Quick news story...
Ok before we get to tonights story I found this in today news paper on the events for today. Like you didn't get enough of this information last night, but I thought this one was a little more intresting and I couldn't pass it up..
In 1609 Galileo Galilei demonstrated his new telescope to a group of officials atop the campanile in Venice
In 1911 Leonardo Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris. The painting turned up two years later in Italy
I just found it intresting that something happened to a couple of the great masters of our time on the same day just years so many years apart. One was in Italy doing his thing and the others master peice was found there years laters. Ok now the story of the night.
Book 2: The Jump..
The two of us crossed the upper level of the manor and came around to the main stair case. When the two of us stepped on to the stop step I throw the book down on to the first landing, where it fell right through the floor. I looked over at Vincent “You ready for this?”
Vincent breather out a heavy deep breath, he hadn’t done any kind of teleportation in over a year. He Never really care for it in the first place “No really, but let’s do it.” We walked further down the stair case. When we got to the last step just before the landing we stopped. I looked over at Vincent “let’s go...” he said and raised his left arm.
I reached over grabbed his wriest “Now!” and the two of us jumped off the last step and fell through the landing. We entered a pitch black void. We fell for more then a good minute, before we hit what could be called ground. Vincent hit much harder then I did and his knees buckled under him and he fell to the ground. As Vincent fell to the ground I let go of his wriest, so he wouldn’t pull me down with him. “Got to watch that first step. It can be a real winner.”
Vincent started to stand up “Yeah no kidding.” He looked around and saw nothing, but pitch black. There was nothing but blackness all around us “where are we? I can’t see anything.”
“That dose not surprises me. There isn’t anything to see.” I raise my left arm “Light.” And the brace computer that runs up my left forearm started to glow. Warrior slowly started to appear in front of me. “This is not like the last time you wanted out.” I turned around to look into the pitch black all around us. This is the cross roads to nowhere.” Vincent came and stood beside me “here is where you make your real choose.” Vincent looked at me. I just stared out into the darkness “This is the one thing I can’t change.” I turned to look at him “When you step into the darkness you’ll return to Warrior’s and my home land.” I turned to look back out into the darkness.
Warrior raised his hands to look at them. His left was the lion claw hand of Warrior. His right was the human hand of Vincent. Here before him was this choose of chooses “And what if I do not want to be Warrior again?” He stared at the claw that was his left hand.
“Then you look up and raise your right hand and you will return to the earth realm.” I said flatly “But you lose Blaze till I have time to get her and even then I’m not sure she will be returned. You are the one the note said was to come and get her.”
“Or jump into the black abyss become Warrior and Blaze will re returned to me.” Vincent looked back and forth between his two hands “For the human heart I must give it up.” He closed his hands and eye’s. Slowly he moved forward and jumped into the black abyss. I jumped in after him not really know what was about to happen to either of us.
Vincent breather out a heavy deep breath, he hadn’t done any kind of teleportation in over a year. He Never really care for it in the first place “No really, but let’s do it.” We walked further down the stair case. When we got to the last step just before the landing we stopped. I looked over at Vincent “let’s go...” he said and raised his left arm.
I reached over grabbed his wriest “Now!” and the two of us jumped off the last step and fell through the landing. We entered a pitch black void. We fell for more then a good minute, before we hit what could be called ground. Vincent hit much harder then I did and his knees buckled under him and he fell to the ground. As Vincent fell to the ground I let go of his wriest, so he wouldn’t pull me down with him. “Got to watch that first step. It can be a real winner.”
Vincent started to stand up “Yeah no kidding.” He looked around and saw nothing, but pitch black. There was nothing but blackness all around us “where are we? I can’t see anything.”
“That dose not surprises me. There isn’t anything to see.” I raise my left arm “Light.” And the brace computer that runs up my left forearm started to glow. Warrior slowly started to appear in front of me. “This is not like the last time you wanted out.” I turned around to look into the pitch black all around us. This is the cross roads to nowhere.” Vincent came and stood beside me “here is where you make your real choose.” Vincent looked at me. I just stared out into the darkness “This is the one thing I can’t change.” I turned to look at him “When you step into the darkness you’ll return to Warrior’s and my home land.” I turned to look back out into the darkness.
Warrior raised his hands to look at them. His left was the lion claw hand of Warrior. His right was the human hand of Vincent. Here before him was this choose of chooses “And what if I do not want to be Warrior again?” He stared at the claw that was his left hand.
“Then you look up and raise your right hand and you will return to the earth realm.” I said flatly “But you lose Blaze till I have time to get her and even then I’m not sure she will be returned. You are the one the note said was to come and get her.”
“Or jump into the black abyss become Warrior and Blaze will re returned to me.” Vincent looked back and forth between his two hands “For the human heart I must give it up.” He closed his hands and eye’s. Slowly he moved forward and jumped into the black abyss. I jumped in after him not really know what was about to happen to either of us.
You know I thought this piece was a little longer then it is, but then what do you want. It's a small part between to pieces that you have already read presaying there is someone reading this stuff i haven't looked at any comment of late, becaue no one has commented on anything I have writen but once and I know this can be reather boring and you wouldn't want to read it let alone say anything about it excapte that is is boring as hell and what do you think your are tring to do, but at least the stories could be funny to read just to see how bad they are or what the final out come is which I'm not sure anyone is ever really going to know not even myself, but it would be nice to hear from someone to know this is being read every now and then even if you want to call me a hack and full of crap or that it's the worest thing you have ever read, but then again I wouldn't care because this is just my opions on things. So I just hope you get a good laugh every now and then and maybe get you to think..
Most people have a full measure of life
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