What do we learn...
Now over the year ir can be said that the U.S. has moved from one war to another almost with out a break going back to world war II. becuase as much as we work working on the clean up form WWII we start the Koran War and once we where done there we moved over to Vetinam an long with all of that we had the red scare and the nuke scare. once Vetinam was over we had a small break but at the same time we run the cold war and where part of so many diffrent conflect around the world. then we got the first gulf war and that clean up and we were left on in the middle east. Now we got the second gulf war and we are never getting out of the middle east because we can't find one guy with black ops. a few guy walking up to him and putting a bullet in the back of his head. But then again I'm the guy who likes the hand grande nuke. a small nuculer boom the size of a hand grande. pull the pin throw and 10seconds later a you get a big boom and a lot of colased rubble in a cave some where that way the radiation is contanted under ground somewhere and save anyone who walks out alive with have radiation posion and will did a little while later so it would be a great weapon to take a lot of bad guys hiding in the caves that we want to get and a great new weapon to just take out a small target with a lot of force. Then again I'm one for a big bang. use something a little let long lasting instead of a nuke use an H-boom I mean come on let's start using a little more force with the bad guy we are after. Let them know we are here for doing bisnuss. You want to mess with the U.S. then it's going to coast you a whole hell of a lot. You got to show these people that you we got the fire power let us the bloodly stuff it doesn't do any good just in the wharehouse gathering dust let's get them out and start to use it. damn we got it let go for it. with all of days moden tech we should be able to find good place to arm and drop them we know where you are and we are going to get you and we have the fire power to did.
Next thing up..
47,000 people deported It would appear that a program has been made to snare the worst of the wost ciminal Imagains in the country which is too cool time to start kicking people out, the problem it would appear with the program is a the old bait and switch. You think you got the right person, but really you have someone else. well not all program work right of the bat, but you got to keep working it to get all the bugs out of it I mean come on if you are no here leagly then it's time to go and if we got you by mistake then you can try and tell us other wise alot later for right now it's time for you to go get these people out of the contury. For the most people think that I'm the last person to be talking about kicking people out of the country, but you know what I did my paper work and I do my paper work when ever I have to. I drive my three hours and I see for the next two just to get my paper work do and done right Yeah it may take me a full day but it is well worth it and for the most part yeah I have thought about taking the test to be a U.S. citizen every now and then, and then I see that it take 700buck to take it each time you want to take it so you have to be ready to pump so monet into really wanting to help screw up the world, and yeah I do make light of the fact that the U.S. screws up the world because we think that our way of life is the right one and that everyone should live that way, well guess what isn't part of the way of life here tolrance we take people for who they are and the way they believe is up to them. we guy people that life in the funny of places and the odest ways so why should be tell people how to rule over there subject, it's there land and they can live and rule over it the way they want it's call ok that is the way you want to do it cool, but we are going to do it this way. That is true freedom to live with..
Most people have a full measure of life.
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