Oh what to do....
So for all of you parents the summer vactions is almost over and your kids are going to be heading back to school. Tomorrow is the open house where you get to drop of the stuff that the school has asked you to bring in. Now I know when I went to school my parents never had to take stuff to school for me. Now are we not funding are school enough where the parents have to supple thing for are kids and other kids to go to school. I mean isn't that what PTA and other fund raisers which we have to work on throught out the years that every year we have to buy things like cryons and pencils for them to go to school. I don't know what a teacher makes so I can't say if we are over paying them right now or not, but at the same time I know they do a lot more then work the eight hours they work at school they have to take home any home work that they assign and have to grade that on there own time, but then if we are paying teacher what they should have witch I pretty sure we are then we must be paying someone one where way to much because the schools aren't getting enough money, you know I would like to take any books for the city town state or even the country for that matter to a everyday book keeper and see what they can make of it because I bet you that they could find hundreds of way to save money on all kind of things and not jsut getting money back from those countrys and people that own us money. I mean yeah be brough and we lend money all the time but I think we need to start cashing in on some of the loans we have out there, because if parents have to but things like paper and pencils for there kids to go to school then I think something is as little a miss. I need to bring those things to school, but never have I had to bring a compets book or give paper and pincels to the class room. I was sent to school with those thing in my backpack to take notes and do my homework on. None of it went to s class fund where everyone got to use it, but then that was a while ago I have learned that many things on the school and even the Cub/Boy scouts have changed. When I was a cub scout we had Bobcat, Wolf, Bear Weblos and now they have Tigers, Bobcat, Wol, Bear, Weblos 1 and weblos 2, before heading in to the big boys of Boyscouts where everything get really fun..
The BOYscout's bullshit....
back in 2006 Penn & Teller where in there 4th year of there show on showtime called bullshit and there first episode that year was on the Boyscout of america and how it was nothing more then Bullshit. Well now as I disagree with they guys because I see where the BOYscouts have many many possitve point they bring to lite many of the negiavte point that are the BOYscout and to some point that is the point of there show. To bring forth the darkside of thing no matter what that is I mean they take on everything like the death penatly (which I'm all for. live at midnight tonight) to the vadtucin. Nothing is off limits to them and everytime they give the other side a chance to respond now of course they edit it the way they want too, but they still get a chance to responf. Now the BSA never responded to Penn & teller, but they did have a few Eagle scout's (that is the highest ranks scout) respond independly. Now what the BOYscouts and CUBscouts allow and don't alloware most likly two diffrent thing and you have to remember that both scouting adventues help kids in many diffrent ways and I would like to think for they better much like many of the other youth programs that are avable to them it's just a matter of getting your kids into them and I thing the Boyscout is one of the olderst ones other there and as much as things have changed in it, many of the things that make the boyscouts are still there and do a lot to help kids and boys become better people like many other kids program aim to and they have just been around trying to do it for more then 100years now..
Because yeah in everything ther is a little Bullshit, and we need to know about it you just don't have to agree with it.
You shall not pass
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