Anikin walked by Warrior he reached out a grabbed him by the upper arm stopping him “Look if you two are going help us I need to know why you don’t like Mac?” He looked Anikin dead in the eye “I don’t want anyone taking out revenge until are problem is solved.” The tension level between the two of them exploded 10 fold of what it had been.
Anikin looked down at Warriors hand then at him “I don’t want to do this?” Anikin said “What is between me and Mr. McK is none of your business.” And he twisted out of Warriors grip “now come inside let’s get something to drink.” Anikin started to walk again, but Warrior quickly grabbed him again this time he spun him around to look at him “Warrior don’t do this. I’m a man of law and justice.” He balanced himself and stood square to Warrior.
“Look I know you’re a man of justice, but I can’t let you and him out there id you’re holding back personal feeling about him. I need to know what you have against my Father.” He squared himself to Anikin “and I’ll do what ever I need to, to find out.”
Anikin stood square to Warrior and looked at him highly around “What is it with your family? Why do you all turn to violence to get your answers?” The tensions in the air relaxed a little then build back up “I don’t want to fight you? It’s not going to solve anything?”
The tension increased in the air once again “Look at me.” Warrior said “Look at me good.” He motioned to his face “I look like this because a woman I care for is here.” He paused ‘Mt father did this to me. He made me look like this way because he had to. Now I don’t hold it against him, I never have and I never will. Now what’s your problem with him?” He pointed and yelled at him.
‘Look Warrior I have known your Father for a long time.” Anikin said in a com voice “and in all those years that we have worked together I have had a lot of problems with your father.” He waved his hand “Now don’t get me wrong he’s a good man as a matter of fact if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here today.” Anikin paused for just a second to think of all the times we had saved each other “But the problem I have with him is personal something between me and him.” He paused again and motioned to the door “Now can we go and get something to drink. Anikin looked at the broken window to his left “Besides I need to arrange to get this window fixed.”
“Very well.” Warrior said “but we are not done here.” The tension in the air relaxed a bit then increased again “I will get you to tell me what you have against him.”
“As you say.” And Anikin turned and started to head for the door of the bar.
Warrior grabbed hold of Anikin one for time to stop him as he tried to pass by him “Hey it’s important that you get along.” Warrior looked Anikin in the eyes “A woman’s life is at stake here.”
Anikin being a man of great respect for human life and one of the few people in this land that I respected looked Warrior straight back in the eye’s and said with a hint of knowledge of the situation “Then if your cause id just I shall help you on your way.” He shrugged himself free of Warriors grip “But for now we most find out how your Father is doing.” And he finally got pass warrior and made his way into the bar.
Anikin left warrior outside in the night which seemed to grow a little cooler, once Anikin was inside the bar. Warrior looked out into the street to see that it was mostly baron. There where a few people walking in the cool night, but for the most part the streets of the small town where empty. Yet Warrior had this strange feeling that he was being watched.
In this land everything watch’s everything else and now it would appear that the night was watching us. The clouds that hung high in the night sky opened small cracks to have eyes of the night looking down on you. The starts would blink in disapproval or in approval. They would grow brighter as if in shook. The moon that hung in this night sky would brighten or dim itself as if it knows what kind of light to prove. As if it knew what needed to be done to hide people or reveal something important. It seemed that the night sky hand and intelligence what we couldn’t see and now it was watching everything that was happening in this small town.
Warrior was use to having the night watch him. This time it was different some how it was like someone was watching him. Someone he knew someone who was hiding from him high up in the clouds or beyond them. Warrior wasn’t sure what it was. He stepped off the wooden walk way out into the dirt street. He looked up into the clouds covered sky. The clouds had thinned some or the moon had grown brighter, so the light in the night sky was now bright enough you could see through the, Warrior scanned the sky not sure what he was looking for, but he knew something was out there watching him. Warrior stood in the street looking up the sky. He was scanning it looking for a sign of something that something was out there.
Warrior carefully watched the sky. He slowly turned around and around looking for something he knew was there. On his second pass of the full moon he spotted something. A light violet line about two feet long just off to the left of the moon. Warrior stopped and stared at the spot. The light violet spot moved from the left side of the moon to the right side and as it moved it disappeared and reappeared. Once the spot stood still it grew brighter then vanished. “Oh shit. Warrior said “I think we might have a problem.” He turned to face the Bar “Father!!” he yelled.
I stepped out in front of the broken window; in my right hand I held a silver mug in my hand “What?” I yelled.
“I believe we got and eye in the sky.” Warrior pointed up and behind himself “Floating disc with an incredible eye.”
So the story contiues with the small little town and how we all got the little time together. There is always more going on and it's just going to take a lot of time for it all to come out, but as always it needs to work on this is always ruff and it always will be ruff because it will never be finish I just would like to get a little more polish on it so it looks good and this is no where near polished enough. Hey this is just the fun part of the weekend putting dtuff out into the world that might get read some day and the strange and sad part is that they will want to see the rest of it all in one piece because they might want to put it all in a bound book to put it on a store shelf somewhere. What I could use more then this pipe dream is a recording program on my phone that I can talk into all day to get more peices out and on to my computer where it types itself in, but then that would be a voice program which they do have and then the idea to sit down and do it but then again with a voice recording and the voice program I wouldn't need to do it sit down and do it. I just haven't done it.. so enjoy for now
You shall not pass
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