The rating system..
ok now a days everything has a rating system form the comic books and reguler books to movies which has had it chnage over the years from the base of G,PG,R, to when they added th X ratings and then just after Temple of Doom came out they came up with the PG-13 rating which allowed one set of breast and the one saying of the F word in the movie, then they tried to add in NC-17 which would have been light porn in mainstream films, but with the flop of Showgirls the second movie to get the rating no other Dirctor/producer will allow it a movie to be labled with th rating of NC-17 again, which is a bummer, because it would save a lot of time and we wouldn't have two versons of any given film the UNCUT/unrated version of the film and then the reguler verson that we see in the theater. Look some big Director need to take a risk on the rating again but this time make a good film there is a artical in the web news about bad movies being so bad that they are good and they become cult classics. Now I have seen many and many bad movies over they years an now of them are that bad. Now I kind of like showgirls the rise and fall of a showgirl in sin city. Nothing big it happens all the time Now I did find the movie long and boring but it wasn't that bad if you watched it for the plot twist and turns. Now Unlike PG-13 I don't really remember the first NC-17 film but if i'm not mistaken there where not more then four NC-17 films ever made like I have said thought someone just need to make one and stay with it.Look I have seen both versions of the remake of Friday the 13th and you know the finalcut was not that bad and if it was marked NC-17 I would have been happy to have gone and seen it. I think they need to make a bigger push on NC-17 again get the movies out there don't let a movie like showgirls kill it. movies can be somuch better and intresting if they where not afaird of being to long in the theater, look at some of the great like around the world in 80day, the great race and gone with the wind, they are all 4hour film and they all have a intermition in they so people can go to the rest room.what I think it is,is that they don't want to keep the people in the theater that long anymore because the theater doesn't make money or the movies doesn't make money because it's so long. well we lose a lot of movies that could be great if they wherenot afaird of those thing,but then again we have home video where they can put out a dirctors cut that is four hours long like LORD of the Rings. Now when we went into the theater we know that when we got to home video we where going to get a dirctors cut because there was just so much stuff thathe need to finish and he wanted to for the people at home. now we get movies that are released in theater put out on home video then just for the fun of it have more sences add to the film and released. Like Avatar and yeah the great Star Wars movies, but you know with the star wars film they waited almost 25years before re-releasing them to the theater so adding the new footage so for the next generation it was a new film all around and for the old guy's we got to see our movies they way it should have been. Now that is way way of the track of NC-17 but hey if someone puts out a good movie and it has a N-17 rating to it i think wwe could start something that we can all take care of and build on make so let's make a good either action flic or Horror which are always hard to sell anyway and let it have that NC-17 rating and go with it. if it booms ok then let's think of taking out NC-17, but let's not have it die on Showgirls..
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