Tuesday, September 14, 2010

where to go from here

Need to find a new news site..
You know I really need to find a better news site then the Yahoo home page because it just full of stupied crap. I mean do we really need to know what the hair styles for the fall are going to be this fall in hollywood. to me it's the thing you have on your head an wear the way you want don't have to wear it the same way that some stupied person in hollywood who you'll never meet in your life time and if you do remember to take a picture because you both have the same hair do. WE all know that it's going to be one of those moments in your life that you want. You have the same hair do as some crazy ass person in hollywood and you finally get to meet them. so you better get a picture and put it on some web site where everyone in the world can see it.
Lets change the Name..
Ok here is something new and a product we might not beable to find in the future. Corn syrup is trying to leave the shelf and we are going to be getting a much sweeter sounding product Corn suger. It might even been the same stuff they just want a sweeter name so they can sell more because the name is a little more sweeter name and can sound better. They want to see that they are going to take over for suger in a few places to cook or back with, but does it work as a suger replacment for thing like cooks and cakes or anything at all. This could be a get new use for corn syrup, but then again it could go the same way as the eithal/corn car went straight down the tube and you that car dies more on the fact I could never find a gas station to fill the bloody thing other wise I would have really thought about buying on.
You know I think alteritve fuel cars are cool, but you know you can never find a gas station to fill the bloody thing. The Biofuel car is really something that you could do at home. You just need to get some used cooking oil form someplace like KFC or Buger king and drop it staright in the tank of the car. Now I know there is a little bit of refining to it, but watch mythbusters you can almost drop it in and go that is what you see in the show they did on biofuel. buy so cooking oil and put in the car and start driving and it worked they where able to drive around a race track for a at least an hour. Now that might be the type of engien they had but I tell you I can't find a bio fuel station anywhere in the state of washington and they have to have at least one because a few of the bus's they have here are running on bio fuel and I jusr have never seen them so if you want to do something like that you need to make sure that you can refuel the damn thing because that will kill it faster then anything else not production not sales, not even the lack of cars themself it's the ablity to put fuel in the bloody thing no ethanal stations around no way I can put gas in the car I don't want to buy one. so in some case the Auto dealer need to also be a fuel station for it and build a few others in the city because yeah I want to buy this car but if I can't put gas in it I sure as hell don't want one and then there is the convenance of putting gas in it. If I have to drive across the city to fuel up every time weasting a 1/4 of a gallon then it's not worth it because I have to weast money to try and save money on a car they is to be envermont friendly. which sucks in the first place i don't know about you I don't like to drive 10miles to put gas in my car when I have a good reguler stastion down the street that is less then a mile away. You know the upgrades to add in bio-fuel and ethanal pumps and you olny need one at this moment in time might be worth it, but the time and energy and money just might not be there. You have to close out two pumps for replacment digg up more then half the parking lot to drop in the tanks and then cover it and set it all up and then add on the new signs you need for both the bio-fuel and ethanil next to the reguler gas signs. So you can see the coast which is not cheap for them to do, so why do it there isn't any really good return on it. Now when a new gas station is put in or has to remodle it's old tanks/pump they should be requarded to add in at least one of each that why even if they are not making money in the beginning it can be a growing market and as a bussness you could bet an tax brake of somekind by the epa fuel emtions law on the reset and then on how many gallons they sell preyear for the first 10years make it a little bit more of a insentive for other palce to change over and get the cars out there. which is what everyone wants isn't it.
You shall not pass

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