It's wensday...
Ok so it's the next day in the week and I stepped on a scale this morning just for the fun of it and then ran out to the gym and cancled my membership sending the canclation by cirtifed mail costing 3.25 which is a pain in the butt, yet you need to so what you need to do to stop something you pay way to much for and don't get ay results from. I am six pounds heavier now then when I started. The lady asked me why I was canceling I said because I was six pounds heavier then what I was a year ago when I started and I'm sorry it's just not working. Of couse they tried that well let us put it on hold for a while you might want to rethink ti. I said no of couse. I was done. there was no real motivation to go anymore and I was just plain old fashioned tired of it plus it was getting boring to go by myself. I need someone to go with me that way I would have someone to play racctte ball of basketball with becauase this going by yourself sucks. so the day has been one of those Blah days, and tomorrow dosen't look to be much better yet I has some diffrent running around in the earily afternoon, but then again I havve the first two seasons of Eureka..
Summer Season on cable...
Is it me or does the summer show have a much more shorter season. I mean I have just start to watch the first and second seasons of Eureka and they are at the most 26 shows. Which you would get in a normal fall season of any given show. or is it just cable shows in general because Doctor Who does the samething 13 shows and there done for the year. I mean they put so much into these shows but just as you start to get into it it's over and you have to wait another 39weeks before you get anything new so that is why I watch some of this stuff while I'm a couple of seasons behind the sad part is I catch up to fast and then I'm right in the same spot as everyone else, but then again with a good show Like Doctor Who and watch reruns over and over again and in some case start watch the show over from the begaining to see if anything I missed or some more back round information on things and people. it's also jsut good to see where some shows started no with Doctor Who you have to go back to the 60's and that is a lot of catching up to so and not all of that is on streaming from netflix which is where I watch most of my stuff from.
Now the other thing is that I was just getting in to warehouse 13 and they said it was time for the season fanale and I was like what so I guess they feel they don't need to try and run a full season and you want to know what the really said part is that when it comes out on DVD it's like forty to 60bucks for the season which is nuts because it's only 13show on at the most 4 DVD's so you looking at anywhere from 2 to 4 bucks preshow, which is nut I mean I have a hard time paying 39.95 for the network shows that I do want on DVD and most of the time I wait tell they are one sale for like 24 to 33, bucks and in some cases I can get it for 19.99 and if I'm really lucky 15.99 so we shall she what happens later this year then again right now there is not anything I want to buy on DVD I think between Netflix and library I set and I think I can cut my cable way back to like basic digital well so what happens.
You Shall not pass
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