The week begins..
Ok so it's monday and it's hot as hell with the huminty way up I mean it's got to be a good 90% which makes it hotter and sweater. I hate it one of the reason why I moved north was to get away from the huminty and the heat. I like it cool and I like the rain that is why I'm here or cousre I would rather be in Alaska, but if I can't be there am one who really piss me off that is where I send them and if you think I'm kinding it took me a year and half and sent on of my former manager there and he has no idea how he got there so he doesn't know what to make of it, but any way that is beside the point. It's the beinging of the week and everything is getting reaved up and the things are really start to get moving beside the head. You know it was a bit of a bussy weekend for me. Went to the states biggest fair which was a disappointment and then on sunday I wasn't really home doing so running around and then today the week begins and the stuff that i normal do has all started and I can't find my phone let alone find out what the bloody thing does You know these crazy smart phones that you have to have any more these days...
I think I have gone over this once before but the I-pad is not that great of a thing I keep seeing it getting pushed on the tub or even the apple store and tunes itself but you know the only thing it got over my I-pod is the bigger screen otheer then that my pod is a lot better it hold a butt load more then a pad can even thing of. Hell my wifes pod can hold twice as much as any give I pad and with her smart phone she doesn't even need to think of get a pad I thought it would have been intresting thing to get but when I found out the biggest on is on 64gig I had to go what. You bring out a need product that doesn't even hold half of what most people have with a standered pod. I mean I don't even look at the touch for the same reason. The pod is so much earier to use and you don't make as many mistakes. Part of my phone is a touch screen and I make so many mistakes because I can't hit the right bloody button and with the touch it would be a a hell of a lot worest. So you know they need up grade the pad to something I can work with I mean I almost got a 1tara drive full of music and video so something like a 64gig pad would do me little to no good. Hell just in music I have all most 200 gigs and I know in movies I have over 258gigs so just think of what the T.V. file must be like and I know I haven't finshed loading everything so You know if you want me to get a pad so I can have a bigger screen your going to need to make it at least a 200gig which would be almost prefect to me and yeah then I'll think about get a few app's for it, but then again I have a smart phone that I have no idea how to use. Hell my kids know how to use my phone better then I do...
The Kindle...
you know I say the cammercail for the Kindle the other day where the lady is reading in in direct sun light and the person next to them is trying to read there pad and can't and asked how can you read that and they say it's a Kindle. Well guess what. That is so true I can always read my kindle no matter what the light in the room is. So for get the pad for your reading it's not ment for that, and I just learned (I knew about, but learned) How to send a file to amazon and they will sent it back to me in a file that I can put on to the Kindle to read. So look at this way I can take your weekedn story upload it to amazon and then send it back to myself to put on my kindle to read it over and make note as I go to make it better, should be fun I just need to start to do it. Something that the Pad doesn't have. I think they have an app for that I know there is one for my smart phone but I don't use it right now becuase I have no idea how to use my phone and I have had this crazy thing for a while. Now the Kindle on the other hand I have had for a few years now and I use that thing more then I know I mean I have to have one of the first gen's on the things. I may just be finding a few of the things that I can really do like play music well I read, but it's great and I saw over the weekend that You can finaly buy the thing at Target. Not one of my favorte store just because there coustomer service sucks and there managent is horrable, I have seen manager yell at there staff right on the floor, but at least you can find it at a store near you and you don't have to wait the two weeks to get it from the warehouse up in seattle hopfully it gets a much larger and store name, becaue target like I said does suck, but go get your Kindle and tell the pad to stick it untill it become a lot bigger to hold stuff, becaue yeah the Kindle may not be that big, but it there to hold books and lot's of book and you can add an SD card to it with MP3's on it to listen to music hell you got something a hell of a lot better then some Stupied I-pad that doesn't work in the sunlight anyway...
You shall not pass
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