BOOK TWO: the opening
It was a clear crisp morning. The sun was slowly rising breaking the darkness in the sky. Here in the manor house, which sat over looking the white cliffs, you could feel the time change as the light strikes the cliffs and started to make there way up them and then flood into the now quite house. The large manor house was empty now and I sat there alone watching the sun raise as I almost always did these days.
It has been just over a year now scence Warrior left to lead a normal with Blaze. I heard the two of them are doing well. Of course Warrior had to change his name to something a little human. Which is good for him, because he is now pure human? No more running around and hiding what he uses to be or look like. The beast that show is now gone. Warrior is for all intended peruses a normal person. I believe he has taken up the name of Vincent. I think it sounds fitting for him.
The ladies have gone off to work for themselves. Last I heard they we’re traveling in South America and having a fun doing it. Of course I know they are not missing the point of immortality. I don’t think any of them are. Nancy and Kathleen, my Warrior Maidens will always know what the other is thinking and hopefully are able to live a normal life. As they always said they wanted to before I came along. Once they are done with there adventures for a normal person, they’ll return to the real world and become that which they know best. That which I trained them to be a good hearted Doctor who works because she likes to and a Lawyer. One that helps people who are truly innocent and just. Well I guess she will not be getting a lot of work these days.
Now Blackjack there is no telling what he is doing. He never wanted what I gave him. He just wanted to live a good life, but the three faiths always had different ideas for him. I hope Blackjack is doing well, he set out looking for adventure and knowledge with any lick he’s doing well out there somewhere. Not many people I would think are going to give him trouble, being dressed in black caring what he had on him and a hawk flying over head. I have no fear for him he was always done what is right.
This house is cool now. I’m alone here. I see Heather every once and a while, but not as much as I use to when she first found out about me. She is still working for that newspaper of hers as the never ending investigative reporter. Heather likes to run her ideas by me every once and then just to see what I think of them. Most of the time I just sit there and listen and nodded my head. Maybe one day she’ll come up with something good, you never know. I always told here I thought the profiles on me where the best.
By mid-morning the sun had filled the library and I was getting ready to close the drapes when Vincent came rushing in. I was still sitting in my high winged back chair looking out the large window. Concern and desperation w along with a lot of anger were all across his face and you could feel the fury in his eyes from across the room. Vincent came roaring across the large quite room. His feet stomping on the hard wood floor with each step, it almost sound like thunder in the room as he came across it to me.
I was sitting with my back to the door with a book on my lap. It was open but I was looking out the large window that over looked the beautiful ocean outside it. Vincent came around the chair and stood in front of me blocking my view “She is gone.” Vincent Bellowed at me. I looked up in to he’s eyes red with fury “Blaze is gone.” He throw a piece of paper at me “That is what I found when I got home.”
The piece of paper was old and brital. Brown with small rips in it. The piece of paper looked as if it had come from the 17th century. It was something you might find on a pirate ship. I picked up the piece of paper and unrolled it. The ink was dark and black. The writing was smooth and neat it was ingraded into the piece of paper. It almost looked as if the writer of the note used an old feather quill pen and ink cup to write it... The writing on the paper was simple and seemed to be straight forward. It on it no more then a sentence and a half “If you want her. Come and get her.” And it was signed ‘Your Mother”
I set the piece of paper down on the book in my lap “What do you want me to do?” I looked up at Vincent and into to his red eyes “This is your problem now.”
Vincent looked at me in shock and horror. This was now what he was expecting me to respond. Not with the note being signed by his Mother. “My problem.” He yelled “How can this be my problem. I asked to be let out.” He paused apparently thinking about his new life “It’s your wife that has Blaze. This is your fault old man. I want her back.” Vincent changed his voice to at a heavy sarcastic tone to it “Father” He walked around in circle trying to get a hold of himself ‘Are you going to help me get her back.” He stopped and pointed his figure at me as if to threaten me.
‘Vincent I can not help YOU!” I said and closed the book on my lap with the note inside and sat up square in the chair.
“Yes you can.” He roared
“Vincent you must go and get her. That is what the note says.” I picked the book up and set it back down on the end table that was next to the large arm chair “If you want my help I can not give it YOU.” I stressed the word “YOU” “Besides I have a matter of my own to deal with.” I looked up at Vincent and over his shoulder.
It has been just over a year now scence Warrior left to lead a normal with Blaze. I heard the two of them are doing well. Of course Warrior had to change his name to something a little human. Which is good for him, because he is now pure human? No more running around and hiding what he uses to be or look like. The beast that show is now gone. Warrior is for all intended peruses a normal person. I believe he has taken up the name of Vincent. I think it sounds fitting for him.
The ladies have gone off to work for themselves. Last I heard they we’re traveling in South America and having a fun doing it. Of course I know they are not missing the point of immortality. I don’t think any of them are. Nancy and Kathleen, my Warrior Maidens will always know what the other is thinking and hopefully are able to live a normal life. As they always said they wanted to before I came along. Once they are done with there adventures for a normal person, they’ll return to the real world and become that which they know best. That which I trained them to be a good hearted Doctor who works because she likes to and a Lawyer. One that helps people who are truly innocent and just. Well I guess she will not be getting a lot of work these days.
Now Blackjack there is no telling what he is doing. He never wanted what I gave him. He just wanted to live a good life, but the three faiths always had different ideas for him. I hope Blackjack is doing well, he set out looking for adventure and knowledge with any lick he’s doing well out there somewhere. Not many people I would think are going to give him trouble, being dressed in black caring what he had on him and a hawk flying over head. I have no fear for him he was always done what is right.
This house is cool now. I’m alone here. I see Heather every once and a while, but not as much as I use to when she first found out about me. She is still working for that newspaper of hers as the never ending investigative reporter. Heather likes to run her ideas by me every once and then just to see what I think of them. Most of the time I just sit there and listen and nodded my head. Maybe one day she’ll come up with something good, you never know. I always told here I thought the profiles on me where the best.
By mid-morning the sun had filled the library and I was getting ready to close the drapes when Vincent came rushing in. I was still sitting in my high winged back chair looking out the large window. Concern and desperation w along with a lot of anger were all across his face and you could feel the fury in his eyes from across the room. Vincent came roaring across the large quite room. His feet stomping on the hard wood floor with each step, it almost sound like thunder in the room as he came across it to me.
I was sitting with my back to the door with a book on my lap. It was open but I was looking out the large window that over looked the beautiful ocean outside it. Vincent came around the chair and stood in front of me blocking my view “She is gone.” Vincent Bellowed at me. I looked up in to he’s eyes red with fury “Blaze is gone.” He throw a piece of paper at me “That is what I found when I got home.”
The piece of paper was old and brital. Brown with small rips in it. The piece of paper looked as if it had come from the 17th century. It was something you might find on a pirate ship. I picked up the piece of paper and unrolled it. The ink was dark and black. The writing was smooth and neat it was ingraded into the piece of paper. It almost looked as if the writer of the note used an old feather quill pen and ink cup to write it... The writing on the paper was simple and seemed to be straight forward. It on it no more then a sentence and a half “If you want her. Come and get her.” And it was signed ‘Your Mother”
I set the piece of paper down on the book in my lap “What do you want me to do?” I looked up at Vincent and into to his red eyes “This is your problem now.”
Vincent looked at me in shock and horror. This was now what he was expecting me to respond. Not with the note being signed by his Mother. “My problem.” He yelled “How can this be my problem. I asked to be let out.” He paused apparently thinking about his new life “It’s your wife that has Blaze. This is your fault old man. I want her back.” Vincent changed his voice to at a heavy sarcastic tone to it “Father” He walked around in circle trying to get a hold of himself ‘Are you going to help me get her back.” He stopped and pointed his figure at me as if to threaten me.
‘Vincent I can not help YOU!” I said and closed the book on my lap with the note inside and sat up square in the chair.
“Yes you can.” He roared
“Vincent you must go and get her. That is what the note says.” I picked the book up and set it back down on the end table that was next to the large arm chair “If you want my help I can not give it YOU.” I stressed the word “YOU” “Besides I have a matter of my own to deal with.” I looked up at Vincent and over his shoulder.
Ok like I said it's just a bit of a cliff hanger but you can wait tell tomorrow ot find out what happens. It's just to hot to be sitting in front of this computer writing this out tonight. I got better place to sweat infront of a computer. This one just has everything I need on it an it's really hot in this room tonight so enjoy this small part and I'll get you more tomorrow night, so until then..
Most people have a full measure of life
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