You know when you don't really turn on computer you never get to know anything and that can be said the samething about never turning on the T.V. and it's sad to say I do this way to much I need to get in the know of things if I'm going to really get this to work and It'sore then half over and I must say it sucks This whole project at this time is a bust it is not going anywhere I figured by now I would have at least watch the news or seen a news story or hell picked up the damn paper that would give me one thing a day to talk about but you know I don't which is sad and that is very disappointing to me because I get the felling I usally do but I guess not because if I can't find one thing it just sucks you know I tried yeasterday and all I found was that damn celeb stuff and I just can't stand that crap. Who care what the hell happens to them I mean shit the same crap happens to normal people all damn time and just because they are famous it gets on the damn news and the front page of the paper. it takes away from the real stories in which I'm tring to find so I would have something to talk about. but t here isn't anything out there because it's all about celebs hair and what the hell they are wearing or if they are kicking the crap out of there other half. Who gives a shit. I mean you read the news paper and you can find a whole section of the paper on this crap. which is much better then anything the celebs do because you get more detail and action out of it, but do we get this not we get celeb crap and how which none of us should give a crap about they are just people that do a job in the lime light so we have to have what they are wearing and do what ever they do which sucks because really what does that get us nothing and show us that we should be able to get away with anything and you know what that we don't we get the punshment we kind of desevie. so let's get away from the celebs and start making the punishment real give the people what they should get when they do something wrong because if a celeb get one thing it give an anttory something too work on the next case that shows up front of them that is the same, so a lot of people get off on things they shouldn't because some celeb did at one point in time so we are all screwed, but hey what to you want..
Must people have a full measure of life
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