The triples were three old men with very bad receding hair lines and wrinkled faces that made them look over the age if a hundred. Their hair started about the middle of their heads and went down thier backs to their mid-back and was per white. Their face's were well wrinkled into several cracks in the checka and they had several crows feet under their dark almost nonexisten black eye's. Theu were dressed om long robes that looked as if they had come from the roman empire. One was dressed in red brown another was in dark green and red and the third was in an orange brown. One of the triples said in a scratchy voice that held a lot of suprise and a bit of annoyance as he pointed a white boney fingure at me "YOU!!" and he gestured to the others withhis other hand and the three of them spoke all in the same voice "We thought you were dead!!"
"I get that Alot.." I said as I rolled my wrist around and pointed my gun at them "Well surpruse suurpruse.' I locked my wrist and fired. I pointed and shot the triplet that was on the left side of the floting mushroom/ Warrior picked up on my cue as soon as I had locked my wrist. He drew one of his seven shooters and fire. Warrior stuck and killed the one on teh right side of the mushroom, before that one I had fired at had been hit and killed.
The third on that was in the middle reacted as soon as he saw the gun and jumped down to the floor as his two brothers fell off backwards to the floor dead. He jumped behind the mushroom blocking any shott we had at him "You may have killed my brothers." he yelled as he hit a button at the base that set it rush towords us and then he started to run off out of the room "But you will not ever get me." the floting mushroom came racing towars us as he disappeared down a hallway on the other side of the room.
Warrior and myself jumped out of the way firing but missing him as the mushroom came crashing down into the floor where we had been standing. It slid into the far wall and exploded into a gaint fire ball the encompassed the whole room. Lucky for Warrior and myself we were on the floor as the explotion rolled over top of us and down the hallway. After the initial Explosion died down Warrior and myself rolled over on to our backs putting out any flames. Warrior looked over at me. We started to slowly get up "What a pain in the butt." He said looking down the other hallway that the third triplet was now running down.
I shook my head and sighed "Come on let's get him." The two of us started to run down the hall after him. As we charged out of the one room that was now on fire the brace computer switched the music it was playing to something that was a little more fitting to a chase sequance in a movie.
We ran through hallway after hallway fighting our way around every turn. At one point they had gotten wise and desiced to ambuse us in hand to hand combat which slowed us down even more. He had to take time to beat the guards and eventally snap the necks to kill yjeu. While most of the time we could just shot are way down the hallway through their lines. The two of us were leaving a very large dead body trail behind us as we chased after one really old guy who apprantly could move really fast for his age. When we did finally catch up to the last triplet he was in one of the many landing bays through out this gaint mothership of his, that was over looking the earth.
The gaint ship rocked again as another explotion tore throught the engain room, as we came running into the room after him. The last of the triplets was getting into a ship that looked more like a large steel knife then anything else. I quickly came to a stop as the main ship rocked hard again from another explotion. I raised my gun as Warrior slide to a stop beside me and brought both of his seven shooter out and fires. The two of us opened fire and unloaded out guns on to the escape ship that the last triplet was now in. We filled the knife ship and the thrid tripet full of as many holes as we could and kept firing until the ship exploed into a massive fire ball of flame and steel. The explotion shot the fire ball back toward Warrior and myself and we both dropped to the floor again coving our heads as the explotion covered us and the song the brace computer was playing ended. I looked up at the burning remains of the ship on the other side of the hanger bay "Well.." I beather out "...That's timing for you."
Warrior looked up and over at me as we laided there on the floor "Not bad."
"Just then the brace computer came up "Father. I made a little mistake!"
"Great his this thing going to get anything right today." I said pulling my left arm up in front of my face and looked down at it. "Oh don't tell me we're not on course."
'No we're on corse." The ship rocked hard again "But you have less then five mintues to get off this thing."
"gee thanks' I said sarcastically "You mean to tellme that we have been running around this place chasing this now very dead idiot for twenty five mintues great." I slammed my head my head down into the metal floor. i picked my head up off the floor a few seconds later and looked over at Warrior 'Well it's time for you to go."
Warrior got up off the floor walked over to me and started to help me get up "What do you mean?" I reached up for the hand he was offering me and started to get up off the floor 'It's time for me to go?" he said with a light grunt pulling me up to my feet "I'm staying here with you." Warrior put his seven shooter back into it's holster.
"look Warrior, you can live through this." I slid my nine millimeter back into it's holster under my left arm "But you know as well as I do that I can not." I paused to catch my breath for a few seconds. I wasn't in the best shape at the moment 'These people.." I guestered to the earth which was now visable out the open hang bay doors that was coming up faster thenit should be "...must think that I'm dead or I will never be able to go back with you and the other to live what we call a normal life." I mimicked quotaion marks with my figures "You play by the rules of the code of honor.." I paused to see him think about that "So must I.."
"Ya." Warrior said still thinkning about what that all meant "You're right. If the people of this tiem knew you're alive then you would never live they way you should." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Just a memory." He looked out the open doors at the earth. The ship rocked hard again and we could see pieces of steel fly by the doors and we could feel the ship speed up as gravity took hold of it. "But if you go down in this thing..." The ship rocked hard again "..You will not live at all."
"Don't worry." I placed a hand on his shoulder "I'll teleport out just before this thing hit's." I turned and looked at the ground which was clearly visable now throught the door and coming up really fast. 'Trust me I don't want to be in this thing when it hit."the ship rocked hard again and I looked back at him "Time to go."
"Ok but if you don't get out I'll know." and he stuck out his hand.
" I reached out, grabbed his forarm and shook his hand like a true warrior would "Don't Worry about me." I smiled, let go of his hand. I lifed my left hand up in front of him. Warrior nodded his head to signle that he was ready and I snapped my finger. He disappeared in a bright flash of light.
"Do you want me to set a timer for a second before this thing hits" The Brace computer asked once Warrior was gone.
"No." I said in a low tone.
"I didn't think so."
Ok so even I can see tha I need a good editor and to rewrite book one again this is a mess and not just the bad spelling mistakes I make in transcribing it to the computer. at time the bloody thing make no sence to me and I'm the one tha wrote it be that I wrote it like 15years ago is no excuse what so ever I just need to go through it again and rework parts of it for the 36th time, but you know that is what in the works mean never finshed and of couse these books will never be finished for one reason or another,but at least this way peope get to see parts of them and I hope they enjoy the little stories that I write...
Most poeple have a full measure of life
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