It's here..
Ok so for many years tuesady has been the realese day for new movies ever sence they were released out on VHS and beta, now there is some history for you the Beta max, but that being beside the point for the most point movies where for rent way way back when if you wanted to pay a movie on VHS it was 90bucks or more so the rental companys where everywhere and they where everywhere. You had your mom and pop please which was kind of cool I was part of an mom and pop place for years and it cost me 59.99 for a life time membership and then it was like 2.50 to rent most movies depending on the film. like everything else these days if you got back to the non-new release you can get it a little cheaper, but non the less it was cool and this place was right up the street from my house. and they had everything from kids movies to the Adult films in a back room which you had to go to open and go in that was near the counter so the young ones couldn't sink in get something. You could even researve a film but you would be put on a hand writen list and they would check it as the movies came in every do. Now when I signed up for this place we had a number no scan card or phone number just a straight up number. I was in there on time and checking out this the normal friday night movie before I crossed the street to get dinner. I gave out my number the the person behind me looked at me strange because I had give out this two diget number where when she stepped up to the counter next to me she hand out a large three diget number I was like I have been with this place for years and I do mean years by this point.
The end of mom and pop..
So over the years things have changed and the mom and pop store has died out and even the big chains are starting to die with more and more people buying movies when they come out and then now we have redbox that are a buck a day that you can pick up anywhere and returned anywhere, then you got netflix which for 9.99 you get to rent movies that come straight to your house and the changes of getting a new release is just about the same as going to the store, then you also have the streaming stuff that you can get from netflix an a few other places on the web. so there is no loss of places to get something to watch with all of this the mom and pop store is dieing and going out of bussness, the only thing left for the mom and pop store has left in a town to rent it the adult film, because I have not found a good site or a mail order stuff that rents the big people movies, becuase netflix dosen't do it which is fine with I mean, as much as I am all for the adult industrey place do not have to rent or sell there stuff, it's just nice to have something around where you can get it to rent, but a little more classy and a lot more light they are always blackout hole in the walls becuase of what the cover has on it, but hey that is something to be worked out, another thing to be dealt with is the price of big people movies. On advarge you can buy a reguler movie for 20bucks for dvd and 30for blu-ray where a adlut movie with coast you anywhere from 49.99 to 90.00buck which is insane if you ask me but then again what is where reguler movies started out at, but it can be the life of a mom and pop place if they want to try and stay in bussness in these times, that with a cheap reguler rental of old film at are hard to find could bring things back to life for them. Yoou just need to know what you have and what people want to.

Ok so today was the release date for a few new movies and that big one of the day is Iron man 2. Now I have already run a little review on this film when I say it at the theater. I don't remember that review to tell the truth, but I do remember I thought over all it was a good flix and I was really really really disappointed in the fact they cut a few sceens that you get in the trailer. For one Tony Starks assistant kiss his helmet and then throw it out the back of the plane. The other thing I remember being very disappointed in was the fact AC/DC did not do the sound track for the film almost none of there music was in the film yet they do all the music that is on the soundtrack you buy in the store. so where is the problem I hate when they do things like this, but any way. I was going to buy it today but I thought better of it this week and I think I'll get it next week I want to rent it again, I was goting to get first things this morning from a redbox rental place, but then I remeber I had it on the top of my list for netflix and I thought I shoould check to see if I get it from them first and the answer to that is yes it should be here tomorrow which is cool . I figured if it didn't I would run back to the redbox and get it from them and then take it off my list for netflix, but I can wait the day and get it in the mail tomorrow, and then maybe buy it on monday of next week before the sale of free stuff goes away and yes I'll pay the big money and get the triple pack Blu-ray/DVD/and diggy download. Which I like becuse I get the same film three ways and don't feel that ripped off because I do get three versions of the film one I can take anywhere and then one I can watch anywhere in my room of the house. there you go, Now like anything else this movie has taken over the day so I have no idea what else came out today because it is the big summer movie that is here and they try and make that the film for the week as much a possable like they do when a film hit's the theater they want that film to be the one you go and see when it first comes out. You don't want someone else on you release date ever because it will hurt the bottom line, just ask any Director or production company.
So you have to see the film but remember you have to stay and wait out the credits because there is a peace after the them which you get a small preview of the next film that is to come out of Marvil Thor, but really it's not worth the wait but do it anyway just to see it. The one at the end of the first Iron man movies is a little better but you think they forgot all about that price when they made the flik because they act like it never happened, but hey that is the movies and in sometimes T.V. they for get things that has happend in the pass, but that is what yoou get when you have two diffrent writes or people just not thinking when they do something I know I do try and keep things together when I'm writing out these crazy storys for you this year that we are just a little half way through, so well see what we get..
You shall not pass
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