Ok so I just finished sitting through the remake of Clash of the Titins and boy did that suck. Look I have never really been one for making a remake, because the orginal is what we got and in most cases the best. I mean yeah some movies need to be remade and remade better. this one was not one of them. It had none of the orginal things that made the movies great this one was a bunch of crap and shity combat. I mean the fights where not any good. the only thing this movie had in it was some and I do mean some good effect. Nothing to go jumping out of your seat for. Hell I'm glad I took my time and rented it from Netflix, because it sure as shit isn't worth my buck from one of the redbox things you see in stores. which I do think are good ideas, but come one this is like the fifth remake that I have seen that has sucked. I mean the Remake of Gone in 60seconds sucked because they changed the second part of the story. He was never afaird of the car he just had to steal the thing like three times and the second to last time he was in a 46mintue car chase through L.A. it is total cool to see L.A. back then. there are a few things I didn't mind about the remaek of gone in 60seconds but for the most part it was a bad film. Next up we have get the remake of one of the classics Sabrina, Not really bad but you know now it wasn't that great either. I mean you can't really update Bogart. I mean come on it's Bogart and not Even Ford can compate to time, the closets I think you are going to get to Bogart is Conney.
Now one of the woest movie of all time and a really crappy remake Yes I have to say it is Cassablaca, and for all of those who don't know this remake or ever think it has been remade look at the final scenes in the Brab Wire and you will see that it is a remake of the great Film Cassablaca. Trying to replace Bogart with Anderson what the hell where they thinking. Now this movie sucked on a whole new level and not just as a remake witch thank god they never let loose too the public. Now I might have know it or even put it together if I had just watched Cassablaca a few days eariler but this movie has it own problem and not just the acting.
Do we really need to make all these remakes I mean come on you are destoring the orginal when you do so and for those of us how like the orginal no matter how B-movie/badly made they where you are just making a really shitty film and I got to say I have been seeing a lot of shitty movies of late. Hell I mean there is so much crap out there that why go to the theater unless you are taking your kids because those movies are not remakes and are a ton load better. I got to say these remakes are high budget mess that have none of the real story to it. Not even the orginal out line. i mean I saw some of the things that where in the orginal titins film but hell if they where no where near the myths or the orginal film. They shifted so much crap around it was getting hard to watch it was so full of crap. it just was a shitty remake and we got to stop them from doing this to us. They keep messing things up again and again. Oh but we can make it better well not this time and not a few other times you messed it up we need to stop them before they get to something really great like Gone with the wind, or the Wizard of OZ. they already took out It's a mad mad mad mad world with Rat Race, destoryed Cassablaca with Barb Wire, Fleaten Clash of the Titins with it's self, changed Death Race 2000 with Death Race, Warp Sabrina with again itself, and messed up Friday the 13th with itself.
Now friday the 13th the remake I don't want to say was bad but they just cramed three films into one and gave you 13 pair of breast to look at. Let's hear it for the return of breast to Horror films, but we all know it isn't going to last long. with a few twist to the script I don't think Friday the 13th had to be a remake it could have been like part 3.1 or something it was for the most part pretty good it was one of the few remakes I have seen of late that has not sucked big time. I just don't like the fact there are two version of the film the orginal which you say in the theater and then the Killer cut. Come on give us a break on version of any given film is always nice and don't be afaired of the NC-17 rating, use it bring it back to life think of all the fun things you could do with gore and sex that people what to see in the film Now if you think you are going to get and X-rating then ok cut it back to NC-17 and make everyone happy with two versions of the film
But you know we have to get away from all these remakes I know new story lines are hard to come by, but shit if your going to remake a film find one that was crappy to begin with and make a bunch of inprovment don't take one that was really good and turn it in to this peice of crap like what I saw tonight. Now I might not have thought this movie was such crap it I wasn't running parts of the orginal in my head well I was watching it, because those where the scence I wanted to see them inprove on and either they where not there or they messed them up really really bad. Now I know it's never a good Idea to run a book or the orginal Movie in your head well watching the remake, but come on I didn't think they could mess this one up that much well I guess I was wrong. and it's not the first time and I'm sure it will not be the last that they will mess up a good movie like titins. Just why are they making remakes that suck so bad of late. They pump so much money into something and it's just horable I don't think I'll go to the theater to see a remake ever. There is no point in it it's just going to suck save your money and get it on netflix when you can don't rush to see remakes they are crappy and your are just throwing your money away.
Most people have a full measure of life
and most people just watch it slowly drip away
but if you can some it all up
at one time
in one Place
You can accompish something
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