Look it's an old fish..
So I was watching this really crappy movie the other day and for the most part I try and fight throw every movie I start to watch I think I have only every stopped and return 2movies in my life with out watching it all the way throw. Now I'll get back to my story in just a second I made my way throw "Burn be for reading" but I call it "BURN be for watching" It was that bad so don't watch that one. Now back to my story. now this movie ended and I stopped it and I was on the travil channle and they where doing this program on the extram pools. and they did this peice on the pool at NASA. and how they use it to help train people to movie in space and around in space station. they say they have a muck up of the space station in this pool. So in theroy you could use what they have in the pool or even remake the parts of the space station and sink them into the ocean and have and underwater base. Now the pool at NASA his only 40feet deep but then again with the right presser it would work think of the lack of presser in space and the crushing properties that might have. so like many crappy ideas I have this is just a new one, but i still like my idea of soft landing the MIR space station on the moon instead of crashing in back into the earth, but then I think the U.S. oesn't want anything on the moon right now that isn't made/from the U.S. I would kind of like to think the U.S. makes the moon there own little place there 51state because they have been the only people there that I know of. I mean I don't think any other country has tried to get to the moon sence 1969. The russians went for the space station. now for some crazied reason the space shuttle isn't ment for high orbet flight so going to the moon is way out of it leage, but you know we need to go back and I know they have plains for a moon base sometime in the near future but for right now I think we should at the every least with our day trip's again. I know it takes time and money to get there but we need to start our baby steps again and going there on our day trips is once again a start. it's just something we need to due. The U.S. has pumped way to much money into the space station it's time to get away from that money pit and start on something at is a better money pit and that is the moon and getting are butt's back there. look every project to begin with is a money pit it's what you do with it by the end of the project that is the truth of things. now for the most part we don't et anything from Space there is no money return on scince it's all a big money pit that we pour more and more money into now is it a money pit we need. yes we need to pour money into it so we can make advancements in the world they just need to be coming to the public a little faster then they have been. Now going to the moon is that a leap forward to getting man into space or is it a leap forward into destoring everything we know. Look we are people we like we need adventer and we are not making moves forward into the oceans that I have seen now there might be big companies that have sea bases which are cool, but those same companies can work there way into space as well and head for the moon. you just need to money to do it and Bill Gates has the money to do it. space is not a private place it's a public domane and we can come and go as we please so let's go. the stuff from the earily space missions is avalable to the public so let's start building the stuff and get going. you know a million dollors per passanger isn't that out there with the price of airfare these days, this is just an adventer with a risk to it. nothing that we all haven't wanted before in life. we jump out of perffectly good airplanes for no reason why not head into space the risk of just a little higher, but you have to make your own choose we just need to build it and I bet they will come. head for the deasert and let's get going it'll be a good town builder and you just might need a new type of air traffic controler,
Most people have a full measure of life.
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