“Vincent you must go and get her. That is what the note says.” I picked the book up and set it back down on the end table that was next to the large arm chair “If you want my help I can not give it YOU.” I stressed the word “YOU” “Besides I have a matter of my own to deal with.” I looked up at Vincent and over his shoulder.
Vincent Scoffed “OH!” there was a long pause “Then I guess you’ll have to help Warrior.” And he stepped back away from me. Vincent spread his arms out and stood with his back touching the large glass window. “Change me back. You can not refuse to help your son.”
Folding my hands together I brought them up to my lips thinking “True’ I said “But I do have the right to refuse to.” I stood up and started to walk away from him. Vincent stood by the window in almost total and utter shock. He could not see why there would be any reason for me not to turn him back into the Great warrior he was.
Vincent stepped away from the window where the afternoon sun had warmed his back and watched as I walked away from him. The shock of my attitude towards him was not what he was expecting in the least. In the past Vincent always knew if he ever needed my help I would be more then happy to give it to him, so my reluctance to help him in this matter appeared to be a shock of a whole different king. Slowly, but surely Vincent started to move towards me. With each step he picked up speed and before I reached the door to the library he had caught up to me. Vincent reached out with his right hand grabbed me firmly on the shoulder and spun me around to look at him. “What do you mean you’ll refuse to change me back?” He yelled at me “You always said if I ever wanted to become the person I was, your son, all I had to do was ask.”
‘True I did say that, but you must want to become who you were not because you want me to help you.” I said low “Besides to get Blaze back all you have to do is ask.” I squared myself to him and stood with my hands behind my back.
Vincent looked at me in astonishment “What do you mean all I have to do is ask and I’ll get her back?”
‘Look Vincent” I said as I started to walk back into the library “This person calling themselves your Mother must not know who you are so all you have to do is find them and ask for he back” I moved past him towards the book shelf on the other side of the room. I pulled and old leather bound book from the shelf and open it. Running a fingerer down the page quickly “Yes here we go.” And I snapped the book closed and looked up at him. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go deal with a problem George came up with the other day.” And I started to walk towards Vincent heading for the door. As I went to pass Vincent he reached out with his hand and stopped me again.
I Stopped and looked down at his arm that was holding me back from leaving the room “Do you have any idea where I might find this person then?” Vincent asked in a harsh tone “Sense the note was signed by my Mother I have no idea as to where I should even begin to look.” And he dropped his hand.
‘Well my best guess would be the castle” I looked at him “Try there.”
“I can’t go there remember it’s with in our or should I say yours and Warrior’s home land” Vincent said as he stepped in front of me and squared himself to look into my eyes ‘So either your going to have to go to the castle and do it for me or you’ll have to change me back into Warrior so I can do it.”
I looked through Vincent’s eye’s to see what his true meaning for wanting to become Warrior again was. I saw none. The need for the safe return of Blaze was there, but to go and save her as the warrior was not. Vincent stopped being Warrior for Blaze and no dout would do anything to make sure she was safe, but to become the warrior again was not something that I was going to allow, knowing the great side effect that it would have on him. With this change there would be no true out come and no real turning back this time “I’ll get to it when I have a chance then. Now if you will excuse me I have some work to take care of.” And I started to make my way past him again.
Vincent put his arm out again to stop me from leaving the room “What do you mean you’ll get to it.” He put his hand on my shoulder and started to back me up into the library “you’ll go and do it now or you will not leave this room to agreeing to change me back into warrior.’ He reached down and grabbed my nine millimeter from its shoulder holster under my left are. Vincent pointed the weapon up into my face pulling the hammer back and clicking off the safety “Now do we have an agreement?”
“You care for her that much huh?” I said not worried at all about having my own weapon pointed in my face. It wasn’t the first time and it most likely wouldn’t be the last.
“Yes I do.” I now started to see the desire to become the Warrior for Blaze’s sake “If I didn’t I wouldn’t even be here. Blaze is the most important thing in my life right now and I’ll do whatever it takes to get her back.” He tightened his grip around the handle of the gun “Even if I have to kill you.” I stepped back a step or two to give Vincent a nice look at me it would also give him a better shot if I was just a few more steps away ‘Then I’ll remove that damnable Brace Computer of yours and do it myself.”
“Is this truly what you want?” I paused to look at him square in the eyes “No matter what the cost is.” The room took on a little bit of a chill. Which was very hard to ignore because the light come in through the large window had been heating the room all morning, but the light coming in from the window seemed to lower a bit and the room appeared to be even darker “because this time there is no coming back. You will never be able to truly be Vincent again” I said plainly”
‘Vincent lowered the gun “No matter what the cost is. I have to get Blaze back.” He paused to look up into my face and counted with a stern tone in his voice “I promised her that nothing would happen to her.” Paused again. “As a matter of fact I gave her my word.”
I knew what giving his word meant to him and to me. His word as a warrior was the word of a person who would give his own life to save someone else if he had to. In this case Vincent was more then welling to give up his humanity to safe Blaze’s life from some unknown threat to her ‘Your word is not only yours. It is mine.” I reached forward and removed my gun from his hands. ‘Do you truly care for her?’ Vincent looked at me as if I had asked him an insane question. Of course I knew he cared for Blaze so I quickly counted the question with yet a second part “Enough to face her as who you truly are?” There was a long silence in the room.
‘Vincent took a few steps back from me. You could almost see his mine going to work remembering the dissuasion in the castle sitting room years ago ‘You mean face her as Warrior?” I nodded my head. I folded my hands in front of me holding on to the book I had pulled of the shelf and waited for his answer. With a heavy reluctance in his voice Vincent finally said after a few minutes of deep and heavy silence ‘Yes I can face her as my true self. I think it’s time for Blaze to know everything.”
“Hmm I see.’ I opened the book in my hands. I turned a few pages leaving throw it. “You’re sure about this.’ I said still looking throw the book.
Vincent stood straight and square and in a strong voice that made him sound assured of himself said “Yes I am!!”
“Very well let’s go get her.’ I closed the book with a snap and it started to rain out side. I looked up at him “Come with me.” I finally was able to walk past him and out of the library. Vincent turned and followed after me. I walked along the upper walkway with Vincent right behind me. For Vincent to become Warrior again I would have to undo what I had done to him in the first place. Which in some case could be easier then I might have thought.
Ok so like I said last night i kid of left you with a cliff hanger but not really so tonight i finshed it out when the day was a lot cooler. It still hot but I was able to write this out and get it pasted for you to read tonight i'm a little more happy wiht it this way, but you know in the end it's give you something to come back for and read. Hope you are enjoying story book weekends more they you are the reguler stuff.
Most people have a full measure of life
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