Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Your kidding right..

Dog comes back from War...
Ok here's a news story for you and I didn't make this one up. Dog comes back from Iraq a completely diffrent dog. It would appear that a boom sniffing dog came back from Iraq and isn't herself anymore. Now I got to get this right to let's cut and paste here staright from the artical
"A military veterinarian diagnosed with her post-traumatic stress disorder."
Now this is big news needs to be on page one of very paper in the country a dog comes back from a war a diffrent dog. can we say No kidding Hell most people come back from War a diffrent person but hey this is a boom sniffing dog we need to report it in the paper and make it a number one story on the net so everyone know that crap is happening on the other side of the world to animals, guess what it also happening to people. If you know that many people that come back from a war have some kind of deprestion or have a hard time sleeping because they can feel safe in there own homes. I once talked to a guy online, So you know this could be all bull, but hey why not. He went to war and when he came back he couldn't live in his old house because it was to quite and he felt way to safe so he moved to a big city and found a place in the woest naberhood possable and he never felt better or safe in his life, he could sleep knowing that at any moment someone could brake into his home and there was fights out on the street almost everynight to at least 2 in the morning now that is a changed guy, but it's what he need to do to get on with life once he returned home. Now we have a story about a dog returning a changed dog. yeah this is big news let's just keep it running for a few more days and see what else we can be told from this and how the dog is no long a worth willed dog and it's going to be needed to be put down because
"When her handlers tried to take her into a building, she would stiffen her legs and resist. Once inside, she would tuck her tail beneath her body and slink along the floor. She would hide under furniture or in a corner to avoid people."
Hey guess what the dogs had the shit scared out of it to hell if I was a boooming sniffing dog and went to a combat zone when I came back I would be a diffrent dog, but shit I don't want the whole world to know it.
Oh wait it not this...
Ok now I got part of this from George Carlin but that's just because I agree with it. When all this after war stuff started way back when it was Called SHELL SHOCK and it was straight to the point, not in the end it didn't really capture what happened to people when they return home but it was straight forward you had SHELL SHOCK and it was something that we need to try and treat. and then we moved on and it got a second name and then a thrid and now we have a lifless statment called -- post-traumatic stress disorder — Something that sound much like somethng we need to destory and isn't a human condition as a resolt of War one wait it even get's better because in the artical about the dog and remember we are talking about a dog here the not even --post-traumatic stress disorder — it called PTSD crap we can't even call it was it really is we got to use intails for it so there is nothing left, Doctors can go well he's just got PTSD. You know that sounds a like like something you might get from having unprotected sex then being in a war zone. because you know how all that goes oh just give him a shot of penicalion and they'll be fine, be scary to be a nurse that had to give that shot. Oh he's just got a case of PTSD. You miss read that a DT'S and the person is really screwed, but then again we are talking about a dog here and we are going to spend a few thousands dollors to make it right by sending it to theropy and everythign else that we need to get it back to normal, Hell the dog's been to a war zone find it a place to look for a few booms and play it a bunch of lound noise all at the same time it'll be find, It's got SHELL SHOCK like most people that come back from war...
The Hell is this about...
"WASHINGTON – Leading Republicans are joining a push to reconsider the constitutional amendment that grants automatic citizenship to people born in the United States.
"I'm not sure exactly what the drafters of the (14th) amendment had in mind, but I doubt it was that somebody could fly in from Brazil and have a child and fly back home with that child, and that child is forever an American citizen," Sessions said.

Legal experts say repealing the citizenship right can be done only through constitutional amendment, which would require approval by two-thirds majorities in both chambers of Congress and by three-fourths of the states. Legislation to amend the right, introduced previously in the House, has stalled."
You all know by know I'm all for kicking out the people that are here illeagly, hell I would become a U.S. citizen if it didn't cost 700bucks just to take the dam test and I'm here leagly did all the paper work and everything got that nice white "pink" card and everything. it take people by suprise when I pull it out for a second form of I.D. but it's great fun, but then again what the hell are going to pull out for a second form of I.D. that's got your picture on it. most bank and credit cards don't. Ok now let's just take out the 14th amendment yeah this is a good Idea can we please take care of
"An estimated 10.8 million illegal immigrants were living in the U.S. as of January 2009, according to the Homeland Security Department. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that as of 2008, there were 3.8 million illegal immigrants in this country whose children are U.S. citizens."
That are here first before we go taking away what is the brith right of anyone born in the country that is free or what is thought to be free. Hell I don't know wany more what is are isn't free not a hell of a lot as a matter of fact thing look to be costing more and more anymore these days, but then that is the way of the world and the greed of humanity as much as we suck..
By the way...
You know I I wanted to get a lot of things right tonight so copy and paste was a great friend so yeah everything is true that is between the lines go look it up it's all out there and the news page and I was using Yahoo news for it
Most people have a full measure of Life

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