Ok so this one is a big spolier and I hope you brought your reading glass because as I was writing it out it just kept growing and growing untill I had to stop in the end I think it was about 6pages long, yet there is much more to this story and as i was writing it out for you to read tonight I was boy do these people need theropy, but it's always good to talk and in ther case yell things out most of the night. So sit back put on your reading glass and start reading.
Book two: Into the Castle
Warrior was chained to the south wall with Blaze next to him. She looked to be in good shape. I hadn’t seen her in over a year, but she didn’t look much different besides the fact she was chained to a wall inside of a castle she had once know and for the most part called home. This very sitting room was where she and Warrior once stood looking at paintings was now very different. It was now empty there was nothing in it. No paintings, no furniture not even carpet. The windows where blacked out the only light in the room was coming from some unknown source in the ceiling. The light knocked out any and all shadows. There wasn’t a single shadow being cased in the room, thus there was no place for anyone to hide.
I stood in the center of this once beautiful room almost in shook at what it now looked like. As I was standing there looking at how barn the room was I wasn’t really surprised. I turned around to look at the room. As I did so I gave no mind to Warrior and Blaze hanging on the wall, Ass I turned past the front doors they slammed closed and locked. I knotted my head. I was expecting as much. With Opal and Anakin watching the front door and Warrior chained to the wall this was now down to me and who ever brought us here, I finished my spin to look around the room and stopped to face the fire place. Sitting on the mantel of the fireplace was something covered under a large white sheet. I placed my hands behind my back and stood facing the fire place waiting.
The room started to cool as I stood there and waited for what ever was to come next. The fireplace moved towards me and then to the left. A darken hallway was reviled. A secret passage way that even I didn’t know about. A person could just be seen walking towards me out of the long dark tunnel; you could just make out a long white cloak that covered them from head to foot moving towards me. The hood was up so you couldn’t make out what the person under the hood even looked liked. I stood tall and straight as the person came walking into and around the room.
The white cloaked figure came out of the passage way look at me then turned and walked towards Warrior. The figure stopped and stared at Warrior as he hung on the wall. He was hanging there with his head down. His long hair had fallen forwards into his face. All of his weapons where gone as was his cloak. Warrior looked up as the cloaked figure stopped in front of him. His eyes showed how tired and beaten he was, but he was not about to given in. He simply said in a strong tone of voice. “My name is Warrior!” and he set his head Back down and waited.
Blaze looked up and saw the cloaked figure walking over to her. Blazes green eyes focused on the white cloak the person was wearing. She knotted how closed it resembled the white one I had once wore and Warrior black one. When the cloaked figure stopped in front of her she spook in a tired and wiry voice “I am Blaze Tyler.” Blaze had been a prisoner here for a good month, but she had not seen her true captor. She had only seen the creators that brought her food and drink. She looked to be in good health and in really good shape “Why am I here?” She asked. The cloaked figure just turned and walked away from her.
I stood in the center of this once beautiful room almost in shook at what it now looked like. As I was standing there looking at how barn the room was I wasn’t really surprised. I turned around to look at the room. As I did so I gave no mind to Warrior and Blaze hanging on the wall, Ass I turned past the front doors they slammed closed and locked. I knotted my head. I was expecting as much. With Opal and Anakin watching the front door and Warrior chained to the wall this was now down to me and who ever brought us here, I finished my spin to look around the room and stopped to face the fire place. Sitting on the mantel of the fireplace was something covered under a large white sheet. I placed my hands behind my back and stood facing the fire place waiting.
The room started to cool as I stood there and waited for what ever was to come next. The fireplace moved towards me and then to the left. A darken hallway was reviled. A secret passage way that even I didn’t know about. A person could just be seen walking towards me out of the long dark tunnel; you could just make out a long white cloak that covered them from head to foot moving towards me. The hood was up so you couldn’t make out what the person under the hood even looked liked. I stood tall and straight as the person came walking into and around the room.
The white cloaked figure came out of the passage way look at me then turned and walked towards Warrior. The figure stopped and stared at Warrior as he hung on the wall. He was hanging there with his head down. His long hair had fallen forwards into his face. All of his weapons where gone as was his cloak. Warrior looked up as the cloaked figure stopped in front of him. His eyes showed how tired and beaten he was, but he was not about to given in. He simply said in a strong tone of voice. “My name is Warrior!” and he set his head Back down and waited.
Blaze looked up and saw the cloaked figure walking over to her. Blazes green eyes focused on the white cloak the person was wearing. She knotted how closed it resembled the white one I had once wore and Warrior black one. When the cloaked figure stopped in front of her she spook in a tired and wiry voice “I am Blaze Tyler.” Blaze had been a prisoner here for a good month, but she had not seen her true captor. She had only seen the creators that brought her food and drink. She looked to be in good health and in really good shape “Why am I here?” She asked. The cloaked figure just turned and walked away from her.
As the white cloaked figure passed by the double doors that lead into the room they knotted there head and the doors filled in and became part of the wall. The room was now completely in closed. There was no long any visible exit to the room. I breathed out a heavy sigh as the white cloaked figure finished walking around the empty room. The figure came around and stood in front of me but back by the fireplace which had gone back into place. They walked up to me looked me up and down. I brought my hands out from behind me and folded them in front of myself. Once I had done this we got out first look at what was under the cloak. A slender white human hand came out from under the cloak. It reached forwards and grabbed hold of my left arm. They seemed to be interested in looking over the Brace Computer. Which still was not working?
The White cloaked figure examined the Brace computer carefully. The spun my arm checking all the in puts and the keypad. They typed a few things on the keypad itself and finally flipped open the Omani at the top. The Omani seen to be the only thing working, which was unusual for the thing anyway because it never really worked, right anyway. The time light was green which meant that everything was alright in the time stream. The white cloaked figure closed the lid on the Omani and left my left arm go. I let my arm fall back to place and put my right hand over top of it and I lowered my head. For all the years I lived with this curse that I had given myself this was the first time I even felt a bit of shame. I then stood tall and straight “I refuse to feel shame in what I have become.”
A second hand came out from under the white cloak and both hands grabbed hold of the hood and throw it back “Then you are a FOOL!!” and angry woman’s voice said As the hood fell back the long red hair was now free to fan out behind her head as the brilliant blue eyes stared coldly at me. This was a sight I was hopping never to see in my life time. Anger from this woman and now it would appear that is all she had for me. The woman stepped to my side and started to walk around the empty room again. I watched her as me moved with such elegance and grace as she always did. She stopped in front of Blaze “Interesting and she is the one your ledgons speak of.” She turned back to me “Interesting in deed and this one.” She pointed a figures and turned back to look at Warrior “Who is he?” She turned back to me. ‘Your son” she said sarcastically
With an even and strong tone in my voice I said “No he is not my son.” Warrior and Blaze raised there heads to look at me. Warrior had a look of shook on his face “He is our son my dear!!”
“WHAT!?!?” Both Warrior and Blaze yelled
The woman laughed out loud “this creature.” She pointed back at Warrior “Is not my son.” She started to walk towards me “there is no way in the world you and I could have had a child.’ She came charging at me “So you can not tell me that this creature here hanging on my wall is my son.” I smiled expecting as much from her. She came to a stop a few feet in front of me “You are not god.”
“No I am not, but that man hanging on the wall.” I pointed at Warrior moving for the first time “Is your son and if you wish for me to prove it I cannot only you can.”
“You are insane.” She spun around and headed towards Blaze “And what of her.” She pointed to Blaze “Is she my daughter or is she some helpless girl caught up in your adventures.”
“Helpless No I won’t say that. She just doesn’t know what she can do. She is much like you where.” And for the first time since I entered the room I moved from the spot in which I was standing. I walked carefully and evenly towards Blaze and Warrior where the woman in the white cloak was standing “And with a little luck she’ll never find out what she can do and lead a normal life.” I paused both in speech and walking, Knowing that her life would never be the same after this adventure. After This adventure nothing was ever going to be the same for her “But I think that might not be possible now. I counted walking “Not after this and everything she has seen.” I came to a stop behind the woman in the white cloak “You my dear have to decide what is going to happen now.” I paused and looked up to Blaze and Warrior hanging on the wall “Is our, son going to become like me, or is he going to have a chance at a normal life?”
The woman in the white cloak spun around and pointed back at Warrior “That is not our son.” She said in and angry tone ‘We never had any children and none of your creatures have anything to do with me.”
“True…” I said and turned away from her. Putting my fingerer up to my lower lip to think “None of MY creations or creatures have anything to do with you.” I turned back to face her “Avenger, The Twins, I.E., Talon and Isabel.’ I waved my hand as to wipe them all away ‘They have nothing to do with you. Even the Warrior Maidens have nothing to do with you, but Warrior.’ I pointed to him as I started to walk back “Does.” I raised the authority in my voice “He is our son. He was created from you and me.” I slapped myself on the chest ‘My seed and your egg made him.” Warrior looked up in surprise. All of this was new to him “He is our son my dear. He always’ has been and always will be no matter what!” I looked up at him as he stared at the woman in white, his mother. A mother he has never known and a person who he thought to be dead “Look at him if you don’t believe me.” I turned my tone of voice soft and sincere “Look at his eyes. They are yours. His human face has your features. His human skin is your coloring.’ I bent down to look at her square in the face “He is your son.”
The woman in the white cloak hauled back and punched me in the face “he is not my son.” She yelled as I went flying across the room. I landed on my side with a thud “I want nothing to with you” She started to walk towards me “that lioness creature is not my son and you are no longer my husband.” There was and electric charge in the air. I rolled on my back and looked up at the woman in the white cloak. She was walking towards me with her hands out in front of her. In between her hands a ball of energy was starting to form “It is time for you to die.” And she twisted he hands one over top of the other and then hauled back and throw the energy ball at me.
I rolled feet over head and stood up just as the energy ball struck the stone floor. The floor broke into peaces and hot rock went flying everywhere. I shielded my face from the flying rock “well it would appear you have learned everything you asked me to give up.” I let my arm down to see that the woman in the white cloak had started to generate a second energy ball “Lucky for me not everything runs off the Brace.” I raised my right hand high in the air “J.B. power.” I yelled
The woman in the white cloak throw the second energy ball towards me as I brought my right arm down placing my left warping my left hand around my wriest. My right hand started to glow white. I pulled back and a lighting bolt came flying out. The lighting blot colleted with the energy ball and they both exploded in a shower of sparks. I smiled to myself happy that some things still worked. Once the shower of sparks had cleared and the brilliant flash of light had faded I could see the woman in the white cloak standing with her left arm across her face to protect it. She let her arm down and looked at me with pure hate in her eyes ‘You gave mm your word that you would retire from all that you once where.” She yelled
I smiled and started to snap my fingers. With each snap a little electrical charge went off “And I did.” I said “But something’s are part of science that even I can’t stop,” I slowly walked towards her still snapping my fingers “You see life is never what it appears to be. This is not nature and I will give you that.” And I waved the ability away as if it meant nothing to me “I still hold this ability and Warrior here.” I pointed to his “Is our…” I started to walk past her and said in to her ear “SON!” I stopped in front of him. A look of shook on his face for years he thought that he had no real mother and now here she was. The note he received was signed by his mother and here she was “I never told him because I knew it would change his prospective on life. As I’m sure it now has.” I turned back around to face the woman in the white cloak “He would want to know what happened. What had mad me?” I pounded my chest “Why I decided to live this curse.” I raised my left arm and showed her the Brace computer “Why I never went back and stopped it all from happening in the first place.”
“And why didn’t you prevent it from happening?” Blaze voice cut in. She looked up at me and then to the woman in the white cloak “Why did you not prevent the death of your own wife if you had the power?” She asked again in a relatively strong voice. The woman in the white cloak stared straight at me wondering the same thing. Why with all the power I had why did I not go back and save her? I could have prevented all of this from happening if I had just stopped us from returning here or stop the guy before he could fire off the killing shot. Warrior looked over to Blaze as soon as she spook. If Blaze had any of the abilities I had said she might have, now when she was tired and upset would be the time they might manifest themselves.
I smiled “Very simple. The only way to stop the great tragedy in my life is with the power that I receive from it and in preventing it from happening I create a paradox.” I spun around to look at Blaze ‘and I will not allow a paradox to be made, Nor will I every intervene in the time line of my own life. Why do you think I let my other have die?” I turned back to the woman in the white cloak ”Because for me to go on in life he had to die and in the long run it brought is to this moment, Because if he was around things would have turned out different.’ I flexed my right hand and closed it in to a tight fist. Almost at once it started to glow white with energy.
“You seem my dear Blaze.” The woman in the white cloak picked up “Mr. McK here can not intervene in his own life without creating a paradox, in which case he would destroy everything. The nature order of the universe.” She looked from Blaze to Warrior and finally back to me. “You can play with other people’s lives and futures, but you can’t play god with yourself can you.” She raised her right hand and started to generate a small energy ball “Yes my dear sweet Mac here has lost everything in his life.” She looked up at Warrior “Including his son it would appear.” She walked pasted and still looking up at Warrior, the energy ball still generating in her hand “So you did this to your own son huh?”
“Our son…” I said whit my back to her “Our son and yes I did!”
“Why?!?!” Blaze asked. It appeared that her straight was starting to come back and with it the ability I was a faired she was going to gain.
Warrior looked over to Blaze and saw that she was gaining straight. Everything I had done to prevent what was about to start had failed “It’s very simple.” He said “as his only son and when I was human I reminded him to much of her>” Warrior knotted his head to the woman in the white cloak “So to easy his own pain and to forget the past he hide my face, He was willing to turn his own son into this creature which I am now. I’m Stuck like this” Warrior looked up at me “Forever.’
“Not forever.” I said and turned around to face him “There is away for you to become human.” Everyone in the room turned to look at me “But I can neither say how nor do it. Remember you choose this fate as I choose mine.” I looked down at the woman in the white cloak. “But it can be done.” I Paused “I’m sure Blaze would like to have her boyfriend back and you my dear would like to see what our son truly looks like.”
The woman in the white cloak spun around and throw the energy ball in her had “That is not my son.” She yelled. I brought up my right hand and let loose with another lighting bolt. The two collated and exploded in another shower of sparks, as the sparks settled and the smoked cleared the woman in the white cloak came charging at me. I side stepped to my left and she throw out her right hand racking it across my face with her nails as she went by. One of her nails cut a small gash in my cheek where as the others just left nothing more then red marks on my face. I reached up to feel my check bleeding as the woman in the white cloak stopped and turned back to face me. “I want nothing to do with you.” She howled at me “I brought you here to make you pay for all that you have done.” She raised he hands again “I brought your son here to watch you finally die. Everyone that has ever been in your life is going to pay for what you did.”
“But you have been doing that for years. You are the one sending hordes of creatures and people after me.” I pointed at her “You have been trying to destroy me and my life for years and what has it gotten you.” I paused to let her think for just a minute of what she had accomplished in all the years she has been trying to kill me “Nothing.” I said at last “You have accomplished nothing at all. You finally had to inform me you where alive.” I started to move towards her “To get me to come here. Even then I didn’t believe it.”
“Yes. But you still came” She Said “I got you here and now I’m going to kill you.” I stopped moving towards her as she unclipped her cloak and let it fall to the ground.
“I wondered where that had gotten off too. Warrior said. I knotted my head in agreement.
As the woman’s cloak fell away the hilt of a sword was exposed. The silver ball and red leather handle showed perfectly over her left shoulder. I had a bad feeling that once I had gotten the note that my wife was alive and that seen the sword was missing they would be in the same place. I smiled “so tell me my dear do I get a chance to defend myself to are you just going to shot me with the blades.”
The woman in the white cloak had on a complete white outfit on underneath the cloak. She reached over her shoulder and pulled forth the Tri-sword “No I’ll give you a chance to defend yourself, but just remember one of us dies today.”
Told you it was long and now that your done you can see that these people need to go and get some theropy they have a lot of problems. go find something else to do now.
Most people have a full measure of life
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