In Wisconsin a would be purse snatcher was cought a few mintues later because the family who he was robbing had taken a picture and he was in the background doing the job. The picture was given over to a near by cop and with in mintues the robber had be cought and everything was returned to the family and he was taken off to jail now that is cool and a scary use of modern tech. Here is something that could have cost the family weeks and weeks of pain and repair to many thing like bank account credit reports and everything else that might have happen and here because of an insteant picture they where able to get the report out to almost every officer in the area and the guy was cought and everything returned. good for them and hey chock one up for the police. I may not be a big fan of them but they do try there best regardless of what you see from time to time on the tube and web. Look I don't care for shows like cops, because they show the woest of people a lot of the time and yeah they do try and put the police in a better light most of the toime but come on do we need this stuff on the tube. Is this how we want to the world to see us. a bunch of drunks and abuser. Fight each other at every turn. Personal No I wouldn't want to show that off to the world. now do I want them to see the police kicking the shit out of someone in public? No not really, but these guy's do have a job to do and yeah they might get carried away with somethings a lot of the time, but is that any reason to gun four of them when they are having coffee in the morning? Not really. Now let's try and give them a hand. Hell let's build the little blue box again so we can help out again make a better world for all of us. Exacute those who have killed and easy the system just a little. Now I don't wan to go one about the death penatly again just because I'm all for it and want to get it used more, because that not what tonight is about tonight is the good job the police do for use everyday even thought we never see it.
Now Like I said I don't care for the police for more then one reason one of which was that I was cuffed, put in to the backseat of a cop car and taken to a stabbing. which in itself messed up my day, and was illeage I believe, but I had fun. I was asked by every cop at the stabbing including the detectives that where there if I was on drugs. well no, but when you put a guy in the backseat of a cop car what has been riding a bike and has his blood really going he has a tentse to be a little on the jump/wild side and it takes a few mintues for him to return to normal. Now in this car I was also really mad because the cop made me hit his car and I went flying over the front of it. Kinded of sucked really because I was getting into my grove and heading down to the bowling ally to play some video games with the buck and half I had in my pocket. would have gotten a a few games of something. I forget what was big at the time, but i know it wasn't pac-man which sucks I miss that game. I might have to hook up my PS-1 just to play it again in the bed room none the less that should make going to bed intresting with an old gaming system in the bed room. Wii in the living room and PS-1 in the bed room, but the N64 I think I'll put in one of the other bed room and hook the x-box back up in the living room man I have a lot of old gaming systems that I like to play or have old games to play on and I have completly lost track of my cop story..
Now you know we have all kind of diffrent kind of police from the locol guuy's that watch over us everyday to the state guy's who well do the samething just on a much bigger level and tend to have a little more/less power there is always the jeristion thing that hey have to deal with, then we have the other thousand of guys. The FBI, Justice department,secret service, and U.S. marshells you know these people all try and do there bo to the best and sometimes more then there ablities so yeah they may get out of hand and that is what we see all time on the news which sucks because we never trully know the good they do everyday. The great amount of arrest and plot's they stop. so go say thanks to any police office you see they need a good thank you as much as the any mility personal you see as well. they are all here to help and protech us.
Most people have a full measure of life.
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