in the white cloak had on a complete white outfit on underneath the cloak. She reached over her shoulder and pulled forth the Tri-sword “No I’ll give you a chance to defend yourself, but just remember one of us dies today.”

Told you it was long and now that your done you can see that these people need to go and get some theropy they have a lot of problems. go find something else to do now.
Most people have a full measure of life

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturdays Story

Book two: After the nightmare
“aaahhh!!!!” I yelled as I sat up straight on the sofa. The blanket that was coving me fell away I was back in the cottage dripping with sweat, me breathing was heavy and hard. I looked up at the covered painting over the fireplace and said “Well that was new. Something isn’t right.” Just then both of the upstairs bedroom doors came flying open. Opal, Anakin and Warrior came running out on to the walkway.

Opal was dressed in a long cream colored shirt that almost touched the ground, her quarterstaff was in her left hand and her right was raised as if she was ready to cast a spell. Anakin was right beside her with. He was wearing a pair of breaches and nothing else. His two handed sword was in his right hand raised in a defense position as if he was expecting an attack from somewhere. Warrior had come running out a few feet down the hall from them wearing a long shirt that came down to the middle of his thighs where you could make out his black breaches. In his right hand he held a long sword at the ready.

“Easy my friends.” I said as I turned to look at everyone ‘Just a bad night’s sleep.” I turned swing my legs over to sit up with my back to very one on the balcony. I rubbed my hand down my face cleaning away some of the sweat. “Go back to sleep my friends.’ I stood up carefully ‘I’m going to head into town to get a few things for breakfast.’ I started towards the front door as Opal and Anakin turned and head back into there room. Warrior stood there and watched and waited for Opal and Anakin to get into there room and close the door behind them.

“Father what’s happening to you.” I stopped just as I reached the front door “The green eyes. A bad nights sleep, this cottage and the valley. None of this is normal. Not even for you.” Warrior set down his sword and placed his hands on the railing waiting for me to answer him.

But none was going to come not now anyway. I myself didn’t have the answer he was looking for. I simply grabbed hold of the door knob and open the door “Go back to bed Warrior.” I said and walked outside. Closing the door behind me I carefully leaned against it and looked out across the clearing in which the cottage was sitting. Thoughts of the dream and what it all meant and the truth of it all started to run thought my head. I did not like what it all might mean in the end. I looked up to the crystal blue sky over head and said in a very tired depressed voice “Oh I’m getting to old for this.” I then pushed off from the door and started to walk down the path that leads to the small village a few miles down the road.

I slowly walked away from the cottage leaving it and the nightmare behind. As I entered the forest again, the events of the night or should I say dawn they where a little hard to take in. I thought of someone of thing being able to move thought the blackness of the dawn was not a good thing. This hidden Valley was a sanctuary for me. Here nothing could hurt me. Nothing wants to kill me. This valley was the only place where I ever felt peace. When I was younger I would spend days, weeks here. It got me out of the hassle and basal of my everyday life. Now with someone else was here. They could move thought the darkness of the dawn as easily as I could and they had attacked me. With those two abilities they had taken this sanctuary of peace away from me. I knew things would change with the passing of time, but I didn’t think that this place every would. I was going to have to have to fight to return that peace. As I walked through the forest heading to the village now I was regretting what I had to do. I would have to do my job in the one place I hopped I would never have to do it and that more then anything is what distressed me.

As I walked I closed my eyes to clean my mind, I didn’t want to think about it. I listened to the wind rustle throw the tress. The water falling over the edge and crashing down on the rocks below, Animals moving about in the under brush. The past couple of hours had taken there physical and mental strain ion me. The physical one was something I was more then use too. Fighting, being shot at and tossed around was something I had to deal with for far too many years, but the mental strain out side of a fight is something I hadn’t really had to deal with for far too long. I was no longer use to it which gave someone else the advantage.

Closing my eyes was not going to take away the mental stress O was taking on, but it would help me relax and be better prepared to deal with it. I slowly opened my eyes and breather out slowly. The fresh air felt good in my lings and help to clear my head. I looked around at the green forest, feeling the fresh new life all around me. This valley had been hidden from everyone for a long time. Most people who travel through it don’t pay to much attention and those who live in here never told anyone about it to even left. It was a place where you left your weapon at home and started a new life. The green of the forest, the sound of the river and the feel of fresh air was all helping me forget the nightmare from last night.

I came around the bend in the path I was walking and one of the first huts of the village came into view.
Ok so is any of this starting to make sence to anyone yet or are you all completey lost in linbo where I want to keep you. I'm sure if you go back and read other parts again you can figure it all out as more and more parts come up. if you look you'll see most of them are from book two, because i think right now it the best i got. I keep reading parts of book one and go um need to rewrite this and well I don't have that enough of book three right now to give to anyone so what you got of that is what you are going to get. Now you have read the page and half for tonight it's tome to go off and do something else enjoy the rest of the night.
Most people have a full measure of life.

Friday, August 27, 2010

go about your life

Pain all over..
You know the first pain after the crash is not always the worest sometimes the next morning is much worest. today I hurt more then I normal do becuae of the flip last night. at this time I just want to claw into the shower and soak in the warm air to try and relax, but you know that is never possable. Ok so there is nothing like pain to let you are alive, but let's get off of pain and on to something a lot less importen.
The kindle..or E-readers...
Ok so now many people have these things myself included. Look for a person who travils I tink they are get and for a person that can go thought a book in lets then a week they are even better, now sometimes the books can coast a little more then a hard back/paper back, but you know what most of the time I have found them to be less then Hardback and close to the same price as a paperback. I think they are great for more then one reason. first they are eco friendly, second it takes up a lot less room. third for some one who travils you don't have the weight of a more then one book you can have five hundered books in one small drivce in your carry one. So look at what you can get and remember don't compare the E-reader to a hardback book ever and look for the other side of thing because they are going to pull out coupons and paperback and used books for a price comperison so you have to look to the new book as a hardback and that you can get many other things on a kindle which you can get and app for to have it on your phone and even the I-pad. Hell right now you can a tank load of classics like dracula and Alice in wounderland for free for the kindle. Now I can only talk about the kindle because that is the one thing I have. I can add music to it to listen to well I read a book I can download aduiobook to it to listen to an I can back the whole thing up to my computer to save all the information on the Kindle. I like the thing. Now right I have a few hardback that I do want and read and yes there are some books that I just need to have as a hard back in my hand like the Robert Langdon Story's, but most of the time if I'm looking for a book these day's I'll save myself the trouble or running to the book story or having to wait for it to come by mail, I just look it up on the Kindle itself , buy it, download it, and less then a few seconds after that be reading it and never leave the house, thus just sitting around the house like anyone else...
Now the data pad..
Now you, that is to say if you have watched star trek, can say that the Kindle is one of the first data pads, because you can send your own doc to amazon and they will transform them into a kindle format and either for a small fee send them wireless to your Kindle or e-mail them back to you and you can transfer them to your Kindle and there you can read them as you want. so you can think of the Kindle as first generation data pad and it works if you set it up right big companys can use it to send contrats out to the people in the feild for them to read over and send back changes/approvle back thought e-mail on either there phone/computers that they are carring with them. It's all in the way to use the thing. There are almost a 1000 uses for the thing and I have just come up with a few sitting here, do let's them talk you out of getting a Kindle or E-reader. They are great eco friendly things from getting the daily paper to reading blogg's like this one. you turn the thing on in the morning or leave it on and anytime the next issuse is read it is downloaded to your device. so think about it you can read the newspaper at 5am a few second and I so say second because that is all it has ever taken for me to get a download for it. A few second after it is release. think about it if a book is released on Kindle the same day that it is released in Hard or paperback and there isn't a midnight selling you can have it at midnight and start reading.
Now these may not be the best thing for the casul reader, but if your a bussness person of someone who travils a lot I think they are great for you. saves a lot of time and space in you brefcase and you always have something to read look I know somepeople ar pushing for the I-pad because it does a lot more which is find, but you can't read the thing in direct sunlight as a mater of fact I have found the pad useless in the sun and my 80gig I-pod hold a but load more then any I-pad I have seen so yeah I'll drag my I-pod and my Kindle with me almost everything one for watching Movies and T.V. shows and my Kindle for reading and maybe listing to music, because I have my pod with me there no reason to run the Kindle battery down by doing two things at once and the pod power will last a lot longer. so for get the I-pad for right now till they make it a lot bigger like 160gig's because this crap they have out right now just dosen't work for me. I say pull out the utillity belt of for this. Your Pod your Kindle, Your Phone, and computer tech all over the place but hell it's what you need because till you can get it all partly in one it would be cool. Now the computer and is a computer, but they need to upgrade the I-pad to a huge thing so you can make it a music player and E-reader and a phone all in one. Hell you computer is part phone with Skype, it's a music player and movie player with I-tunes we just need to get the E-reader on to it so it will become a book and hell you got all in one place and upgrade the battery so it last 8 hours and we would be all set we can throw everything else out. I think the main thing is power for the computer. it just isn't there and I don't know how to get it there a huge ass battery the size of the computer big and flat something that attches to the bottom of the thing with it's own fan to help keep it cool and the computer cool at the sametime I guess is the way to go, but we just need to get it all together untill then go get the Kindle and forget the pad...
Most people have a full measure of life

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Flying man

Ok so you always watch those funnies home video shows and never thing that you should be on one of them well guess what i could have been today. I went to go and get the mail from the mail box by using a scooter. I went down the drive way and was going a little to fast so I was using the brake on the scooter to slow down when the drive way and street meet well there was a a diffrence in the drive and the road and I went head first over the bars I say my shirt my pant the and my shoes and then hit sold ground. The first everything everyone around me started to do was laugh as I rolled on the ground in pain. They ask if I was was alright and I said no what did they do laugh some more and then asked if I was all right I said No I was hurt they didn't seem to care tha tI was hurt they just got a good laugh out of it. When they tried to get me to stand up I refused I was hurt and I didn't want to move I landed on my hands, hip and knee I was hurt and just wanted to lay there noting moving well everyone laughted around me. Now yeah I can see that it was funny and I would have laughed myself if I wasn't hurt and now yeah I'll laught about it but I'm still hurt and no one around me got the point that I was hurt. They didn't want or could not hear the word NO when I answered the question if I was alright NO. I had banged up my knee pretty back and had indents in my hands from the street. I banged up my hips where I'm sure I'll have a bruse in the morning. It just sucked I was laying tere in the street hurt and yeah I can see where it was funny but the second I said I was hurt I think they might have taken it all more seroius I could ahve been hurt a kot woest then I was. The right thing is that even when I said I was hurt no one heard me. It didn't regester tha tI was hurt and I didn't want to move or get up. I was asked 5 time and all 5 times I said no I was hurt, but they didn't care they just tought it was the fuuniest thing they had seen in months and kept laughting, now I can see that which after the fact is fine but when you are laying there in the street you would like people to take it a little more serious expechaly when you do say your hurt and you don't want to get up and yeah I do remember seeing my feet before I hit the ground. whish is funny to me and my knee which is killing me right now is a reminder that yeah it might have been funny but no one really cared that I was hurt and I had said I was hurt. They just wanted to laugh at me laying in the street because they didn't see how that could have hurt. I wasn't going that faast. well guess what I was going faster then you thought and when you fly a over a set of handle bars on to hard ground it's going to hurt and that is one of the things you never think about when you watch those shows is that hey that hurt is the person alright, no you just get a good laugh out of it you don't see the person laying there for the next 5 to 10 mintues in pain. Now I'm with everyone else yeah I'll laugh at the show where the person runs in to the wall and what not but I'll always be dang that had to hurt and when I see something like what happend to me yeah like everyone else in the place I will most likly laugh, but when they say they are hurt I'm going to try and stop laughing and help out wwe can all laugh about it later when they are on there feet and ready to joke about it and tell us what it looked like from there point of view, because trust me that is almost as funny as seeing it happen in person or remembering it happening it, because tere is nothing like seeing your own feet well you are flying throught the air and there is nothing wrong with the flight itself it's the landing that get's you and the morning after is what is really goin gto hurt, and trust me I will be feeling it.
so what do you get tonight a nice funny story just picture someone flying over the handle bars of a scooter and landing on the road, just not as hard as I did and you can laugh your ass off but just thinkn about if the person is hurt next time as you laughing and if they yes NO to your question hear them because they could really be hurt. try and stop laughing and don't recount the insident untill you all at a bar having a drink to help the pain go away that way you all can have a good laugh. remember listing to the person in the middle of the street because if they say they are hurt you just might want to listen to thim something might really be wrong. I know it's funny but you got to know if they are all right...
Most people have a full measure of life

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

keeping us safe

Now that was cool..
In Wisconsin a would be purse snatcher was cought a few mintues later because the family who he was robbing had taken a picture and he was in the background doing the job. The picture was given over to a near by cop and with in mintues the robber had be cought and everything was returned to the family and he was taken off to jail now that is cool and a scary use of modern tech. Here is something that could have cost the family weeks and weeks of pain and repair to many thing like bank account credit reports and everything else that might have happen and here because of an insteant picture they where able to get the report out to almost every officer in the area and the guy was cought and everything returned. good for them and hey chock one up for the police. I may not be a big fan of them but they do try there best regardless of what you see from time to time on the tube and web. Look I don't care for shows like cops, because they show the woest of people a lot of the time and yeah they do try and put the police in a better light most of the toime but come on do we need this stuff on the tube. Is this how we want to the world to see us. a bunch of drunks and abuser. Fight each other at every turn. Personal No I wouldn't want to show that off to the world. now do I want them to see the police kicking the shit out of someone in public? No not really, but these guy's do have a job to do and yeah they might get carried away with somethings a lot of the time, but is that any reason to gun four of them when they are having coffee in the morning? Not really. Now let's try and give them a hand. Hell let's build the little blue box again so we can help out again make a better world for all of us. Exacute those who have killed and easy the system just a little. Now I don't wan to go one about the death penatly again just because I'm all for it and want to get it used more, because that not what tonight is about tonight is the good job the police do for use everyday even thought we never see it.
Now Like I said I don't care for the police for more then one reason one of which was that I was cuffed, put in to the backseat of a cop car and taken to a stabbing. which in itself messed up my day, and was illeage I believe, but I had fun. I was asked by every cop at the stabbing including the detectives that where there if I was on drugs. well no, but when you put a guy in the backseat of a cop car what has been riding a bike and has his blood really going he has a tentse to be a little on the jump/wild side and it takes a few mintues for him to return to normal. Now in this car I was also really mad because the cop made me hit his car and I went flying over the front of it. Kinded of sucked really because I was getting into my grove and heading down to the bowling ally to play some video games with the buck and half I had in my pocket. would have gotten a a few games of something. I forget what was big at the time, but i know it wasn't pac-man which sucks I miss that game. I might have to hook up my PS-1 just to play it again in the bed room none the less that should make going to bed intresting with an old gaming system in the bed room. Wii in the living room and PS-1 in the bed room, but the N64 I think I'll put in one of the other bed room and hook the x-box back up in the living room man I have a lot of old gaming systems that I like to play or have old games to play on and I have completly lost track of my cop story..
Now you know we have all kind of diffrent kind of police from the locol guuy's that watch over us everyday to the state guy's who well do the samething just on a much bigger level and tend to have a little more/less power there is always the jeristion thing that hey have to deal with, then we have the other thousand of guys. The FBI, Justice department,secret service, and U.S. marshells you know these people all try and do there bo to the best and sometimes more then there ablities so yeah they may get out of hand and that is what we see all time on the news which sucks because we never trully know the good they do everyday. The great amount of arrest and plot's they stop. so go say thanks to any police office you see they need a good thank you as much as the any mility personal you see as well. they are all here to help and protech us.
Most people have a full measure of life.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oh what a Day

Oh how tired..
You know it's one of those days when you wait half the day for something to show up and then when it does you start your running around and by the time you get home you know you have done everything you need to, but in such a short amount of time which you know you had a lot more when the day first started. Don't you just hate wasting the first part of your day and then having to rush around to get everything done.
And now the there is no news
by now most people know i try and read the headlines on the net to see what is happening in the world, but over90% of the time it's got something to do with celeb's which I don't care a single thing about they are just reguler people doing a job there personal life is ther own we should have nothing more. Now to turn that around on myself to show my sorrow Martin Short's wife Nancy Dolmen died today, and I would like to send my heart felt sorrow to him and would like everyone else to do so then leave him alone. He need time to get himself back together.
but you other then that I don't have a lot for you it's just been a lazy morning and a bussy afternoon so I that it's for tonight so it's short and depressing.so write a letter to Martin short so say how sorry your are and show your remorse for the death of his wife of thirty years.
most people have a full measure of life

Monday, August 23, 2010

Death of NC-17

The rating system..
ok now a days everything has a rating system form the comic books and reguler books to movies which has had it chnage over the years from the base of G,PG,R, to when they added th X ratings and then just after Temple of Doom came out they came up with the PG-13 rating which allowed one set of breast and the one saying of the F word in the movie, then they tried to add in NC-17 which would have been light porn in mainstream films, but with the flop of Showgirls the second movie to get the rating no other Dirctor/producer will allow it a movie to be labled with th rating of NC-17 again, which is a bummer, because it would save a lot of time and we wouldn't have two versons of any given film the UNCUT/unrated version of the film and then the reguler verson that we see in the theater. Look some big Director need to take a risk on the rating again but this time make a good film there is a artical in the web news about bad movies being so bad that they are good and they become cult classics. Now I have seen many and many bad movies over they years an now of them are that bad. Now I kind of like showgirls the rise and fall of a showgirl in sin city. Nothing big it happens all the time Now I did find the movie long and boring but it wasn't that bad if you watched it for the plot twist and turns. Now Unlike PG-13 I don't really remember the first NC-17 film but if i'm not mistaken there where not more then four NC-17 films ever made like I have said thought someone just need to make one and stay with it.Look I have seen both versions of the remake of Friday the 13th and you know the finalcut was not that bad and if it was marked NC-17 I would have been happy to have gone and seen it. I think they need to make a bigger push on NC-17 again get the movies out there don't let a movie like showgirls kill it. movies can be somuch better and intresting if they where not afaird of being to long in the theater, look at some of the great like around the world in 80day, the great race and gone with the wind, they are all 4hour film and they all have a intermition in they so people can go to the rest room.what I think it is,is that they don't want to keep the people in the theater that long anymore because the theater doesn't make money or the movies doesn't make money because it's so long. well we lose a lot of movies that could be great if they wherenot afaird of those thing,but then again we have home video where they can put out a dirctors cut that is four hours long like LORD of the Rings. Now when we went into the theater we know that when we got to home video we where going to get a dirctors cut because there was just so much stuff thathe need to finish and he wanted to for the people at home. now we get movies that are released in theater put out on home video then just for the fun of it have more sences add to the film and released. Like Avatar and yeah the great Star Wars movies, but you know with the star wars film they waited almost 25years before re-releasing them to the theater so adding the new footage so for the next generation it was a new film all around and for the old guy's we got to see our movies they way it should have been. Now that is way way of the track of NC-17 but hey if someone puts out a good movie and it has a N-17 rating to it i think wwe could start something that we can all take care of and build on make so let's make a good either action flic or Horror which are always hard to sell anyway and let it have that NC-17 rating and go with it. if it booms ok then let's think of taking out NC-17, but let's not have it die on Showgirls..
Most people have a full measure of life

Sunday, August 22, 2010

sundays story

Book 2: coming to the Village..
The two of us jumped a couple more bush's and came to a complete stop. We were standing on top of a shire drop off. The cliff face looked out over the Vallry. From this view you could see the hole valley and in the vally was a large opening with a village in it. The forest closed in on all four sides of the village and the opening that the willage was in was the shape of a large ovel about five miles wide "Ok now what?" Warrior yelled.
"Over there" I pointed to the right to a slop that would take us to the valley floor "Come on let's move. Once we near town they shoud back off." and Warrior and myself started to make are way down the slop. The Wolvies and the hawks kept in hot pursut, as we came closer to the village the hawks slowed and then stopped there dive boomings at us.But the wolvies kept coming for the a while longer. Warrior and myself kept running and as we got closer and closer the wolvies slowly started to back off. When the village finally came in to view all the animals that where chaseing us had stopped. Warrior and myself finally came to a stop and cought our breaths and started to walk into the village.
The village itself sat right in the middle of the forest. The buildings were made of wood and had thatched roofs. Some of the building were two and three stories, but most of them where single stories and residents of people that must have lived in the village. The center of village look to have a working founton and standing on top of it was a stature of a woman. She was dressed in some kind of armor, you really couldn't make out what type it wasamd a quarterstaff in her hands.
There where four main street to the village and all of the joined together at the statue. The street Warrior and I were walking down was lined with resident and a few shop's all of which were closed at this time of night. The two of us walked straight down the center street. Warrior turned his head to look at me as we walked down the street "Is this a good idea?" He asked.
I looked over at him "what do you mean?"
"Walking down the center of the street like this." Warrior geastered out towards the village "These people might notlike us."
"it would appear that not many people seem to like me." I paused as the fountain came in to better view "Including you." I jogged up to the fountain to get a better look at it.
'Ya so.." Warrior said to himself and ran after me. Warrior stopped at the foot of the water well right next to me and looked up at the statue on top of the fountain "It looks nothing like her." he said.
"Well no one could ever catch her in a good mood so what do you want." I was looking up at the statue "But your right it looks nothing like her." I started to walk around the fountain "Come on let's find her." I started to walk down the street again not waiting for Warrior ro follow me.
Warrior took one last look at the statue and then started to follow me around the fountain and down the other main street that lead to the center of town from the other side of the village. This one was lined with bars and clubs where anyone could find what they need at almost anytime. The closer you where to the center of town the cleaner thing where and less hostal. The person we where looking for would be a little further out towards the forest down and edge of town.
The edge bars were more run down and one did not go there unless they wanted to fight, need someone killed, looking for something very illigal or where down on their luck and had little money to drink with. The person we were looking for would go down to the lower section of town just for the fun of it. The fact that the person we were looking for also had a bar in the lower section. It coast her a pretty penny every once and while do to all the broken furnture when there was a fight in the place. Yet she had the money from all the years of adventering and taking the treasure of the creatures she and he compations killed. In most cases she would hunt and kill dragons. Thus the treasures would be vast and she wouldn't have to worry about money, just how to move it from one place to next there was just so much of it.
Warrior and myself being who we are would have no choose, but walkk down the center of the street in this part of town. Walking on the wooden sidewalk wouldn't be us and would make way to much noise. As the two of us walked down the middle of the street as the building started to deklined. The buildings still stood nice and tall but the quilty of the up keep was not as goog as it was a little ways up the street. We walked the better part of three quarters of the street before we came to a stop in front of the only four story building in the village.
The outside of the structior was all together and the windows on each floor seemed to be intact. There was a large picture window in front with a door next to it that was wide open and the roof covered the wooden sidewalk. When there was a fight in the place of any kind you could bet you whole teasure holdings that window would be broken. It appeared to be a quite night for now anyway and it was earily. Theplace looked more like a bar from the old west, but then again so did most of the town for that matter.
Warrior and myself stood facing the building. The two fo us hadn't been here in years, it was great to come back I just kind of wished it was under better sucomstandes. The two of us looked at the building breathing out a deep sigh and took one step towards the bar. The second we put are foot down and had weight on them someone came crashing through the window. Glass shattered everywhere and the person came to a rolling stop at are feet. Me and Warrior looked at one another "Fight in the bar." we stepped back from the building.
"I think we better wait out here." I said to Warrior as a second person came flying out the window.
"I think your right." Warrior said "Or we might end up coming back out through the window."
ok so that was a lot ruffer then I thought it was, but then I haven't looked at this part of book two for a few years which is said to say and I more of less trans scribe this staight from the book. I make few adjustments I go along but it is pretty straight from the orginal text thus I need either feed back or an editer or both for that matter anyone know a good editer. oh well like anyone really going to read this beyond this crazy bolg...
Most people have a full measure of life..

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Saturday's Story

Quick news story...
Ok before we get to tonights story I found this in today news paper on the events for today. Like you didn't get enough of this information last night, but I thought this one was a little more intresting and I couldn't pass it up..
In 1609 Galileo Galilei demonstrated his new telescope to a group of officials atop the campanile in Venice
In 1911 Leonardo Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris. The painting turned up two years later in Italy
I just found it intresting that something happened to a couple of the great masters of our time on the same day just years so many years apart. One was in Italy doing his thing and the others master peice was found there years laters. Ok now the story of the night.
Book 2: The Jump..
The two of us crossed the upper level of the manor and came around to the main stair case. When the two of us stepped on to the stop step I throw the book down on to the first landing, where it fell right through the floor. I looked over at Vincent “You ready for this?”

Vincent breather out a heavy deep breath, he hadn’t done any kind of teleportation in over a year. He Never really care for it in the first place “No really, but let’s do it.” We walked further down the stair case. When we got to the last step just before the landing we stopped. I looked over at Vincent “let’s go...” he said and raised his left arm.

I reached over grabbed his wriest “Now!” and the two of us jumped off the last step and fell through the landing. We entered a pitch black void. We fell for more then a good minute, before we hit what could be called ground. Vincent hit much harder then I did and his knees buckled under him and he fell to the ground. As Vincent fell to the ground I let go of his wriest, so he wouldn’t pull me down with him. “Got to watch that first step. It can be a real winner.”

Vincent started to stand up “Yeah no kidding.” He looked around and saw nothing, but pitch black. There was nothing but blackness all around us “where are we? I can’t see anything.”

“That dose not surprises me. There isn’t anything to see.” I raise my left arm “Light.” And the brace computer that runs up my left forearm started to glow. Warrior slowly started to appear in front of me. “This is not like the last time you wanted out.” I turned around to look into the pitch black all around us. This is the cross roads to nowhere.” Vincent came and stood beside me “here is where you make your real choose.” Vincent looked at me. I just stared out into the darkness “This is the one thing I can’t change.” I turned to look at him “When you step into the darkness you’ll return to Warrior’s and my home land.” I turned to look back out into the darkness.

Warrior raised his hands to look at them. His left was the lion claw hand of Warrior. His right was the human hand of Vincent. Here before him was this choose of chooses “And what if I do not want to be Warrior again?” He stared at the claw that was his left hand.

“Then you look up and raise your right hand and you will return to the earth realm.” I said flatly “But you lose Blaze till I have time to get her and even then I’m not sure she will be returned. You are the one the note said was to come and get her.”

“Or jump into the black abyss become Warrior and Blaze will re returned to me.” Vincent looked back and forth between his two hands “For the human heart I must give it up.” He closed his hands and eye’s. Slowly he moved forward and jumped into the black abyss. I jumped in after him not really know what was about to happen to either of us.
You know I thought this piece was a little longer then it is, but then what do you want. It's a small part between to pieces that you have already read presaying there is someone reading this stuff i haven't looked at any comment of late, becaue no one has commented on anything I have writen but once and I know this can be reather boring and you wouldn't want to read it let alone say anything about it excapte that is is boring as hell and what do you think your are tring to do, but at least the stories could be funny to read just to see how bad they are or what the final out come is which I'm not sure anyone is ever really going to know not even myself, but it would be nice to hear from someone to know this is being read every now and then even if you want to call me a hack and full of crap or that it's the worest thing you have ever read, but then again I wouldn't care because this is just my opions on things. So I just hope you get a good laugh every now and then and maybe get you to think..
Most people have a full measure of life

Friday, August 20, 2010

history today

I do this...
you knowI have done this before and I'll most likly do it a lot more times just for the simple point that there is nothing on the news pages really worth my time to go over excapte celeb crap and you know i hate that stuff, but the Pres got a new book and Hid Daughters got a few classics. Now that's it the kids because talking a about any body's kids is off limits it just nice to know that they got a few new books. OR for the people that are LOST fans which isn't me a few of there props are going up for sale this weeks end.
Now back in 1866 President Andrew Johnson Formally declared the Civil war over,months after fight had stopped.
Well you know it great to know that a war is really over and with Lincon dead it and country in morning yeah i guess it took a little while for the Pres to declare such a coastly war to and end.
In 1910 a series of forest fires swept through partsof Idaho, Montana, and Washington Killing at least 85 people and burning some 3million acres in what became known as the big blowup.
thatmust have been one hell of a fire to try and take out without the things we got today I'm not suprised that more people died in the fires.it's nice to know that things have improved so something like this doesn't happen again. one thing that can said about new tech is that we find a better way to save lives and fight fires to save the lands that we live on. no remember some plants need a fire to spread it seeds to creater new life so they do have very contorled burns in the national forest.
in 1914 German forces occupied brussels, Belgium during world war I.
it's sad to say that Germany is the bad guy in both or the World Wars, but someone has to be and well germany get's that bill,but you know it's sad to say in both cases Germany starts out as a small little country and work themself up to where they hold control of over half of one contantet, but you know they did it quitly and jus worked there way up.
1920 pioneering American radio station 8mk in Detroit (Later WWJ) began daily broadcasting.
Intresting to know that it took 1920 was the first time that a radio station starting broadcasting everyday.you know you would have thought that someone else would have done it just to broadcast the news each day
1955 hundreds of people were killed in anti french riotingin Morocco and Algeria...
oh looked people were killed what else is new you know there had to so death somewhere in the world it's just over in Moraicco and yeah it's said to say i have no idea where that is so I would have to look it up on a map to try and find it, but at least it wasn't just a few it was hunders of people it's mass murder the way of the human.
in 1968 the Soviet union and other Warsaw Pact nations began invading Czechoslovakia to crush the "Prague Spring" liberalization drive.
so let me get this straight other county's started to invade an other one because some people didn't like what was happening in a country that country and where tring to change it, that sounds like something that many country's have done in the past and you know I'mnot sure this is right for them to be doing. in most cases I wouldlike to think that any country could be takenover by it's own people if they don't feel that the country is being run right of that the goverment is not treating it's people right.Now this can be said about almost any country and I guess we can call for help if we need to. Now I know and bet you this happens more time then we know about in the smaller countries around the world, so calling in your friends to stop it from happening just might be a good idea.
In 1977 the U.S. launched Voyager 2 an umanned spacecaft carrying a 12 inch copper Phonograph record containing greetings in dozens of languages samples of music and sounds of nuture.
Ok so we send music from 1977 in to space or the 70's in generals, great can you think of what other life forms are going to think of us, we are in some real trouble, and then we aliens do show up remember they want to get to know us and we invited them here. that is what Voyager and Voyager 2 are all about aren't they. I how are you doind we are humans come and meet us. yeah the first thing we do is send up a fighter jet and start shooting first so yeah we are ready to meet new life forms. shot first and ask questions later that would be us so it's not really a go thing for us to be heading into space if we can't even talk to people and not shoot them first, because the human will shot something they don't understand first and then ask questions first.
the 80's and 90's
Ok so there isn't anything for the 80's and 90's on this day so I guess those two decards we didn't do much of great intrest to us.
The Pres get's a new novel hey big new here nothing happening of inportence in the whole of the 80's and 90's but here in 2010 the pres buy's a new book big news ok didn't anything like this happen in the past 30years I guess not so this has been a boring day for the past 30 years untill the Pres.. bought a book today and returned him from a vaction. ooh well at least something happend today that make make the news in the next few years and something that will be in the paper over a hunder years from now. in 1866 the end of the civil War is declared and in 2010 the Pres. of the U.S. bought a book. should be intresting to see.
Most people have a full measure of life

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Harry Potter

Just for some fun..
Now just for fun Let's look at Harry Potter once again so If you haven't read the book well you are missing a good story line for kids and people of all ages. Now I didn't get into it untill book 4 came out so I had to do some back tracking and read the first three book's and I must say I did take my time with it, but it was well worth it. Now for book one which I have talked about already There are changes from the Brit. verson and the US versoin and the cover is not just one of them
Now you can get a copy of the Brit covers on the net or just Drive up to Canada and go to you local book store. They should have a copy or two. Now also in Brit they have two diffrent type of
covers one for the adults and one for the Kids. Here we have the U.S. Cover and I believe the cover for the Kids for the British verson of the book. No personaly I like the cover for the British verson just because you have and better idea of what might be happening in the story the U.S. versoin even after reading the story I didn't get and I still don't really get it so you have to think about what versoin of the book you really want to try and get and for the most part I'm glad that after book one they didn''t change the langue in the book they where talking if it they where in England and they kept it that way. Yeah the changes in book one you would never really know unless you had both versoin of the book and I just happened to pick one up when I went to go see a hockey game a few years a go and I was reading the two book together page after page for the first few chapters and found a few diffrents that I found funny and woundered why the had changed them, Hell I still question why change the cover of the book. in the end I still found the story really good and a hell of a lot better then the Twilight thing that is happening. I mean I read the first book and went well that was really boring and then I talk to someone who had read the second one and they said the second one was even slower so I haven't even gone near it and I don't think I ever will. One of the few time I'll go by what the Movies say's when it comes on cable, But with the Potter books I put down book one and went into book two and then staright in to book three, took a pause between book three and four because someone else was reading it at the time and I was going to bore there copy so I went back to my star wars book went through one or two of then when I got the chance to read book four I dove into that. Then like everyone else in the world I had to start the waiting game and I waited reading everything else I then when book five came out I went out the morning at 7am because I was not going to do the midnight thing I had much better things to do with my night like sleep and I got my copy. I started to read it a week later because I was in the middle of one someother book at the time and I hate to stop in the middle of a book to start another one no big deal really I had time and no one was going to spoil it for me, then the problem came that my wife picked it up and started to read it and I was stuck with out a book untill I could get one from a friend a week and a half later after the book had come out so I was really only a few day back on starting it and once I read a chapter we could talk about it, but then once again we had to wait, but you know I got to say that they are great stories and as disapointing as some of the books are and the things that happen in them over all it could be a classic good VS evil story unlike this twilight thing. I got no idea where that thing is going or how it even started. Remember folks Vamps are not sparkly they turn to dust when light hit's them. In Potter we never see a Vamp but we do hear about them, but we do get to see a warewolf now it's not the classic english wolf we would have like to have seen it was more of a russian one,but then I don't think they really did the reasearch on that one or really cared because you only ever really see it one maybe twice in the books so we just live with it. now for the rest of the stuff in the book look if you are reading Vamp stuff then a story about a boy learning magic should be nothing for you and if you are agaiest this kind of stuff ok, but just know it's not real the lady made it up and as much as I know there are real warlocks and witches out there for the most part they are just living like like everyone else and in some case saving the world from shit you don't want to see or even know about so get over it and say thank you to one if you ever find one working at the office building or the law ferm down the street, the cop that just pulled you over, or better yet the casher that just check you out at the store. They are everywhere and most of them are really nice it's just the few bad apples that everyone see's that mess things up for everyone else, but in this case it a story about a kid learning about himself and a story of good VS Evil the good apple vs the bad apple that everyone see's and for the most part you get it in the same version as it was writen now here in the U.S. and you would in England so go read and enjoy it's a fun story for all to read and I think most people would enjoy it. use it as a bed time story for your kids it's a nice adventer for them to hear and hell they will never know that it's not true....
Most people Have a full measure of life

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Look it's an old fish..
So I was watching this really crappy movie the other day and for the most part I try and fight throw every movie I start to watch I think I have only every stopped and return 2movies in my life with out watching it all the way throw. Now I'll get back to my story in just a second I made my way throw "Burn be for reading" but I call it "BURN be for watching" It was that bad so don't watch that one. Now back to my story. now this movie ended and I stopped it and I was on the travil channle and they where doing this program on the extram pools. and they did this peice on the pool at NASA. and how they use it to help train people to movie in space and around in space station. they say they have a muck up of the space station in this pool. So in theroy you could use what they have in the pool or even remake the parts of the space station and sink them into the ocean and have and underwater base. Now the pool at NASA his only 40feet deep but then again with the right presser it would work think of the lack of presser in space and the crushing properties that might have. so like many crappy ideas I have this is just a new one, but i still like my idea of soft landing the MIR space station on the moon instead of crashing in back into the earth, but then I think the U.S. oesn't want anything on the moon right now that isn't made/from the U.S. I would kind of like to think the U.S. makes the moon there own little place there 51state because they have been the only people there that I know of. I mean I don't think any other country has tried to get to the moon sence 1969. The russians went for the space station. now for some crazied reason the space shuttle isn't ment for high orbet flight so going to the moon is way out of it leage, but you know we need to go back and I know they have plains for a moon base sometime in the near future but for right now I think we should at the every least with our day trip's again. I know it takes time and money to get there but we need to start our baby steps again and going there on our day trips is once again a start. it's just something we need to due. The U.S. has pumped way to much money into the space station it's time to get away from that money pit and start on something at is a better money pit and that is the moon and getting are butt's back there. look every project to begin with is a money pit it's what you do with it by the end of the project that is the truth of things. now for the most part we don't et anything from Space there is no money return on scince it's all a big money pit that we pour more and more money into now is it a money pit we need. yes we need to pour money into it so we can make advancements in the world they just need to be coming to the public a little faster then they have been. Now going to the moon is that a leap forward to getting man into space or is it a leap forward into destoring everything we know. Look we are people we like we need adventer and we are not making moves forward into the oceans that I have seen now there might be big companies that have sea bases which are cool, but those same companies can work there way into space as well and head for the moon. you just need to money to do it and Bill Gates has the money to do it. space is not a private place it's a public domane and we can come and go as we please so let's go. the stuff from the earily space missions is avalable to the public so let's start building the stuff and get going. you know a million dollors per passanger isn't that out there with the price of airfare these days, this is just an adventer with a risk to it. nothing that we all haven't wanted before in life. we jump out of perffectly good airplanes for no reason why not head into space the risk of just a little higher, but you have to make your own choose we just need to build it and I bet they will come. head for the deasert and let's get going it'll be a good town builder and you just might need a new type of air traffic controler,
Most people have a full measure of life.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Boom Boom

The Plane the Plane..
ok so it was in the middle of the day and there are two louds boom it would appear that someone entered a restriced air space and they had to send out to f18 at supersonic speed creating two sonic booms that could be heared all up and down the washington coast line. so you know you where in the wrong place at the right time. Now I'll tell you the true you know I was not that intrested in it that I didn't turn on the news to find out what happened I got a twit later in the afternoon which told me what was going on. So guess what I didn't even know the Pres was in washington state today tell's you how well in formed that I am. of course you know the news is full of celeb crap and not anything of great importance like the Presis coming to see us in washington of course that could be consitered celeb crap until after his vist but then again with out really knowingwhy he is here the aftermath could still be celeb crap and you know I can't stand that because these are just stupied people that do stupied things just like everyone else.
Change real fast..
Ok so I came across this head line and to me this is the biggest peice of crap and who the hell cares I have ever seen/read and I do have to say I just read the headline because I reall really really don't give a shit and why is this even anywhere near the news with the Pres.s having two f18 doing supersonic speed. John Lennon letter arrives after 34years. So it's good to know that the postal service never gives up and getting a letter to where it should go but why in hell is this even close to being news worthy. I mean if it was a letter form George Washington yeah I would call that news worthy but from John Lennon who gives a rat butt. I mean the was a second rate signer at best..
Ok Back to the Pres..
You know even trying to look up why the Pres was in Washington today I still got no idea why he was here, but with a the mid-year elections you never know what any politiction is going to do and in truthy these are people we shoud be watching. because they set the standered for live in this country and how the world see's us, so as long as they don't screw up and get cought who really cares what they do in the personal lives, like every other person just leave them alone.
It's hot..
Now it's been hot like 93degress hot for the past couple of days and I just don't have enough energy for anything.so I'm goingto sweet my butt off and try and get some sleep.
Most people have a full measure of life.

Monday, August 16, 2010

News for the day

First the heat...

dude it's firgining hot today and I don't care where you are it's hot. No matter where you are I say it hot I mean it's 7 at night and it's 91degress hot so come on it's hot and that is here. think about the people in the lower part of the country that have a deseart in it. they got to be roasting but and egg on the sand and watch it cook it's that hot. in the mean time for all you who want to know the white house is keeping photos of the Pres with out his shirt on under wraps. which mean you can't see him with out his shirt on it's part of natoinal scerity that you can see him with out his shirt on it might scare people alway.

Now some pageant News.

There is a scandle over some women in body paint. Now I have seen 4 of these photos that are on the net and let me tell you there is nothing to give a scandle on excapte that I don't think that they are that great. I mean for the last few years sports illistared swim suit isssue has been doing much better body paint photo's and the modles are for the most part, but the paint wearing nothing. One of the modles even said she didn't mine doing it excape that she need to do a complete body shave, not wax but shave. Ok that is news to me, but you know the shot are really good and nice as a matter of fact you really woundn't know that it was body paint, so you can take this little not worth it scandle and put it in the disposal for all it's worth.

Hey look real news

1/5 of pakistan is underwater as crisis grows and the U.N. want to know why the world (Which means U.S.) is slow to react Look we got so many other things happening right now that Pakistan is just going to have to take care of itself for once. I mean we can't be everywhere at once and we got a few things to take care of here in our own back yard. so let somebody else take care of this one. Like china or gremany or spain. I mean they are right there just a feew hour away and they could have a couple of thousand troops there to help out and China could have a million in there in a day or two. so really the U.S. doesn't have to deal with this one. there are way to many other country right next door that could help out. let us finish with our oil spill and what ever else we are dealing with like a war or two we don't need to deal with a flood as a matter of fact we have done that with new orlains so it's time for some one else to take care of this one we got other things to do.

Now the BIG NEWS..

In 2011 Star Wars will be released on blu-ray and return of the jedi will have a lost sence. Now I'm a big star wars fan I think it's a lot better then star trek and just about as cool as Battlestar so let's hear it for finding new sceans on the cutting room floor more then 25 years later. can you imagin the mess on that floor if no one has swept it in 30 year think about what else might be on that floor missing scencs from Willow and Radioland Murders as well as American Gaffide. and who know what else, just think of all the movies that have been made in that room over the years. Now the one thing I did get from the news report on the new scene was if they were going to put it back into the movie itself just that it was going to be on the blu-ray and I'll have to look into that. now one more thing. the scene was on on youtube and lucis had it taken down because it was property of lucus films which is what should of happened even before it came on to the net work, but hey sometimes things get up and need to be taken down and this is one as much as I would have liked to have seen it. but I'm guessing it will show up again and again so you just have to keep and eye out for it.
Back to the heat
now it's hot and I hate the heat so why is it so hot up here, so I'm going out side with a bug replent fan and try and cool off.
Most people have a full measure of life.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sundays Story

Book 2 the opening part 2

“Vincent you must go and get her. That is what the note says.” I picked the book up and set it back down on the end table that was next to the large arm chair “If you want my help I can not give it YOU.” I stressed the word “YOU” “Besides I have a matter of my own to deal with.” I looked up at Vincent and over his shoulder.

Vincent Scoffed “OH!” there was a long pause “Then I guess you’ll have to help Warrior.” And he stepped back away from me. Vincent spread his arms out and stood with his back touching the large glass window. “Change me back. You can not refuse to help your son.”

Folding my hands together I brought them up to my lips thinking “True’ I said “But I do have the right to refuse to.” I stood up and started to walk away from him. Vincent stood by the window in almost total and utter shock. He could not see why there would be any reason for me not to turn him back into the Great warrior he was.

Vincent stepped away from the window where the afternoon sun had warmed his back and watched as I walked away from him. The shock of my attitude towards him was not what he was expecting in the least. In the past Vincent always knew if he ever needed my help I would be more then happy to give it to him, so my reluctance to help him in this matter appeared to be a shock of a whole different king. Slowly, but surely Vincent started to move towards me. With each step he picked up speed and before I reached the door to the library he had caught up to me. Vincent reached out with his right hand grabbed me firmly on the shoulder and spun me around to look at him. “What do you mean you’ll refuse to change me back?” He yelled at me “You always said if I ever wanted to become the person I was, your son, all I had to do was ask.”

‘True I did say that, but you must want to become who you were not because you want me to help you.” I said low “Besides to get Blaze back all you have to do is ask.” I squared myself to him and stood with my hands behind my back.

Vincent looked at me in astonishment “What do you mean all I have to do is ask and I’ll get her back?”

‘Look Vincent” I said as I started to walk back into the library “This person calling themselves your Mother must not know who you are so all you have to do is find them and ask for he back” I moved past him towards the book shelf on the other side of the room. I pulled and old leather bound book from the shelf and open it. Running a fingerer down the page quickly “Yes here we go.” And I snapped the book closed and looked up at him. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go deal with a problem George came up with the other day.” And I started to walk towards Vincent heading for the door. As I went to pass Vincent he reached out with his hand and stopped me again.

I Stopped and looked down at his arm that was holding me back from leaving the room “Do you have any idea where I might find this person then?” Vincent asked in a harsh tone “Sense the note was signed by my Mother I have no idea as to where I should even begin to look.” And he dropped his hand.

‘Well my best guess would be the castle” I looked at him “Try there.”

“I can’t go there remember it’s with in our or should I say yours and Warrior’s home land” Vincent said as he stepped in front of me and squared himself to look into my eyes ‘So either your going to have to go to the castle and do it for me or you’ll have to change me back into Warrior so I can do it.”

I looked through Vincent’s eye’s to see what his true meaning for wanting to become Warrior again was. I saw none. The need for the safe return of Blaze was there, but to go and save her as the warrior was not. Vincent stopped being Warrior for Blaze and no dout would do anything to make sure she was safe, but to become the warrior again was not something that I was going to allow, knowing the great side effect that it would have on him. With this change there would be no true out come and no real turning back this time “I’ll get to it when I have a chance then. Now if you will excuse me I have some work to take care of.” And I started to make my way past him again.

Vincent put his arm out again to stop me from leaving the room “What do you mean you’ll get to it.” He put his hand on my shoulder and started to back me up into the library “you’ll go and do it now or you will not leave this room to agreeing to change me back into warrior.’ He reached down and grabbed my nine millimeter from its shoulder holster under my left are. Vincent pointed the weapon up into my face pulling the hammer back and clicking off the safety “Now do we have an agreement?”

“You care for her that much huh?” I said not worried at all about having my own weapon pointed in my face. It wasn’t the first time and it most likely wouldn’t be the last.

“Yes I do.” I now started to see the desire to become the Warrior for Blaze’s sake “If I didn’t I wouldn’t even be here. Blaze is the most important thing in my life right now and I’ll do whatever it takes to get her back.” He tightened his grip around the handle of the gun “Even if I have to kill you.” I stepped back a step or two to give Vincent a nice look at me it would also give him a better shot if I was just a few more steps away ‘Then I’ll remove that damnable Brace Computer of yours and do it myself.”

“Is this truly what you want?” I paused to look at him square in the eyes “No matter what the cost is.” The room took on a little bit of a chill. Which was very hard to ignore because the light come in through the large window had been heating the room all morning, but the light coming in from the window seemed to lower a bit and the room appeared to be even darker “because this time there is no coming back. You will never be able to truly be Vincent again” I said plainly”

‘Vincent lowered the gun “No matter what the cost is. I have to get Blaze back.” He paused to look up into my face and counted with a stern tone in his voice “I promised her that nothing would happen to her.” Paused again. “As a matter of fact I gave her my word.”

I knew what giving his word meant to him and to me. His word as a warrior was the word of a person who would give his own life to save someone else if he had to. In this case Vincent was more then welling to give up his humanity to safe Blaze’s life from some unknown threat to her ‘Your word is not only yours. It is mine.” I reached forward and removed my gun from his hands. ‘Do you truly care for her?’ Vincent looked at me as if I had asked him an insane question. Of course I knew he cared for Blaze so I quickly counted the question with yet a second part “Enough to face her as who you truly are?” There was a long silence in the room.

‘Vincent took a few steps back from me. You could almost see his mine going to work remembering the dissuasion in the castle sitting room years ago ‘You mean face her as Warrior?” I nodded my head. I folded my hands in front of me holding on to the book I had pulled of the shelf and waited for his answer. With a heavy reluctance in his voice Vincent finally said after a few minutes of deep and heavy silence ‘Yes I can face her as my true self. I think it’s time for Blaze to know everything.”

“Hmm I see.’ I opened the book in my hands. I turned a few pages leaving throw it. “You’re sure about this.’ I said still looking throw the book.

Vincent stood straight and square and in a strong voice that made him sound assured of himself said “Yes I am!!”

“Very well let’s go get her.’ I closed the book with a snap and it started to rain out side. I looked up at him “Come with me.” I finally was able to walk past him and out of the library. Vincent turned and followed after me. I walked along the upper walkway with Vincent right behind me. For Vincent to become Warrior again I would have to undo what I had done to him in the first place. Which in some case could be easier then I might have thought.
Ok so like I said last night i kid of left you with a cliff hanger but not really so tonight i finshed it out when the day was a lot cooler. It still hot but I was able to write this out and get it pasted for you to read tonight i'm a little more happy wiht it this way, but you know in the end it's give you something to come back for and read. Hope you are enjoying story book weekends more they you are the reguler stuff.
Most people have a full measure of life