Let the fight begin..
The woman in the white cloak had on a complete white outfit on underneath the cloak. She reached over her shoulder and pulled forth the Tri-sword “No I’ll give you a chance to defend yourself, but just remember one of us dies today.”
“Which is a bite of a bummer constituting we just found one another? I said disapprovingly and started to remove my jacket “but if you want it that way. I’m not sure we should have our son hanging on the wall for this. He could get in the way.” I let my jacket fall to the ground. For some strange reason I had my shoulder holster still on and you could see the butt end of my two guns clear as day. The sword I had made was well visible over my right shoulder and I stood there and waited for her answer.
“I care not for what happens to your son. Let him hang.” She said sounding madder every time I said Warrior was out son and swung the Tri-sword I her hands up in to a ready position. The sword look accord in her hands, but she handled it as if the sword was nothing more then an extension of her arm. I haven’t seen anyone handle the Tri-sword like that but myself. Not even Warrior who had the sword for many of years had mastered it and here it was in the hands of another that could use it as well as I could. I was none then the less impressed.
I drew my sword and stood at the ready ‘Very well.” I was going to wait for her to make the first move. This was the last thing I ever want to do in my life, to fight this woman in hand to hand combat where the loser lost there life. ‘Then OUR son while hang there and watch his parents fight it out.” I knotted my head in dissatisfaction “Not what I ever wanted, but ok. “
The woman in white swung the Tri-sword around her back and twirled it in front of her and then brought it out to an attack position ‘But I think we need so music for this fight. We’ll do it the old fashion way.” She slowly started to back away from and the light in the room started to dim.
“Warrior looked over at Blaze and said in a not to cheery tone of voice ‘This could take a long time.” He looked at me “If she is planning on what I think she is planning.”
I looked over at Warrior still hanging on the wall as the room grew darker “Look at it this way you’ll be off the wall.” I looked over to Blaze “and a lot more comfortable.” They started to fade in to the blackness that was starting to take over the room. A spot light started to come up on me and the lady in white ‘Oh man and I in trouble here.”
“Yeah this could take a few hours.” Warriors voice said from the blackness all around me.”
“Hours hell...” I said “This could take days.” I swung my sword up into a defense position readying myself for the fight that was about to start “do you have any idea how long it’s been since I have done a concert fight.” I took a few deep breaths and exhaled slowly each time. I knew this was going to be a really long and tiring fight. I looked around to check and get a center point of things that where around, but I couldn’t see anything beyond the blackness around me and the lady in white standing in her own spot light. This was going to be a long fight.
“I get to play the piano for rain” The woman in white said from her own spot light. She was now on the far side of what I could only say was the room. Everything around the two of us had gone completely black except for the two spot lights we where in. She turned to face what I could only presume was the wall “and we’ll be doing this in the round.”
I spun around with my arm straight out to try and get in a little stretching “you are trying to kill me.” I said “and how many duets?”
“There are a few.” She waved her hand throw the air and a computerized stereo appeared “and to make this even more pleasurable for me you are going to have no idea what the order the songs are going to be in.”
‘Well I knew that, but do I at least get a time frame as to where to even start.” I looked down at the floor and watched as it changed from the white marble to steel grading “So much for running up the wall.” I sighed “and that of themes?”
“Oh themes are a good part of this.” She glared back at me “and we’ll go through all of time. Your passion for music and need to have it in almost everything you did makes this that much more fun.” She waved her hand one more time and a keyboard appeared floating in space. She started typing away on it and occasionally looked up at me “Oh I have waited to long for this.”
I counted to stretch out to loosen myself up as best as possible, because for what was about to start was something completely amazing and more impossible then anyone could ever believe “What I wouldn’t do to have a connection to C.O.A.L. right about now.” The Lady in white looked up from her typing and smiled an evil smile.
“She jabbed a finger down on the keyboard “But I while be nice and give you a warm up.” The keyboard and stereo faded away “I’ll even be nice and tell you what it is.” She held the Tri-sword up in front of her face and spook through the blades “Let’s do it, Cole Porter.” the spot light on her faded out.
“Great like it remember that.” II turned around “Well here we go.” And my light faded out.
Warrior’s voice came out of the darkness “Break a leg.”
Ok so who see's that these to need som serious help in there lives. I just wish I knew the whole story here, but you know as you make stuff up over the years you kind of lose track of where you where going and wheere you have been in this case I lost track of both, but you know when it all comes to gether and a few things are cleaned up I think it should make one hell of an unfished book that no one will read byond what I have put up her, so enjoy.
You shall not pass
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