Book 2: coming to the Village..
The two of us jumped a couple more bush's and came to a complete stop. We were standing on top of a shire drop off. The cliff face looked out over the Vallry. From this view you could see the hole valley and in the vally was a large opening with a village in it. The forest closed in on all four sides of the village and the opening that the willage was in was the shape of a large ovel about five miles wide "Ok now what?" Warrior yelled.
"Over there" I pointed to the right to a slop that would take us to the valley floor "Come on let's move. Once we near town they shoud back off." and Warrior and myself started to make are way down the slop. The Wolvies and the hawks kept in hot pursut, as we came closer to the village the hawks slowed and then stopped there dive boomings at us.But the wolvies kept coming for the a while longer. Warrior and myself kept running and as we got closer and closer the wolvies slowly started to back off. When the village finally came in to view all the animals that where chaseing us had stopped. Warrior and myself finally came to a stop and cought our breaths and started to walk into the village.
The village itself sat right in the middle of the forest. The buildings were made of wood and had thatched roofs. Some of the building were two and three stories, but most of them where single stories and residents of people that must have lived in the village. The center of village look to have a working founton and standing on top of it was a stature of a woman. She was dressed in some kind of armor, you really couldn't make out what type it wasamd a quarterstaff in her hands.
There where four main street to the village and all of the joined together at the statue. The street Warrior and I were walking down was lined with resident and a few shop's all of which were closed at this time of night. The two of us walked straight down the center street. Warrior turned his head to look at me as we walked down the street "Is this a good idea?" He asked.
I looked over at him "what do you mean?"
"Walking down the center of the street like this." Warrior geastered out towards the village "These people might notlike us."
"it would appear that not many people seem to like me." I paused as the fountain came in to better view "Including you." I jogged up to the fountain to get a better look at it.
'Ya so.." Warrior said to himself and ran after me. Warrior stopped at the foot of the water well right next to me and looked up at the statue on top of the fountain "It looks nothing like her." he said.
"Well no one could ever catch her in a good mood so what do you want." I was looking up at the statue "But your right it looks nothing like her." I started to walk around the fountain "Come on let's find her." I started to walk down the street again not waiting for Warrior ro follow me.
Warrior took one last look at the statue and then started to follow me around the fountain and down the other main street that lead to the center of town from the other side of the village. This one was lined with bars and clubs where anyone could find what they need at almost anytime. The closer you where to the center of town the cleaner thing where and less hostal. The person we where looking for would be a little further out towards the forest down and edge of town.
The edge bars were more run down and one did not go there unless they wanted to fight, need someone killed, looking for something very illigal or where down on their luck and had little money to drink with. The person we were looking for would go down to the lower section of town just for the fun of it. The fact that the person we were looking for also had a bar in the lower section. It coast her a pretty penny every once and while do to all the broken furnture when there was a fight in the place. Yet she had the money from all the years of adventering and taking the treasure of the creatures she and he compations killed. In most cases she would hunt and kill dragons. Thus the treasures would be vast and she wouldn't have to worry about money, just how to move it from one place to next there was just so much of it.
Warrior and myself being who we are would have no choose, but walkk down the center of the street in this part of town. Walking on the wooden sidewalk wouldn't be us and would make way to much noise. As the two of us walked down the middle of the street as the building started to deklined. The buildings still stood nice and tall but the quilty of the up keep was not as goog as it was a little ways up the street. We walked the better part of three quarters of the street before we came to a stop in front of the only four story building in the village.
The outside of the structior was all together and the windows on each floor seemed to be intact. There was a large picture window in front with a door next to it that was wide open and the roof covered the wooden sidewalk. When there was a fight in the place of any kind you could bet you whole teasure holdings that window would be broken. It appeared to be a quite night for now anyway and it was earily. Theplace looked more like a bar from the old west, but then again so did most of the town for that matter.
Warrior and myself stood facing the building. The two fo us hadn't been here in years, it was great to come back I just kind of wished it was under better sucomstandes. The two of us looked at the building breathing out a deep sigh and took one step towards the bar. The second we put are foot down and had weight on them someone came crashing through the window. Glass shattered everywhere and the person came to a rolling stop at are feet. Me and Warrior looked at one another "Fight in the bar." we stepped back from the building.
"I think we better wait out here." I said to Warrior as a second person came flying out the window.
"I think your right." Warrior said "Or we might end up coming back out through the window."
ok so that was a lot ruffer then I thought it was, but then I haven't looked at this part of book two for a few years which is said to say and I more of less trans scribe this staight from the book. I make few adjustments I go along but it is pretty straight from the orginal text thus I need either feed back or an editer or both for that matter anyone know a good editer. oh well like anyone really going to read this beyond this crazy bolg...
Most people have a full measure of life..
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