So the summer is coming to the end and that means it's going to start to cool off and the new season of T.V. shows are going to start and the end of baseball season is here thank god for that because I think baseball is without a dout the most boringest sport to watch and sometimes even play so let's hear it for the start of football and Hockey season of course we have to wait just a little longer before the hockey season get's on T.V but you know it is always worth it and I have to say the summer hasn't been all that bad with baseball I could always find something else to watch then that boring ass sport. I could never stand it and I never will. I can not see paying someone a tank load of money to just stand and watch another guy throw a ball or try to hit a ball. Now I know not everyone can do it. I know I can't I suck at baseball and that might be one of the reasons I don't like it. I think it's a sucky sport and the onlyperson who is ever in any ture dangur of getting hurt is the pitcher because he could throw out his arm and have to find a real job or get hit by a ball coming back at him because the batter hit the think. It take for ever for just one guy to try and hit at the most one of six balls thrown at it. One time I timed a guy to see who long he stood at the plate and he was there for over 7mintue. 7mintues to try and hit a ball that is more then a mintue a ball thrown at him it was stupied as hell I could not believe it. now you take that and it's 21mintues for every three people that comes to the plate times two and now you have 42mintues and that is just one inning. now you times that by a 9 inning and youe 378 mintues pergame shit that is a long time to watch some guy to try and hit the ball. what we need here is a lot of beer commercals that have a story line to time so we do have something to watch in between inning. that way the game can be the commecal and the the show is really the commercal. would make it a little more worth watch. How many of you miss the Bud Bowl during the super bowl. You know maybe we could come up with a fantasy Bud leage so when the super bowl comes around we can get the bud bowl game back that would be cool. So hopfull we run out of baseball really fast.
Back to the new season
So over the next few weeks the new season of shows are going to start just so they can go into reruns again just as they get started. I always find that a big pain in the butt. They give you a good cliff hanger at the end of your season and then they come back to finish it off and get you wrapped up in the show only to drop you for the holldays and everything else that is happening over the next few months so you have to ask yourself what is the point of starting something only to stop it a few weeks later and many of the things you do want to see again are not comming back. one of the few shows I was having fun watch was a shoe called the Reaper. and after two seasons it was canceled which sucked it was funny to watch and could of had some intresting story lines go with it, but alas it didn't make the cut a few years ago. Now another show that isn't making it back this year is HEROS. No big lost here they ended it in a way that doesn't really want you coming back for more and they kept running all these loose story lines that came together at the end at times it became hard to watch, but hey it finally end..

Vamps are not sparkly...ok now with many new shows coming back it's going to be hard to tell what is good and then there is all the reality stuff mixed in with it and yes there is all the Vamp crap too and VAMPS ARE NOT SPARKELY.. you wounder what ever happeden to the good sit com. It would appear that all the shows coming up are drama's and this can always be a big problem they just depress the crap out of you and when it's getting darker eariler the last thing you need is to be depressed and VAMPS ARE NOT SPARKELY... and you are getting that Vamp show that are drama becuase they have found away beyound to make it on T.V. as normal people in some sence, but you know that is not the way they really live. Vamp can not be in really large groups because there is never enough food for them in anyone given area even when they are trying to inlonggate there food. meaning not killing it unless they have to. If you have to many vamps in one area the feeding that happens is just beyond beleif. so the idea of a town of vamp with humans it not really a thing that can happen the need to feed on the population is way to high, now a town of Vamps is possable because they can come together to help and protecht each other and tell of good feeding grounds around the world. you do have to remember that a Vamp does not have to feed everyday, but at least once a week and if need be not always on human it can feed off of animal, but human is much better more energy is in it. Animal is used just to live nothing more. But there is always one thing VAMPS ARE NOT SPARKELY!!!!!
Back to reality...
I think the time for reality show is starting to come to an end. there is just way to much of this crap and the idea of someones life on T.V. 24hours a day I think is starting to come to a lot of peoples minds I think we need to stop it before it get's way out of hand. I mean the game reality shows like the Amzing race is kind of cool because yoou get to see a lot of places you would never see before and it is a race. the last person there is taken out. there is a winner at the end of it where as something like Yeah ok let's do this one The real housewivies on Bravo. has no point to it. much like what is it family glews with Gene Simons and what is the other one Kitchen nightmares. Here are a few shows that need to go because there is no really value to it. The other day I came home and this Kardastion thing was on you know what I saw a shit load of bitch rich people on T.V. I don't know about you but this is the last thing I want to see. Hey You bought a four thousand dress. I'm holding it hostage tell you give me my ATM card back. come one let's go with the normal person of hey honey stop spending money because we don't have any for the water bill and what is for dinner. WE don't need this Hey I got laker tickts and now of us are going . We have a huge family room upstairs with a 88inch T.V. let's pop some popcorn and watch the game as a family. COme this is all jsut crap and remember not only are you watching bitch rich people on T.V. bitch that they are not going to the lakers game. you are also paying them by watch them so they are making money off of you as you wounder how to pay the water bill and woundering what you are going to make for dinner. to I think it's time to get throw out this crap we have and just if we are going to countien with reality T.V. go forth with the game shows like the amazing race and big brother they are sopmething you can get into to and you have some one to root for in the long run much like a football or hockey game..
You shall not pass
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