News of the Day..
so I guess today is monday and sevrical things are happening and getting headline news and other shit that happened over the weekend are still getting headline that to be honset who gives a hit about apearantly some chick got married over the weekend and it was friend and family almost no A list people. Ok so what people get married all the time on the weekend no reason for this one to be in the headlines for three to four day's who gives a shit if the daughter of the Ex-Pres is getting married she is very old news. Now big deal to me as a matter of fact I don't give a shit if any famous person is getting married or getting a devorce. People do it all the time so if you are noting giving credit to the reguler person then forget some girl that no one really cares about in the first place hell when she was living in the white house I didn't gave a care about her and now more then 10years later I really don't give a shit. I would reather hear about the wedding that happened at my chruch this weekend and how they did it then some person I haven't even hearded from in over 10years should I have but then you like I said who gives a shit. I do have one wedding that I like to see that is the one of price william, should be intresting if and then that happens and yes I was one of the really stupied people that watched princess Dina's wedding live at 4am it was nice to watch history in the making and that is what prince williams wedding si going to be, but the chick that got married this weekend she was just another chick getting married to me no history in the making here and a matter of fact we should be looking for the devorice in about 6 mounths or so..
Ok now Jail...
Ok now let me get this straight some chick who was sentncet to jail for 90day got out of Jail today 14days after starting her sentance. what the hell is going on. they say she is starting the second part of her sentance Umm excuse me but can she finshed her first part. I mean what the hell is going on in the world today. first they don't throw the book at Martha for what she did then they let some chick out of jail only 14days into a 90day senctence this is crazy come on we put these people in jail for a reason keep them in there shit man sometimes the what famous people can get away withit just suck big eggs big raton eggs, but you know it what happens these days jsut because they can.
Start taking them out...
You know people are alwats complaning about over croweding in the perison get what it's time to start taking out those who are on death row. they are there for a reason and it's time to start taking them out. you want room in your prison start nocking off/killing the ones that are on death row. do one a week and you habe room for more then 52 new persions a year and that is just in one state, but hell how many prisons have place where they can take care of death row prisoners 6 per state that have the death penatly so do some math here 6 time 52 is what 312 persoines per state every year that is a shit load of room for new perisoners and now if you times that by 50 you get a really big number now I know every state doesn't have the death penatly so your numbers are less but come on jsut start knocking them off because they have been there to long or they confested to it and just need to be knocked offed. Now all you right to life people let's look at it this way if you don't knock these people off or do something with them your going to get what just happened so chick went to jail for 90day and in less then 14days she was back out to do the second part of her senctence which to me is a complete load of crap you got to jail you do all your time and then you go on with what every the judge said you where do, not 14day and you get freash air, not hey we are going to kill you but you have a better chance at dieing of old age before we get around killing you, which sucks because that jsut inresses the cost that we have to pay for them to be in jail where as if we start knocking them off we just need to have a good fire and a some oatmeal jugs. If you want to keep them alive you pay for it because I sure a shit don't want to I would reather pay the power bill that ends there life then amount that it takes to keep them around. Hell if I got to pay to keep them alive then they might as well come and live with me and clean my house and do the dishes it would be a lot more help then just sitting in some cell all day at least I get something for the money.
Weddings and Jail..
You know we are all nut and this is who we live so I guess we just have to live with regardless of what ever we thing that is the world today.
Most people have a full measure of life
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