I do this...
you knowI have done this before and I'll most likly do it a lot more times just for the simple point that there is nothing on the news pages really worth my time to go over excapte celeb crap and you know i hate that stuff, but the Pres got a new book and Hid Daughters got a few classics. Now that's it the kids because talking a about any body's kids is off limits it just nice to know that they got a few new books. OR for the people that are LOST fans which isn't me a few of there props are going up for sale this weeks end.
Now back in 1866 President Andrew Johnson Formally declared the Civil war over,months after fight had stopped.
Well you know it great to know that a war is really over and with Lincon dead it and country in morning yeah i guess it took a little while for the Pres to declare such a coastly war to and end.
In 1910 a series of forest fires swept through partsof Idaho, Montana, and Washington Killing at least 85 people and burning some 3million acres in what became known as the big blowup.
thatmust have been one hell of a fire to try and take out without the things we got today I'm not suprised that more people died in the fires.it's nice to know that things have improved so something like this doesn't happen again. one thing that can said about new tech is that we find a better way to save lives and fight fires to save the lands that we live on. no remember some plants need a fire to spread it seeds to creater new life so they do have very contorled burns in the national forest.
in 1914 German forces occupied brussels, Belgium during world war I.
it's sad to say that Germany is the bad guy in both or the World Wars, but someone has to be and well germany get's that bill,but you know it's sad to say in both cases Germany starts out as a small little country and work themself up to where they hold control of over half of one contantet, but you know they did it quitly and jus worked there way up.
1920 pioneering American radio station 8mk in Detroit (Later WWJ) began daily broadcasting.
Intresting to know that it took 1920 was the first time that a radio station starting broadcasting everyday.you know you would have thought that someone else would have done it just to broadcast the news each day
1955 hundreds of people were killed in anti french riotingin Morocco and Algeria...
oh looked people were killed what else is new you know there had to so death somewhere in the world it's just over in Moraicco and yeah it's said to say i have no idea where that is so I would have to look it up on a map to try and find it, but at least it wasn't just a few it was hunders of people it's mass murder the way of the human.
in 1968 the Soviet union and other Warsaw Pact nations began invading Czechoslovakia to crush the "Prague Spring" liberalization drive.
so let me get this straight other county's started to invade an other one because some people didn't like what was happening in a country that country and where tring to change it, that sounds like something that many country's have done in the past and you know I'mnot sure this is right for them to be doing. in most cases I wouldlike to think that any country could be takenover by it's own people if they don't feel that the country is being run right of that the goverment is not treating it's people right.Now this can be said about almost any country and I guess we can call for help if we need to. Now I know and bet you this happens more time then we know about in the smaller countries around the world, so calling in your friends to stop it from happening just might be a good idea.
In 1977 the U.S. launched Voyager 2 an umanned spacecaft carrying a 12 inch copper Phonograph record containing greetings in dozens of languages samples of music and sounds of nuture.
Ok so we send music from 1977 in to space or the 70's in generals, great can you think of what other life forms are going to think of us, we are in some real trouble, and then we aliens do show up remember they want to get to know us and we invited them here. that is what Voyager and Voyager 2 are all about aren't they. I how are you doind we are humans come and meet us. yeah the first thing we do is send up a fighter jet and start shooting first so yeah we are ready to meet new life forms. shot first and ask questions later that would be us so it's not really a go thing for us to be heading into space if we can't even talk to people and not shoot them first, because the human will shot something they don't understand first and then ask questions first.
the 80's and 90's
Ok so there isn't anything for the 80's and 90's on this day so I guess those two decards we didn't do much of great intrest to us.
The Pres get's a new novel hey big new here nothing happening of inportence in the whole of the 80's and 90's but here in 2010 the pres buy's a new book big news ok didn't anything like this happen in the past 30years I guess not so this has been a boring day for the past 30 years untill the Pres.. bought a book today and returned him from a vaction. ooh well at least something happend today that make make the news in the next few years and something that will be in the paper over a hunder years from now. in 1866 the end of the civil War is declared and in 2010 the Pres. of the U.S. bought a book. should be intresting to see.
Most people have a full measure of life
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