Pain all over..
You know the first pain after the crash is not always the worest sometimes the next morning is much worest. today I hurt more then I normal do becuae of the flip last night. at this time I just want to claw into the shower and soak in the warm air to try and relax, but you know that is never possable. Ok so there is nothing like pain to let you are alive, but let's get off of pain and on to something a lot less importen.
The kindle..or E-readers...
Ok so now many people have these things myself included. Look for a person who travils I tink they are get and for a person that can go thought a book in lets then a week they are even better, now sometimes the books can coast a little more then a hard back/paper back, but you know what most of the time I have found them to be less then Hardback and close to the same price as a paperback. I think they are great for more then one reason. first they are eco friendly, second it takes up a lot less room. third for some one who travils you don't have the weight of a more then one book you can have five hundered books in one small drivce in your carry one. So look at what you can get and remember don't compare the E-reader to a hardback book ever and look for the other side of thing because they are going to pull out coupons and paperback and used books for a price comperison so you have to look to the new book as a hardback and that you can get many other things on a kindle which you can get and app for to have it on your phone and even the I-pad. Hell right now you can a tank load of classics like dracula and Alice in wounderland for free for the kindle. Now I can only talk about the kindle because that is the one thing I have. I can add music to it to listen to well I read a book I can download aduiobook to it to listen to an I can back the whole thing up to my computer to save all the information on the Kindle. I like the thing. Now right I have a few hardback that I do want and read and yes there are some books that I just need to have as a hard back in my hand like the Robert Langdon Story's, but most of the time if I'm looking for a book these day's I'll save myself the trouble or running to the book story or having to wait for it to come by mail, I just look it up on the Kindle itself , buy it, download it, and less then a few seconds after that be reading it and never leave the house, thus just sitting around the house like anyone else...
Now the data pad..
Now you, that is to say if you have watched star trek, can say that the Kindle is one of the first data pads, because you can send your own doc to amazon and they will transform them into a kindle format and either for a small fee send them wireless to your Kindle or e-mail them back to you and you can transfer them to your Kindle and there you can read them as you want. so you can think of the Kindle as first generation data pad and it works if you set it up right big companys can use it to send contrats out to the people in the feild for them to read over and send back changes/approvle back thought e-mail on either there phone/computers that they are carring with them. It's all in the way to use the thing. There are almost a 1000 uses for the thing and I have just come up with a few sitting here, do let's them talk you out of getting a Kindle or E-reader. They are great eco friendly things from getting the daily paper to reading blogg's like this one. you turn the thing on in the morning or leave it on and anytime the next issuse is read it is downloaded to your device. so think about it you can read the newspaper at 5am a few second and I so say second because that is all it has ever taken for me to get a download for it. A few second after it is release. think about it if a book is released on Kindle the same day that it is released in Hard or paperback and there isn't a midnight selling you can have it at midnight and start reading.
Now these may not be the best thing for the casul reader, but if your a bussness person of someone who travils a lot I think they are great for you. saves a lot of time and space in you brefcase and you always have something to read look I know somepeople ar pushing for the I-pad because it does a lot more which is find, but you can't read the thing in direct sunlight as a mater of fact I have found the pad useless in the sun and my 80gig I-pod hold a but load more then any I-pad I have seen so yeah I'll drag my I-pod and my Kindle with me almost everything one for watching Movies and T.V. shows and my Kindle for reading and maybe listing to music, because I have my pod with me there no reason to run the Kindle battery down by doing two things at once and the pod power will last a lot longer. so for get the I-pad for right now till they make it a lot bigger like 160gig's because this crap they have out right now just dosen't work for me. I say pull out the utillity belt of for this. Your Pod your Kindle, Your Phone, and computer tech all over the place but hell it's what you need because till you can get it all partly in one it would be cool. Now the computer and is a computer, but they need to upgrade the I-pad to a huge thing so you can make it a music player and E-reader and a phone all in one. Hell you computer is part phone with Skype, it's a music player and movie player with I-tunes we just need to get the E-reader on to it so it will become a book and hell you got all in one place and upgrade the battery so it last 8 hours and we would be all set we can throw everything else out. I think the main thing is power for the computer. it just isn't there and I don't know how to get it there a huge ass battery the size of the computer big and flat something that attches to the bottom of the thing with it's own fan to help keep it cool and the computer cool at the sametime I guess is the way to go, but we just need to get it all together untill then go get the Kindle and forget the pad...
Most people have a full measure of life
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