The fair and faries..
So as you can see no story todaybecause I spent the day at the state's big fair and didn't have anytime to prep anything for you I was out running around in a crowd of big people looking at stuff that we you can find mostly on the internet or in small in the back water stores, but in this case there wasn't much of that it was more of the sales stuff like AC or gutters and ladders, there wasn't much to it I mean even the livestock stuff was a disappointment. the only thing of any real intrest was the mid-way and I don't care for that stuff really because I don't enjoy mid-way games because I'm not that good at them so I see them as a weast of money. even when I was a kid I liked to look at the new toys that came out and those are far and few anymore these days with the power of the infro commecal the need for fair displace have become far and few and then there is the internet odering which only helps with the lack of need for a fair booth which is kid of disappointing because that is where most people can come and see something for the first time and how it works. now they don't need that which I find sad because that is where I go see some of this stuff and maybe buy it and over the years that stuff has fallen a lot and given way to things like gutter gurd and window installers and reroofers. I walked aroudn the whole fair and only came across one stand that was small that was selling the Pillow Pets. Which are to the real ones because the tag on them says My pillow pet and the one you see in the store are called just Pillow pets. The ones in the store are knock offs, but you know who care they are really the same thing trust me my house had three Pillow pet and one my pillow pet and they feel look and do the same thing and I looked over them with a good eye. just not to close because I don't really care that much they look cool and a great to play with. and trust me I have been playing with them of late.
And now the Fairies...
So disney is starting to make bank of one of it most famouis people or should be say fairies Tinker bell. She has just come out with her third movie. The first is that of her origon the second was a teasure adventer and now a third which is a great rescue. It is nice to see something that is good for little kids and for the girls that is not a princess, because not all the women in there movies are princess and only a few are real princess most are by marriage. the only real ones that I can thinnk of off the top of my head are the great SNOW WHITE and Aroura. The others like Belle and I had to say it Cindrella are not real princess because they marry into it where ther other two are born that what oh yeah and you have the gross Aeral. I don't care for her that much but she is a real princess as well just of the sea, but fairies are a great thing in which disney can make money on and I'll be happy yeah it kind of sad that most of the money makes are way after Walts death and now with Roy dead you know the company is going to go in a complety diffrent way so with the creation of a complete fairy world they can run and do many things and even give you a better look at they way Tink brought Pan to never land and what she was doing during and before that time. You might even say if they get a good enough intrest becauseof the movies they might make a T.V. show out of it, which is something just for the girls they make things for both boys and girls and yeah a tinker belle seirs would be more for girls but with clank and bobble you do have something for the boys to watch and is of couse more comic relif. works nice and if they set it at the right time in the afternoon for when kids get home from school they could have a really big hit on there hand of couse for me if they set it just before Phineas and Freb then I would have the hour of a life time in the afternoon to kick back and watch T.V. with my kids so keep your eyes out for it or they can just keep making movies one a year or so would be cool. because after w while I will get really tired of only the three Tink movies trust me right now I'm just happy to have a third Tinker Bell movie, because even with a Lilo and Stitch T.V. show I am tired of watch Lilo and Stitch and at first I didn't think I was going to like Stitch, but in the end I think he is really cool. but when it comes to faires there is no one better then Tinker Bell. She may not have been the first but she is I think the coolest one.
You shall not pass
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