The Plane the Plane..
ok so it was in the middle of the day and there are two louds boom it would appear that someone entered a restriced air space and they had to send out to f18 at supersonic speed creating two sonic booms that could be heared all up and down the washington coast line. so you know you where in the wrong place at the right time. Now I'll tell you the true you know I was not that intrested in it that I didn't turn on the news to find out what happened I got a twit later in the afternoon which told me what was going on. So guess what I didn't even know the Pres was in washington state today tell's you how well in formed that I am. of course you know the news is full of celeb crap and not anything of great importance like the Presis coming to see us in washington of course that could be consitered celeb crap until after his vist but then again with out really knowingwhy he is here the aftermath could still be celeb crap and you know I can't stand that because these are just stupied people that do stupied things just like everyone else.
Change real fast..
Ok so I came across this head line and to me this is the biggest peice of crap and who the hell cares I have ever seen/read and I do have to say I just read the headline because I reall really really don't give a shit and why is this even anywhere near the news with the Pres.s having two f18 doing supersonic speed. John Lennon letter arrives after 34years. So it's good to know that the postal service never gives up and getting a letter to where it should go but why in hell is this even close to being news worthy. I mean if it was a letter form George Washington yeah I would call that news worthy but from John Lennon who gives a rat butt. I mean the was a second rate signer at best..
Ok Back to the Pres..
You know even trying to look up why the Pres was in Washington today I still got no idea why he was here, but with a the mid-year elections you never know what any politiction is going to do and in truthy these are people we shoud be watching. because they set the standered for live in this country and how the world see's us, so as long as they don't screw up and get cought who really cares what they do in the personal lives, like every other person just leave them alone.
It's hot..
Now it's been hot like 93degress hot for the past couple of days and I just don't have enough energy for anything.so I'm goingto sweet my butt off and try and get some sleep.
Most people have a full measure of life.
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