So what do we got...
so lets see what the headlines bring us this great hot day. First Famous bike sold at yard sale for 5 bucks, humm not that great so some guy found a bike brought it for 5 bucks and finds out later that it's was riding by some dude I have never heard of but then I guess you need to be on the biking bussy to know who this guy was ...
Next we got 3 kids buy plane tickets and fly alone. Look this here is what can be an intresting story, because how do kids get on to a plane with out an adult in tow in the first place. You know I can see how they can buy the tickets it's called the internet and with that and picking someones pocket for a credit card you can get almost anything from anywhere. so here you have and story of som intrest and is very serious nothing to joke about so let more on shall we.
Oh Fifty years ago green eggs and ham was writen on a $50 bet. now as intresting as this may be and to some point every news worthy is it the great headlines of the day I don't think so.. Let's put it on page 6 across from the toons and this case so it's the 40th story which is not really the best place for it because the kids getting on the plane is the 44th story. we need to rethink the headlines just a little. shall we move up the list just a little let's see what the 33 story of the day is
The best camp sites make the 33rd story of the day. um nothing there for you it should be more in the nuture section of the paper or on some web stie not in our headlines wheich we can scroll thought..
Wow look at that the rest of it is full of celeb Crap or advice for you on things that you should be asking what ever web search you use. Hey you might even find the real news there somewhere like did you know we are sending troops to pakastan because it flooded. people and cars are being washed down the street it makes great film footage to show on the air and great pictures to see on the internet. everyone likes to see water up to the second floor of a building and people sitting on the roof of there houses watching there car go down the street followed by a few tress and a light post or two. Now this is a news story even thought it's half a world away, but we are sending troops to help out, but we have to know about new app's for your phone and tyra banks skinny model comment. yeah this is what we want to read about for get the suffering of people let's know what some forgotten about celeb said and what we need to know about our phones. we if that is what we get it's what we get sad isn't but then again I guess it is a lot better then the suffering of people be flooded out of the homes and losing everything they had, because we have already had that here in the U.S. so we don't want to hear about it in some other country. Ok well if celeb crap is what we are going to get then that is what we get oh well, but let's hope we find the total gross for the expendables is.
Most people have a full measure of life
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