You know for most people it's the middle of the week but for a lot of others it's then end of the weekend. I always wounder what the people in vactions spots do on there days off when they don't have events to go to because they are always running them Now I know most of them problemy run and hide in the home to get away from people but when do they get to go on vaction and do they how much to they understand what the other person is like on the other end of thing. for just under a year I was a Barback at a night club in Florida. I was a nice place they had music every night and on the wekend when the weather was good they would sometimes have two bands going well one bad and a one man band going one would be in the main room down stairs and the other would be outside on the pourch playing in the nice sunny day, and on hot days he would still be playing just with a lot of shade and a tank load of water. It was nice and give me a good idea what it meant to work in a bar and how much those people really go throw. what the women put up with and what the guy's see and have to do. it was a fun place to work and you know I think if you ever get a chance when your young that is try and do something like that. Bars the right bar/night club can be fun and even inlighting. Now in my case I was in Florida and I parked at the beach everynightso hey it wasn't all that bad. Now what is the point of this story tonight nothing really I just don't have anything else really it was one of those days where you run around and do everything and when you finally get home there isn't much time for anything else and you have hardly looked at the head lines..
Big News Storys...
Ok so I have already admited that for some reason I am addticed to Reality shows that really aren't reallity show , they are just something that is edited and I do mean edited together for like 3 or for days of footage for Big brother and over a weeks worth of fottage for something like serviover. and this can be applyed to anyshow really but when there is a big news stoy happening in your area it would appear that it takes over the news and air ways all day long. Like tonight we had a hostage sittuation happen up north and it took over the air on all the major networks for at least 30half hour and when they did release it to your reguler show it was already in progress. Now for something like big Bother no problem you can most likly find out what is going on in a few second because well it just them talking but when you are dealing with something like say CSI or Castle and theydrop you off right in the middle of the show you can be completly lost as to what is going on because almost every part of a show like that is importen to solvien the case if you are trying to do it yourself thus watching it with my wife is a pain in the ass because she looks at who is the biggest back round character and solvies in the first 20mintues or so and at the end say's told you so I'm damn good. Thus I like it when they throw a good twist at you because she could not figure out who did in in radioland Murders tell almost the end which was cool. I like it when they can throw a good twist in to thing and with movies they have been able to do that of late, but when it comes down to T.V. show not so much. I mean you get you hiden wife thing or you missing partener isn't dead thing but you know if you do look hard enough you can usally figure it out in time, but with movies it take a little while longer to get to the bad guy and they can always throw a good twist to it right at the end I'm mean look at Angle Heart and Private Eyes, both classics one a little groser then the oother but both good movies in the end, but a sujestion don't watch Angle Heart at 2am once youwake up because you fell a sleep at like 6pm. You will have are hard time getting back to sleep.
Now when it comes to breaking news yeah jump in give us the basics during a comercal break and get back to the show I mean you can eat up a whole set of commercails which gives you anywhere from between 2mintues to 5mintues depending on the show your watching if it's a half hour show you usally got 2mintues 30second if it's and hour shoue you usally got about 5mintues at the 45 mintue mark and this is the perfect time to run these update not during the show. Now when we had the O.J. trail we where all screwed because they ran that bloody thing all day long on every bloody channle there was no excapte not even if you had cable and if you couldn't watch it live all day long they ran highlights for you all night long it just sucked eggs big time. I'm glad I had a VCR and a tank load of video tape I could watch what ever I wanted when I wasn't out on the road or in school or working on some crazy ass project of mine. I sure as hell think that was a bad move for the networks to do and really in the end how gave shit. the guy got off and we tore L.A. apart for no reason what so ever, but then again that is human nature isn't it..
You shall not pass
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