and now a bad Poem..
The world has changed sence last I knew it
when I was a child
The world knew nothing of science
Nothing of real teaching
It was a time of MAGIC
A time of peace
and a time of war
but here was was a thing of honor
and not of lust of power.
A man fought a man
and life was something that all had
untill one day
in which the king disappeared
from the land.
and the lust of man took over
It took over the land
It took over the people
But I was with the king
on the day in which he disappeared
It would appear
That I am to live life the old ways
The ways of the world
in which I was born.
A world long gone from here
A world of MAGIC
is what I'm from
and it would appear
That I'm to die in
a world of Magic
A world which is never to return
for today is a world of science
Ok so there we go a short little poem that I don't think is too bad and kind of goes with the story that I have been writing out on the weekend. You can call it one of the ledgons of the land if you want. so now you can enjoy the rest of the Day or night or what ever you got.
Most people have a full measure of life
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